Tuesday 28 July 2020

just how bad are video games?

Manual Burtis: I used to be obsessed with video games. The bad thing was, i let it interfere with my school work....i stayed up playing live until 3am sometimes before i knew it my grades were all F's and D's. I barely graduated high school and quit video games after that. They are fun WITH A LIMIT THOUGH....playing everyday is still too much waste of time and money. Instead off Playing madden why not play real football...it may sound corny but trust me you are way better off....BTW since I quit, i have a 3.8 gpa at IU in accounting and finance so it shows you how much it makes a difference....Show more

Oscar Waddups: wow you poor kid,games are not bad at all your dad is very very foolish,what are you,amish?

Lucille Saetteurn: Your dad's an idiot.

Tana Dumoulin: Video games aren't bad. It's like the whole gun discussion, Gun's aren't bad it's the dumb people who use them in the unintended way that are bad. Video Games help with coordination, there are al! l sorts of games that aren't overly violent or serve no purpose. Out of the thousands and thousands of people who play games (like WOW) people think it's bad because of the handfull of people that choose to play them for week's or even month's at a time. Thats not a dumb game it's a dumb person....Show more

Toshiko Reimers: I don't even want to say how often I play video games, but that doesn't make them a bad thing. You just have to know when enough is enough. Obviously, video games are something you do ONLY when you have nothing else to do. For someone like me, who hardly ever has other things to do besides school, homework, and sleep, video games are a nice way to relax.

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