Tuesday 11 February 2020

Question for authors: Covers?

answers1:Generally, no--the publisher decides what the jacket (that's
the correct term) will look like. That, really, is a marketing
decision because many people will decide whether to buy the book or
not based on what it looks like.Of course, once you're a best-selling
author, you do have some input--but once you're a best-selling author,
people will buy the book no matter what the title is or what the
jacket looks like. :-)...Show more
answers2:Sometimes, but more often than not, no. It really depends
on the publisher.
answers3:A vast majority of authors have NO say in the covers and the
artists often never read the book that they paint the cover for.A
famous or best selling author can have it put in his or her contract
to pick the author or have a final say on the artwork. Anne McCaffrey
picked Michael Whelan for her Pern books.
answers4:nope.i'm a model and i've done 5 book covers(the extras by
scott somethingorother and the ashleys series by melissa de la
cruz)and the author can say what kinda of persons they want or the
general idea for the cover, but they rarely are able to design it.
answers5:Nope. They don't. Publishing companies generally put an
illustrator on the job that would be best suited for that particular
answers6:Agree with and gave thumbs up to the first two answers... You
can write a book, but once a publisher has it, you've sold the rights,
and that includes what is on the cover. If you go with 'vanity press,'
otherwise known as self-publication, otherwise known as a fast way to
a dead-end, maybe you can design your own cover; that I don't know.

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