Wednesday 15 July 2020

VEGAN!!!!!!!! please answer this question!!!!!!?

Dorine Nurre: that is sorta weird. if it doesn't pass soon i think you should consult with your doctor, but i doubt it has anything to do with going vegan. and honestly don't you meat eaters have anything better to do than to bother us vegans.

Nadia Crauswell: I have a crazy idea.. go talk with your physician..For the best answers, search on this site https://smarturl.im/aDERu

Cedric Grimstead: 1.) many things just not anything that contains animal products (no meat, eggs, dairy, honey) 2) no 3) i think so 4) Follow your heart/mind (Ai ai captain!) welcome :)http://www.nutrispeak.com/veganfoodguide.htmhttp://www.vegansociety.com/html/food/...Show more

Corrinne Ruozzo: No. I'm a vegetarian but I don't agree with PETA's tactics. They just scare people into becoming vegetarian and are no better than the people who force meat into vegetarians faces.

Rickey Vrieze: I became a vegan about three weeks ago (after 9 years of being an ovo-lacto vegetarian. ! Just this week, I've started having sharp stomach pangs (and I'm not hungry, I'm being very healthy with fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc) and nausea that don't feel like cramps at all (though I am on my period)... Do you think this cam be related to my becoming vegan? I'm not taking vitamin supplements besides an occasional vitamin C....

Warren Kotter: What do you buy? - Fruits, vegetables, whole grains. You can buy lots of things. There are also fake meats, like Veggie burgers, Soy cheese (but watch the ingredients, some contain dairy products in it). The possibilities are endless in terms of what you can buy.I wouldn't say it it hard to be a vegan. You just need to make sure what you are putting in your mouth. So, reading labels is important. I guess one of the struggles is having others accept that you are vegan - that can be hard. So, I guess you should brush up on the reasons why you are deciding to be vegan so that when people question you, you have an answer. ! I think that would be the hardest part of being vegan. I am no! t a vegan as of yet though.I wouldn't say vegans are healthier than vegetarians. You see, it all depends on what you eat. So, you cannot necessarily say that all vegetarians are healthier than meat eaters, because what happens if a vegetarian is just eating crackers, cereal and potato chips all day - they are a vegetarian, in that they aren't eatin meat, but are they making the healthiest choices? Evidently not. So, it just comes down to what you eat. But by eating more vegetables and fruits, that is always healthy.I think it your personal choice if you go vegan. If you are against companies testing on animals, and you understand that it can be seen as unethical for humans to kill animals for the premise of food when we are able to obtain our nutrients from other sources, then by all means go vegan. But please do not go vegan for the fact that others may be going vegan or you may find it cool. Going vegan is about doing what you feel is right, not about following others wit! h the latest fads....Show more

Lourie Mcroberts: Your body is NOT in starvation mode. *rolls eyes*Maybe you are just stressed over something? Stress can cause a variety of nasty things to happen to your body. Stress can cause cramping. Diet wise, I don't think vitamin C supplementation is necessary if you are eating lots of fruit and veg.Try to be gentle with your body, don't do too much strenuous exercise, and if you are stressed, try relaxing in a nice bubble bath. Some herbal teas may worsen cramps, but green tea should help. I would strongly recommend seeing a doctor if this continues.Best wishes to you, I hope you feel better soon. :)...Show more

Collin Barter: I fill up on raw carrots at least once a day. Grapes are also very good.

Indira Wassell: well you should eat a pomegranate or the inside is the best It shows that it helps with the stomach and relaxes it Maybe you can eat some more protein in your vegan diet you can have apples and peanut butt! er and all sorts of stuff

Sharolyn Claybourn: Hi- I'm going raw f! or a week starting tommorow and am a little paranoid. I love eating raw but on occasion especially after a long workout I'm famished and well what do I do then?Currently when eating raw I eat avos plain, coconuts, salads, fruit, nuts and fruit. I don't really have any food recipes. Thats what I need please- some easy, filling recipes. Thanks SO much :)

Lucille Saetteurn: No -I'm not, never heard of it before...so I am on my way to check it out....

