Tuesday 25 February 2020

how many kinds of drawing art?

Torrie Weissenbach: back do the days when cavemen paint or drew with charcoal sticks on caves. And then it processed through different generation of people doing other types of art...to the early 20th century and to now.

Randal Deyarmond: well your phrasing is a little weird...but ...Drawing is actually the root of all visual art as can be traced(no pun intended) to the caves of Trois Frere in France.Drawing is the most fundamental tool of the visual artist.it is also a basic form of human communication as most children can draw/or make marks before they can speak. Drawing,.long though of as just priliminary to painting has throughout moden and post modern art been elevated to a co equal with painting...Show more

David Boehler: well all i know is that theres paints, pastels, still life, land scapes, portraits/models, and alot more I cant remember xDi have no idea :]

Javier Holsonback: I love photography! I like photography that is natural and untouched! with software like Photoshop. I like the what you see is what you get kind of photography. It takes talent to get the perfect shot without any manipulation. Noticed the pix on my page? All mine. I also love music, Japanese artwork, glassware, ceramics, modern art and architecture. I actually appreciate all artwork because it represents the soul of the artist. Aloha! =0)

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