Wednesday 25 December 2019

what are some cute hair styles? ?

answers1: Kinky Twist <br>
Micros <br>
Mohawk <br>
Bob <br>
Short Hair Styles <br>

answers2: heres a good website <br>

Monday 23 December 2019

Most popular style of northern kung fu?

answers1: that's a hard question to answer as some would say tai chi
is northern but i'm not so sure about that so i'm gonna say bagua
answers2: Eagle Claw <br>
Northern Praying Mantis <br>
I don't know if Wing Chun is actually the most popular southern
style... Choy Le Fut, Bak Mei, Hung Gar... all very popular southern
answers3: I would say it is Northern Praying Mantis.

Sunday 22 December 2019

boxing style?

answers1: Mostly it depends on what type your opponent is, once you
see what type he uses then determine what type you wish to use..
answers2: Ditto what Bill said...keep the horse in front of the cart.
Then determine your best style.
answers3: ya you should learn what you need to know and always keep
your hands up and when you get good enough you can choose your own
style.and remember that styles are like snow flakes,you will never
find the same one twice.
answers4: Learn the basics first.Hands held high in the right
position. Learn the correct way to jab, straight right (from the
shoulder) and followed by a tight left hook, both to the body and
head. Short choppy steps on the balls of your feet, forward back, side
to side. Be yourself, nevermind what others could do, but what bests
works for your natural style and ability.Start at the bottom and work
up. Good luck.
answers5: i'm extra of an interior fighter and physique puncher
equivalent to Joe Frazier minus the large left hook. I could desire to
combat on the interior because of the fact i'm particularly short for
my weight one hundred sixty five pounds 5ft 7 so a spectacular style
of the adult males I face throughout opposition and sparring are many
times taller than i'm. I wish i ought to combat extra like Chad Dawson
or Bernard Hopkins very technical working in the back of the Jab and
fending off punishment, besides the undeniable fact that my top and
length won't enable me too. I even have contemplated shifting right
down to 156 the place the combatants are my top the only difficulty
with it fairly is I haven't any concept a thank you to cut back
weight. I even have been examining some articles and observing DVD's
on a thank you to cut back weight top yet I even have desperate to no
longer do it until eventually i be responsive to precisely what i'm
doing because of the fact its a risky ingredient to toy with.
answers6: if you are only 135-140 lbs. stay away from the hits if you
can't take them. i'm guessing you're pretty lanky. <br>
use you own style

Saturday 21 December 2019

what are the different styles of cowboy hats?

answers1: As far as I can tell, there is only one style and that is
the "cowboy hat". It can be made in different materials (i.e. felt
and straw) and colors. Another name for this type of hat is the
Stetson hat, named after John B. Stetson, the first to make this kind
of hat.

Friday 20 December 2019

Does anyone know any good beauty websites?

answers1: <a href="http://www.hairfinder.com"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.hairfinder.com</a> <br>
<a href="http://www.greatestlook.com"
answers2: <a href="http://www.ehow.com/"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.ehow.com/</a> <br>
<a href="http://seventeen.com/"
answers3: Allure.com
answers4: what i usually do is just put beauty into google and it
brings loads up that way
answers5: www.playboy.com
answers6: www.sephora.com

Thursday 19 December 2019

Beauty pageant interview questions?

answers1: do you think affirmative action is still needed? <br>
why should we pick you? <br>
what would you say/teach to young girls?
answers2: About Family,Hobbies,What there intentions are in the
working field,Where the grew up,Brothers,Sisters,How and what can they
offer to there community,Favorite movie,colour,Are they prepared to do
voluntrey work,and what would they choose.Ihope i helped it gives an
insite to there heart because that is where beauty begins.Good Luck.

