Sunday 19 July 2020

Should I wear a bikini to an amusement park?

Malcom Bourek: yea wear a bikini, when are you going to wear one at 63 year old?Since your still young and beautiful flaunt what to have YOLO

Jesse Japak: Bikini

Bethany Blocker: Bikini!! Your only young once :) And don't be self conscious your a perfect weight!

Dexter Dicostanzo: Wear a one piece. Your going to a water park with rides and slides. Wearing a two piece can open the top once your going down the slide. It happened to me before, haha. So i suggest you wear a one piece :)

Nicolas Cooley: Well if you weren't going to a water park I would say go for it. But you're going to be wet and active, and that's kind of a disaster waiting to happen. Wear a one piece this time, but don't be self conscious to wear a two piece in public next time you're out. I'm pretty sure you'd be more self-conscious if your top got ripped off in front of everyone!

Randal Deyarmond: It is better to wear a bikini. 2 piece since you are still 15. Don't get self c! onscious, 122lbs is nice shape for a 5'4". Not thin and not fat. Start now or get self conscious when you get older.

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