Tuesday 18 February 2020

Performing Arts as major?

Davida Gisriel: Do it! I haven't met a person who COULD have done anything else. If you have that pull, you have no choice it seems. :-) My advice is to really think about what you want to do AFTER you graduate! If I could go back I would have studied composition rather than doubling in education and performance. :-) Not a huge problem really because at this point I can just take the classes and get the degree but if I could have just done it the first time things would have been much easier lol....Show more

Dwight Siniard: If you love it, you should do it. You definitely need a way to support yourself when you get out of college. It's a very difficult way to make a living, even if you are successful. I can only think of one person I went to college with who has a successful career and supports himself very well. Everyone else I know either sang for a while and gave it up or only does it part time. Good luck!

Lucrecia Laurito: I majored in Musical Theatr! e in college. I've never regretted it. Depending on what you want to do in the Performing Arts, I'd recommend minoring in something that you enjoy equally as well. Not just to have a "plan" in case you don't make it. That's not what I mean. I used to hate it when people would say that. But if you are planning on becoming an auditioning performer you're going to have to have a day/ or night job to take care of yourself. Get as much knowledge as you can! You can never have too much!It sounds like you're preparing yourself just as you should be. If you want to be in musical theatre, you should definitely take dance before piano. However if you have the money, take piano too, because that is very handy if you want to be a singer. Now the question of the performing arts being a lucrative career? Unless you're on Broadway, then no. You have to be ready to support yourself in other ways, teach classes, do side work, etc. Even famous Broadway performers find it hard t! o locate work sometimes. That's just the scary reality of our! business.If you're really interested in learning more about the biz, pick up "Making It on Broadway: Actors' Tales of Climbing to the Top" it's a great read with a lot of insight.Best of luck on your journey!...Show more

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