Monday 6 July 2020

Do you like being single or in a relationship?

Alecia Kaehler: Do what you want. Don't worry about what other people think.

Hugo Pittari: wear it, if youre talking about the kind of jacket I think you are, those things are in

Carmina Stickney: I got some of the funniest jokes that will have you laughing in no time, the good ones that make you laugh until u cry and ur sides hurts so bad but you can't quit laughing that's what usually works for me. :o)!

Gilberto Cratin: well i'm single now and i'm lovin it but when i was in a relationship it was nice but i felt like i had to impress him more...so i like being single single(for now) haha

Jana Sakasegawa: at first, in a relationship, but after a while single

Queenie Ruthers: Wow you kinda sound like a b*tch. Don't do it. How would you feel if someone did that to you?

Rayford Latz: it varies.. sometimes i wish i was in a relationship.. other times im happy being single.. sometimes i wish i was out of a relationships.. etc etc.

Lill! i Kochel: Dont do it. i've been a cheerleader for 9 years .. and i'd be ashamed if someone who quit or didnt make it wore something like that. actually i'd try to rip it off of her. if you dishonored your school by quitting, or didnt have the skills to make it, you shouldnt wear it. leave it to us to be what we are and take up another sport.. and YES. im 99.9% positive your old team mates wont be happy.save yourself, and leave it to the cheerleaders.im just trying to help you. i had a bad experience. im not trying to be mean at all XoxOxo .. Cat :)

Coleman Deliberato: i like relationship with a girl,who will marry me.we will live happiness life.

Foster Padgette: I like being Single.But sometimes i feel like being in a relationship.

Derick Kinnard: When i was younger i loved being single but now that im older i'm happy about my realationship with my husband and now we have 3 beautiful girls!

Johnnie Pummill: Go to sleep !! Seriously I try to be alone! and relax until it passes or i just take it out on ppl that l! ove me!! goood luck

Margy Sandquist: I like romantic relationship

Chris Rosenkranz: Actually, the best thing to do is concentrate on something else and not concentrate on the way you feel...good luck

Mayola Sylva: Uh.. no? Are you completely heartless? Because it sure seems that way. Grow up.. jeez.

Hubert Jestes: i love being free and single. i dont need a man to be happy. i have what i want and want what i have. maybe i will want somebody someday, but, as for right now, im happy being single.

Rolanda Merritt: it depends I guess-relationship can be hell if the other person doesn't love you back.but if you guys both are in love with each other...mmmmmm then it's like being in paradise.we love each other so I'm voting for relationship:)

Julieta Suleiman: This is really a personal question...it really depends on your personality, the place your at in your life at the moment and the type of person that you are attracted to. Personally I like! being in a relationship it's a second marriage for the both of us. We are very compatible and easy going so it's really wonderful to be were we are right now. In the past I have preferred to be single at times which i think is healthy and necessary for personal growth. Some people prefer to be single at all times and this is fine too. It really depends on what makes you happy...Show more

George Dingeldein: Tylenol PM and a pillow. I was like that 2 days ago, took a sleep aid and went to bed. I figured why stay up and make everyone else rotten.

Kenneth Blacker: Being in a relationship.. I have been in one for a year and 7 months so I don't really remember "the single life" which I definitely don't mind.

Hyo Hardell: in a relationship

Sheron Perrez: ChocolateMoviesandBuying new shoesit always works for me!

Tricia Dossous: I'm way prettier than his current girlfriend, she's not in the same league as me. I think the boy would be a fool to not lea! ve her and be with me. I'm confident I can steal him, if I know I can,! should I just go for it?

Billie Bratchett: im single but i want to be in a relationship.. with someone in particular. haha.

Elva Batie: Relationships. But sometimes, they can get confusingggg

Kim Gerbino: WTF betch.

Ron Keliipio: Relationship, so many benefits.

Basil Blasingame: Single. After a while, guys get annoying. Plus, I'm heading off to college soon so why start something I'll end anyways?

Janeen Perona: relationship!

Marvella Benward: Relationship.

Conrad Puleio: Definitely not. For your information, good looks are not all that matters. He probably likes her personality and just likes her for who she is. Just because YOU don't think she is as pretty as you think you are, that doesn't mean he feels the same way. If he is happy with her as his girlfriend, then leave him alone and find somebody else.

Adam Momaya: i never been in a relationship

Zelma Casebier: Find someone to help lift your spirits and if! you can't find anybody then take a xanax and go to bed and hope tomarrow is a better day.

Jana Sakasegawa: At the moment i like being single....no guy out there is for me...=(

Azzie Trembly: Watch a very funny movie. Funny movies always make me feel better. Laughter is the best medicine.

Mitsuko Manne: Honestly it depends on how im feeling that day.While i really enjoy being single cause i have the freedom to flirt with any guy i want to or do what i want to with any1 i want to with out regrets,I Also on some days just feel like it would be so much better to just be with one person so i could turn and lean on them and have some1 there all the time to love me no matter what.Really i have no idea which one i honestly like better, all i no is until i actually find mr. right imma have fun and go crazy =D...Show more

Marielle Hedeiros: I'm not a school cheerleader anymore, I still have my jacket tho with the school colors and my name on it and stuff and ! I really love the jacket, but I had to quit cheer after five months bec! ause of how expensive it is. I really want to wear the jacket but I don't want people to talk about me or the people that are still cheerleaders to talk about me. Do you think I should or shouldn't wear it? I know I'm wearing it for spirit day, but I'm kinda scared to wear it to school. I'm on the pep squad for the basketball team now, much cheaper and way more fun :)

Darwin Ecton: If you're so much prettier I wonder why he's with her and not you...

Marcelle Vanlith: no.

Burt Cheevers: I want a relationship, i've been single way to long :( Anyone? lol jks.

Marquetta Gimm: I'm 16, never been in a relationship, and never could be happier to be single.It's better to be the one he cheats with than the one he cheats on.

Lu Tiner: I suggest you do what feels rite to you.

Monty Sieloff: Single!!!!* Less stress on your body and your mind... Its the real anti-aging secret!

Cortez Badolato: When I'm single I want a boyfriend and when I hav! e one I want to be single. Sigh...

Corrina Faro: I've been married for 24 years and I Love It

Clare Hoard: If you're wearing it for spirit day, who cares.You still were a former cheerleader and still apart of the school.

Kellie Waycott: Just think about the good things in your life, the good people in your life -as the song goes "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life". Think about something that makes you smile."Can you do that? I know that you can"-Fred Rogers

Christopher Calcano: If I'm not deeply in love,then I prefer being single.

Toshia Metzker: a relationship if i can find one.

Leontine Kreitz: I easily have an interior coat closet, this is it somewhat is no longer on any exterior wall of the residing house. flow interior the closet, close the door and scream on the precise of your lungs until eventually you sense easy headed. it variety of feels to alleviate particularly some the rigidity. workout would help too, i do no longer un! derstand, I gave it up for Lent in 1951. I easily have been undemanding! to speak to myself while i wanted an sensible verbal substitute without arguments. It does not artwork besides because of the fact the scream and if I slip and initiate off mumbling in public, properly enable's say i'm getting some unusual seems.

Dominic Sciancalepore: When I'm in a bad mood..a nice hot shower, my favorite snacks, and music usually helps..I also like to write in my journal to blow off some steam

Granville Stray: I like to be single.

Dorethea Beaston: I'm in one right now and could use a little help from the crowd.thanks!!

Lenard Ginyard: relationships because there is less unpredictable.

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