Tuesday 25 August 2020

dirt in watergarden?

Coleman Senn: No, and no. leave it. There is virtually no maintenance in water gardens. I have 2, and have had them for 5 years. I only run a fountain for aeration. I have comets, plants and bullfrogs

Michel Mccaulley: Ponds and water gardens are a pain. I've had several ponds and several water gardens. Every year I threaten to fill them in a plant flowers. It seem's like all I do is clean them. Last year two huge Blue Herons dropped in for dinner while I was at Wal-Mart, they ate 85 of my coi and goldfish. This year I didn't put any in. Your going to have sand and algae, weeds, garbage floating in, wind blowing things in. You can't win. All you can do is keep cleaning it. You'll get a bio system started that looks like heck but, that's mother nature, leave it. Try to go with the flow....Show more

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