Monday 3 August 2020

what is a diet???????????

Jules Ashbach: Well, the definition of 'diet' Is the usual food and drink of a person or animal.But, in america, We consider dieting, cutting back on junk food and trying to eat healthier. To help our body so we dont have problems when we grow up like heart and stuff.

Mahalia Brindle: when you die something like your hair and when someone says diet, they mean dye ur hair a different color

Raye Tredennick: What you eat. A lot of people seem to think of 'diet' as a weight-loss diet. When really, every living creature on this planet is on a diet. If you have cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and fries and chicken for supper, then that's your diet.

Woodrow Neyman: An excuse to take a break off of the junk food for a while, and is consisted of shitty low carb foods that really don't work[;Excercise, make it fun [yoga,sports] and make sure to have your daily servings of vegetables and fruits!...Show more

Bell Pasco: The word diet has 2 meanings! 1) what you consume on a daily basis2) a calorie constricted version of what you consume on a daily basis.

Barton Slisz: you eat alotttt!!! and get super fat

Doreatha Kjellsen: To consume more energy, than obtained from eating.

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