Thursday 30 July 2020

Do you have enough recreation in your life?

Ginny Trickett: ive got alot but could always use more! the busier i keep the better!

Olen Penhallurick: Yeah, I have a few things to keep me busy.

Lindsey Zanardi: nah...i'm stuck at home doing nothing...

Enriqueta Steffen: On photo safari in Africa...because there won't be many more opportunities to see all these wonderful animals roaming free.

Jefferson Sarson: Only my own,,,

Kenneth Blacker: Oohh thats a toughie...there is soo much to be seen in the States..but I'm thinkin' London..its different and I just really like the idea of going abroad.

Christiane Cattano: too much

Truman Biby: at the moment no! i have just bought a house that needs a lot of work doing to it well not a lot but its gunna take a few weeks before i can move in so i am killing myself to do it! i get up at 7 in work for 8 work 10hours go to the house and stay there till 11 then go home shower and bed and that has been my routine for the past two weeks! but i! know at the end it will be worth it and then i can say ya i really enjoy my life. i have the best nieces and nephews in the world. the best boyfriend and a nice house :D!...Show more

Mario Stricklan: Not enough. I'm always doing for or taking care of others

Inell Riesgo: The Isle of Capri in Italy. I was there 25 years ago, and can't wait to go back. It's the most amazingly beautiful place I've ever seen ! !.

Florencio Dingle: Depends on what you want to call recreation but the answer would still be no. I want to snorkel again and go horseback riding and play Frisbee on the beach and build snowmen with my grandchildren and I love my walks through the mountains when I am near them but I really love my walks through the desert and the stark beauty that I find there. I stay busy but there are not a lot of options in a town that is only two miles long so a dessert walk is about all the recreation I get here I have to leave this town to get more than that! . Yes I want recreation until the day I die......Show more

Rona Espalin: Sometimes I need some recreation time away fom my recreation time.

Lester Haschke: Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania. THE BEST place to see the BGI 5 and the rest.I am an amateur photographer and my cameras will be in camera heaven when I am there.

Catheryn Small: The Canare Islands or Turkey:) I've been to Turkey once and the service there is great and so is the Sea:D Oh... If we were a whole gang, I'd say Ibiza:D I heard the wildest fun is in Ibiza

Hyo Hardell: right now I'm taking it easy, coming in the new year i will be very busy, but not too busy for my wonderful friends on answers.

Ron Keliipio: for vacation, where would it be and why?

Lizzette Wendroth: No.I am here answering this question - so I guess the answer in no.CURSE this Yaddiction!

Aubrey Tirri: Don't have ta think bout it doll I knows my man fantasizes bout me!

Cole Desher: Nothing bad. Just a mountain of porn DVD's! ^^^ Joking.

Amina Motzer: ! bed? what do you have under there?

Will Camus: Italy, i learnt the language, love the culture and food.

Maynard Phoubandith: Antarctica! i'm a big fan of snow and all the beauty out therei'd onlygo on a cruise though...

Luana Carothers: This site is good recreation.To the user in the bikini. You should not need to cover your face. I am sure you are very pretty.

Christy Tirabassi: I`d be kind of interested ter know.

Foster Padgette: I do. Love, honey

Thomas Riner: probably not lol

Jen Maday: I would go back to the country where my fater spent 18 years of his life, Comoro Islands. It's a group of islands in the Indian Ocean, between Madagascar and Mozambique and they are absolutely amazing. There are a lot of memories linked to my dad over there, too and now that he died I would like to live those memories again.I am planning to go back with the man I love, but it's going to take some planning..... Sooner or later we'll go, it's our! promise (to ourselves!)....Show more

Jed Porada: Yes, I play gol! f on a regular basis, and I workout 3-4 times weekly at my fitness center.

Ester Bryand: I would choose eastern Tennessee in the fall. The Smokey Mountains are said to be beautiful with the fall colors.

Romana Stiman: yes, their killing fantasy :{

Shon Almquist: America! Its huge and looks great, over here it sucks LOL

Florencio Dingle: What kind of fantasy doesn't have Angus Beef in it? I rest my case.

Donald Caravalho:

Adrian Paraz: Thank God, yes!! You see, I also love my job and this is great!

Jerald Florence: I think so, Cutie. ^_~b>>------Dri Dri----------->>

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