Thursday 6 August 2020

What are technical (medical) terms for heart, kidney, lung diseases? i.e cardiology diseases etc.?

Bethanie Menden: I couldn't just sit around and do nothing like my doctors suggested. They didn't want me to do anything or to take herbs or herbal remedies, but I had to try something - they just wanted me to do dialysis! This program allowed me to take control of my health. I went from Stage 4 to Stage 3 kidney disease. It was easy to do and my BUN, creatinine and anemia are all in better ranges.Reversing Your Kidney Disease?...Show more

Renato Abatiell: Heart diseases:- * Alcoholic cardiomyopathy * Aortic regurgitation * Aortic stenosis * Arrhythmias * Cardiogenic shock * Congenital heart disease * Coronary artery disease (CAD)Dilated cardiomyopathy * Endocarditis * Heart attack (myocardial infarction) * Heart failure * Heart tumor * Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy * Idiopathic cardiomyopathy * Ischemic cardiomyopathy * Acute mitral regurgitation * Chronic mitral regurgitation * Mitral stenosis * Mitral valve prol! apse * Peripartum cardiomyopathy * Pulmonary stenosis * Stable angina * Unstable angina * Tricuspid regurgitation Kidney diseases:-# Acute kidney failure# Acute nephritic syndrome# Analgesic nephropathy# Atheroembolic renal disease# Chronic kidney failure# Chronic nephritis# Congenital nephrotic syndrome# End-stage renal disease# Goodpasture's syndrome# Interstitial nephritis# Kidney cancer# Kidney damage# Kidney infection# Kidney injury# Kidney stones# Lupus nephritis# Membranoproliferative GN I# Membranoproliferative GN II# Membranous nephropathy# Minimal change disease# Necrotizing glomerulonephritis# Nephroblastoma# Nephrocalcinosis# Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus# Nephropathy - IgA# Nephrosis (nephrotic syndrome)# Polycystic kidney disease# Post-streptococcal GN# Reflux nephropathy# Renal artery embolism# Renal artery stenosis# Renal disorders# Renal papillary necrosis# Renal tubular acidosis type I# Renal tubular acidosis type II# Renal underperfusion! # Renal vein thrombosisMajor lung diseases include: * Asthm! a * Chronic bronchitis * COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) * Emphysema * Interstitial lung disease * Pulmonary fibrosis * SarcoidosisOther lung diseases include: * Asbestosis * Aspergilloma * Aspergillosis * Aspergillosis - acute invasive * Atelectasis * Eosinophilic pneumonia * Lung cancer * Metastatic lung cancer * Necrotizing pneumonia * Pleural effusion * Pneumoconiosis * Pneumocystosis * Pneumonia * Pneumonia in immunodeficient patient * Pneumothorax * Pulmonary actinomycosis * Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis * Pulmonary anthrax * Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation * Pulmonary edema * Pulmonary embolus * Pulmonary histiocytosis X (eosinophilic granuloma) * Pulmonary hypertension * Pulmonary nocardiosis * Pulmonary tuberculosis * Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease * Rheumatoid lung diseasePlease also see the web pages for more details on Heart, Kidney and Lung re! sources and Hematology....Show more

Lucrecia Laurito: With the newer types of insulin these days, diabetic diets aren't necessarily as restrictive as they used to be. Read here https://tr.im/p666E As with any medicine or diet change, you should discuss it with your doctor. Fruits, both fresh and dried, have a natural sugar in them that will raise blood sugar levels, so be careful about eating too much. Not sure about the nuts. Moderation is always the key. I've been diabetic for 18 years and just recently changed insulin types. I love it because it gives me more freedom in when and what I eat....Show more

Jeannine Vassie: thanks.and blood disease: hematological or hematology disease?

Norine Lomonte: 3

Janeen Perona: heart disease = cardiac diseasekidney disease = renal disease (although kidney doctors are called nephrologists - and there is a specific condition called nephrotic syndrome, the generic term is renal disease)lung disease = pulmonary dise! ase

Hyman Coren: 1

Lewis Ranft: That depends on the disease! .But the study of these diseases is:Heart : CardiologyKidney: NephrologyLungs: Pneomonology (in the US), or simply respiratory medicine (in Aus).Basically all organs and systems have a name for their study, but diseases change eg Cardiolgy may involve the study of the healthy heart or diseases like: cardiomyopathy, hypertension, conduction disorders, coronary artery disease etc etc etc...Show more

Misty Vagle: 2

Georgianna Zollo: cardiovascular is for both lungs and heart... anything to do with circulation and oxygenation of blood.heart is simply cardiological, as you have already mentioned.kidney is nephrotic.lungs are pulmonary....Show more

Blythe Noreiga: nephrotic, urology, pulmonary,

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