Saturday 8 February 2020

What books are the most popular books now?

answers1:13 Reasons Why is a really good book.it is about a girl who
commits suicide and she has '13 reasons why'. The main charecter goes
on a journey to figure out why hes one of the reasons. Go to Barnes
and Nobles and read the summary about it, it will probably explain it
better than I can(:
answers2:OMG, when I read the title i was gonna say Twilight. lolDon't
buy a book just cuz it's popular, too.There are lots of books that are
excellent that arent popular at all.
answers3:the cliqueharry potterbeach blondesand of course twilight..
answers4:"Who Hates Whom." It's a really interesting book that gives
you insight into what's happening around the globe today in very
understandable terms. =)
answers5:The book thief
answers6:the mediator by meg cabot is really goodinkheart booksNancy
Drew books oldie but still funthe clique seriesA Northern
LightHatchet-one of the best books i have readare really
popular...Show more
answers7:percy jackson and the omplains
answers8:Kalyna's Songits verygoodand of course Angels and Demons, and
The DaVinci Code by the New york times bestselling author Dan brown
answers9:Dead is the new balck, blue is for nightmares, hmmm I am
reading mein kampf. There is marley and me, confessions of a
shopoholic, the host, ttyl, the book theif.

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