Sunday 26 April 2020

whats the difference in a authentic Guard Card(for security guard)?

Tommy Durrenberger: An authentic guard card? or a security license, at least in California there are two, the security registration, otheriwse know as the guard card, or the proprietary security officer registration. On the most simplist terms,you need a guard card if you want to work as a security guard for a security company with contracts. You need a proprietary security officer registartion if you intend to work solely for one provider and you are on theri payroll as an employee. Example is like if you work security for a shopping mall or any site, you willl need a guard card because you are working for a security company. Lets say you friend owns a store and wants you to be the store security guard, then you will need the proprietary security officer registartion because you are soley working for that one person and not as part of a security company. I believe, although i might be wrong, that if you have a guard card, you don't need the proprietary security officer r! egistration because thatstrumps it....Show more

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