Clifford Riggleman: YES! PETA2 rules!I know I'm only twelve, I signed up when I was 10 though you're supposed to be 13. My username there is rottincherrie as it is here. I sent in a letter of confession a couple months ago and the person who replied to me said it was okay, I could stay, that PETA needs animal lovers like me--something like that. So I ordered a book, Animal Experimentation, and the set of posters. I have no idea how many points I have; I am not allowed to use PETA anymore, my dad says I've been "brainwa! shed" by them. :(...Show more

Elli Esaw: A great book to read is "Becoming Vegan". You can get it on amazon. It answers a lot of questions. I just went vegan a year ago and it was so much easier then I thought. In the beginning its a little frustrating just because you realize that so many things have milk, eggs, honey. etc. But when you find your substitutions then its super easy. I do feel healthier not eating dairy as well. But if you go vegan do it for ethical reasons not health reasons. Did you become a vegetarian for health reasons or because you didn't like the way the animals were being treated? I would read up on vegan ism first to educate yourself. There are also tons of amazing vegan cookbooks that are not complicated. And don't think you can't give up cheese. I used to loveeeee cheese and now it actually grosses me out. Your taste buds will change after a bit. And its really not hard to substitutes the eggs and milk in most recipes. After a while you will ! be amazed at all you can make and eat!! Good luck!...Show more

Sa! bra Roers: I made a fresh jicama salad/slaw the other day that was great. Refershing and light, but also tasty and crunchy.I make things to taste so can't tell you the amounts, but the ingredients wereJicama (sliced into matchsticks)Carrots (likewise)cilantro (finely chopped)apple (chunked)red onion (finely sliced)avocado (shunked)I added a lime vinegarette to this, although I don't know if that fits into the raw idea....Show more

Daria Verfaillie: i' m really sorry but i dont really know what i do is just say sorry to what im eating and then eat it. it doesnt make me feel bad because i know they are in a better place

Russel Gajate: i would recomend staying veggie until your about 18, because it could be unhealthy to become vegan when your body it maturing as it needs all the protein ect. it can get!But if you really want to, talk to your doctor about the best way for you to get the vitamins you need.

Jose Calaycay: I don't wear leather. I don't like it be! cause i am an animal lover, but I wouldn't be upset if someone I knew wore it. After all, it's their decision. I do think what people do is VERY cruel. The only time I EVER use leather is when I ride my horse, but i don't have much of a choice for that. I try to ride bareback as much as possible, bit sometimes I do have to use a saddle. Also, to the person who asked, a vegetarian is someone who doesn't eat meat, and a vegan is someone who doesn't eat any meat OR dairy....Show more

Bruce Calise: It depends what kind of vegan you want to become. If you want to become a wannabe vegan like we have on YA, then it's pretty easy. You just trade a lot of recipes, rant about animal cruelty, worry about what supplements to take, etc.If you want to be a true vegan, well it takes a bit of effort, but once you learn the wisdom of true vegans, you will experience a serenity in your life that you will never experience in any other way.So why don't you do some research first. Rem! ember that true vegans have a reverence for ALL life and see the connec! tions between every living thing. You will also need to learn about how the body get's it's nutrients and how to balance meals and maybe how to grow your own food. But first you have to decide what kind of vegan you will be ... a "wannabe" or do you have the commitment and courage and intelligence to be a true vegan?...Show more

Dick Ovdenk: Great trick to be filled & added health bennies at the same time ~GREEN SMOOTHIES. It makes an incredible diffrence to a RAW diet.http://www.emaxhealth.com/14/1182.htmlVictoria Butenko(12 steps to going RAW) has 64 oz. of this magic potion everyday. I have found even 1/2 that much makes all my cravings go away & really feel me up for long periods of time.Slainté,(to your health)...Show more

