Sunday 19 April 2020

can I afford a 1 bedroom apartment?  

can I afford a 1 bedroom apartment?  

answers 0:I just started working at the airport making 9.85 an hr and I get paid every week could I afford to pay 550 every month? I live with my sister now and she wants me outanswers 1:Call a loan officer and check into it. My advice is to go into it fully aware of all monthly expenses and make a budget and follow it. It's your life, who are these people telling you that you are too young? I bought my first place at the same age you are. A $30,000 loan isn't that big of deal, you never know if you can qualify if you don't try.Good luck.answers 2:You can be evicted for failing to vacate. That is reason enough. You are entitled to a 30 day notice.They do not want to be your roommate and you can't force them to be anymore.answers 3:Try https://tr.im/gx1rKanswers 4:i did have an inspection done. But they had brand new contact paper lining the cupboards.answers 5:Go back and rea! d the Sellers Disclosure Statement and see if there is anything that states whether there were problems with anything or not. A lot of the time the boxes are checked (which is too easy not to verify) but sometimes writing additional comments is found,Go back to your agent and have him/her request that the other agent speak with the seller and ask him if he knew about anything that could come up or come back to haunt him. Most sellers will talk once the transaction is done so this will be easy to find out. Agents tell agents a few things after the transaction if they ask (know fact). If your agent finds out the truth,then you can ask that the seller pay for half of the bill when you come to have the mold removed. Other than that, you may have to go to court to get him to pay for the whole removal process....answers 6:You can only genuinely afford $550/month if your take-home pay each week is at least $550. You must earn at least 3x monthly rent, or $1650/month earnings.! Try taking that kind of rent out, along with mandatory healt! h insurance, food, work expenses like transportation, and you are too-o-o-o you-knowed. Even if you work a full 40-hour week, it's beyond your budget.answers 7:That should give you a gross pay of around 1575 a month. Then you have deductions. When you rent you'll also have utilities. If you can budget well, and live on a very tight budget, you could swing it. If 550 is for a 1 bedroom, why not start out with a studio apartment and see how you make out financially?answers 8:Why wasn't an inspection done before you bought?they would have to have prior knowledge.So you would have to prove they had prior knowledge.So Just get the mold taken care of ASAP....answers 9:no you will be breaking your back just to stay still. pay her moreanswers 10:In most states, unless you're married, you must be 21 to contract for a condo.realtor.sailoranswers 11:Your sister needs to evict you properly, she need to give 30 days to start with. 1/3 of your income for rent.answers 12:If you live on a! tight budget, and like Ramen noodles, you could barely get by. You'll be getting maybe around $1000 a month take home pay (after subtracting taxes, medical/dental insurance, and what ever else may be taken out). So your rent will be about 1/2 of what you get paid. The other half, you will have to pay for food, electricity and gas, maybe water, sewage, and trash, toiletry items, cleaning supplies, transportation costs (gas, insurance, and maintenance if you own a car, buss/taxi fare if you don't), If you live in a cold weather climate, the electric/gas bill is going to be higher in the winter. And air conditioner use will cost you in electric bill also in the summer. You could pay $150 a month (or more) during the worse months. Food will cost you a couple hundred dollars a month if you go cheap (as stated, lots of Ramen noodles) and don't expect to eat out. Even if you only go $5 a day for food, that's $150 a month. Then you have toiletries, cleaning supplies and other vari! ous sundries. Gas, insurance, and maintenance will vary depending on ma! ny factors (type of car, gas mileage it gets, how far you drive, driving record, condition of car, etc.). Ball park figure, maybe $100 a month for auto insurance, and maybe another $100 a month for gas if you don't go driving around a lot. And of course, if your car breaks down, you have to pay to get it fixed.So you can see how the cost of living on your own can really add up. And this is all assuming you have dishes, you have furniture, and does not account for any extra luxury items, like a TV, cable/satellite programming, Internet access, or even a cell phone....answers 13:if your lease is up then you all can get thrown out if the landlord doesn't want to renew. however if he does and all of you (including you) signed the lease and he says he wants to renew the lease then you have an argument with your roommates. The landlord )once the lease is up) can refuse to let you live there and really doesn't "owe" you any real explanation.example: I do not have a lease, we are ! month to month. The tenants downstairs are his kids and they heard us talking about looking for a bigger place.... technically our landlord can ask us to leave in 30-60 days just for that and we would have to move. Is he going to... IDK but we will see....answers 14:I recommend one to visit this internet site where you can get quotes from different companies: http://insurecheap.us/index.html?src=2YAbalNb5o9aRE :Can I afford a 1 bedroom apartment?I just started working at the airport making 9.85 an hr and I get paid every week could I afford to pay 550 every month? I live with my sister now and she wants me outFollow 17 answers...

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