Adan Stribble: This is kind of weird but are you sure you don't have really bad gas? I know that when I eat more vegetables than normal my stomach gets really gassy and sore. I am an ovo-lacto vegetarian so I am not the best source! for this but that came to mind when I read your question.Try beano

Malcom Bourek: High fibre of fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc........make you fart.When you eat a lot of fibre, gas (wind) can build up inside. Unless released, it can cause sharp pains & pangs in your stomach area.Maybe try massaging your stomach downwards and drinking plenty of filtered room temp water, to get things moving.......so to speak.Otherwise, may just be period related. Sometimes when you change your diet, it can affect other things for a short time (i.e.) periods.....Show more

Donte Schoenhals: I am positive I am not going into starvation mode, troll

Lorine Helwick: Just go to Whole Foods, they have TONS of vegan options.

Danette Slotnick: Ultimate Raw Food Diet : http://RawFoodHappys.com/Assist

Donte Liversedge: Not due to being vegan of course.Could be due to many things. Indigestion.Food poisoning....

Travis Colomb: It's probably not related to your going! vegan. But don't take Beano because it isn't vegetarian. Ginger is g! ood for nausea, and papaya is good if you have digestive issues. If you're under stress, that can cause all sorts of physical ailments. And I sometimes do get nauseated around my period. If it doesn't pass in a few days, go see a doctor....Show more

Heidi Creselious: taking responsibility for your health and diet are important steps to becoming a healthy adult. have your parents schedule an appointment with a nutritionist for you. with the information and guidance, start helping in the meal preparations and grocery shopping. take some cooking classes.

Hilton Paiva: no Vegan is weird.The rules are like you cant eat anything with a face.ewwwwI am gonna go have chicken strips! jk lol

Ofelia Kieck: 1) Food.2) It's hard at first, but once you learn what you can eat and which companies offer vegan options (it's not just diet, but a lifestyle), it becomes easier.3) They can be.4) Yes.

Lillie Yarde: I don't imagine it's something you're eating.! You don't seem to have ADDED anything new to your diet.There *is* the stomach flu going around. I don't know where you are, but everyone in AZ is having a nasty case of it.It's possible that is the issue....Show more

Daria Verfaillie: Food Preparation Blended salad 1/8 lemon; 1 tomato; 1 cucumber (Kirby preferred); 1 red or green pepper; 4 leaves romaine lettuce; 3 stalks celery or fennel. These are maximum amounts and can be reduced.Tossed salad Use same ingredients as blended salad. You may add olive oil or flaxseed oil to salad. Daily maximum of oil is 1 to 2 tablespoons.Type of oil Use corn, olive, safflower, sesame, or avocado oil. Must be cold pressed--not processed oil.Vegetable plate Two steamed vegetables. All vegetables except: spinach, leeks, cabbage, onions, rhubarb, asparagus, turnips. Potatoes only when added to diet schedule. Cook all foods in distilled water (or fresh non-processed water) in cookware of stainless steel, enamel, or pyrex. No butte! r or spices. Choose two different vegetables, in season, weighing total! of one pound.Recommended vegetables The following vegetables are recommended at least four times weekly: string beans, broccoli, escarole, zucchini, okra, corn. Choose two from the following list: eggplant, artichokes, squash, carrots, cauliflower, kale, snow peas, Chinese cabbage....Show more

Cody Shimko: if you are how many points?if not, GO VEG AND I'LL GIVE YOU A HUG!!!PETA2.COM !!!

Frank Crummell: Get in touch with the national vegan organizations, most will send you a free “Go Vegan” pack which will have loads of advice. They will also be able to tell you about your local group too so you can get advice from vegans near you. Defiantly get yourself to one of the large vegan events because they are such and eyeopenerGood luck...Show more

Clemmie Burkleo: vegan stomach pains

Garrett Detone: yep.i have 3032 points.

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