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Can you define what beauty is?

answers1: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Smile and you will be
beautiful <br>
But read what Voltaire wrote on beauty <br>
Ask a toad what beauty is, the to kalon? He will answer you that it is
his toad wife with two great round eyes issuing from her little head,
a wide, flat mouth, a yellow belly, a brown back. Interrogate a Guinea
African, for him beauty is a black oily skin, deep-set eyes, a flat
nose. Interrogate the devil; he will tell you that beauty is a pair of
horns, four claws and a tail. Consult, lastly, the philosophers, they
will answer you with gibberish: they have to have something conforming
to the arch-type of beauty in essence, to the to kalon.
answers2: Something that attracts or is good in comparison with others. <br>
It may be a person(male or female of whatever age), a stallion,a
building like the Taj Mahal,a painting or poem, sunrises and sunsets,
a colourful constellation of stars, a dance, a well-performed
butterfly swim,a sports car,a dress,a piece of Egyptian jewelry, a
song or musical piece, a plan,great virtues and moral values, etc.
It can actually be applied to anything in life, whatever it is that
strikes your mind, heart or spirit. We should not confine 'beauty'
only to an adult female with curves, big assets or classical features,
Cleopatra or a modern day Miss Universe, for that would be too shallow
a concept in a world and Universe of countless forms of beauty.
answers3: Generally admirable objects are considered as beautiful.
Beauty is also considered as a symbol of completeness.
answers4: to see with eyes <br>
that see past the surface <br>
to see what good is harbored there <br>
or too to discern <br>
what evil might be harbored <br>
that one can see how the outer can hide <br>
or reveal what is inside... <br>
and thus being able to overlook faults <br>
to see the true potential <br>
but overlooking does not mean one does not see wickedness for what it is <br>
and how if one does not warn one of their wickedness <br>
if so called to do by god <br>
that the wicked persons sins <br>
can then stain ones own very soul <br>
this would be i think <br>
according to the second kind of sin that jesus speaks of in luke 12 <br>
which has to do with knowing a good one is responsible for but not
doing such <br>
that can be evil for ones soul <br>
but not as evil as knowing evil and doing evil..that is wickedness <br>
that can bring damnation <br>
tho where most christians thing hell is eternal suffering <br>
i do not think that is what the greek of the new testament actually says...
answers5: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot <br>
be seen or touched, but are felt in the heart. - Helen Keller ♥
answers6: The following are some quotes that come close to explaining
what beauty really is. <br>
`The average girl would rather have beauty than brains because she
knows the average man can see better than he can think.`` Anonymous
``Beautiful hands are they that do deeds thar are noble, good, and
true: beautiful feet are they that go swiftly to lighten another`s
woe.`` Anonymous
answers7: Beauty is convention.
answers8: Well, I've always seen beauty as the combination of all
attractive traits of a human being, be they physical or metaphysical.
That's about as simple as I can make it.
answers9: Beauty is an appreciation that has seen by others.
answers10: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Tuesday 17 December 2019

what does mean the beauty for you ?

answers1: yes
answers2: Sorry i didnt really understand that... <br>
1. beauty <br>
Beauty is a thing seldom seen. It is held by all within the soul it
lies, waiting to come out to the surface, but it can only be found if
someone is sharing your soul with you. Beauty is suppressed by the
evils of the world. Only love can bring beauty out. Once seen, beauty
never hides again. Not even hatred can deny beauty of it's true
design. Beauty, although possessed by all by few and fewer yet will
ever see one of the most beautiful sights - the beauty held by you.
answers3: beauty means to me being different and unique and being how
you wanna be not how others make you
answers4: idk i dont think it exists <br>
<a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?link=ask_add&qid=20080103015001AAKG64P"class=Clr-b>http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?link=...</a>
<a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Anv.fIyrAlq5jsnTcLAPLQbsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080103011233AA2PrSP"class=Clr-b>http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...</a>

Monday 16 December 2019

Beauty tips/secrets?

answers1: I trim my nosehairs at least once a month.
answers2: drink 8 glasses of water a day for a clearer complexion do a
facial massage every night to stimulate circulation and firm skin only
shampoo your hair when it looks greasy take fish oil tablets or pre
natal pills for healthier skin hair and nails a spoonful of olive oil
on an empty stomach a few times a week improves hair skin and nails
use anti aging products even if you have young skin. this will prevnt
alot of aging in the long run sleep on your back. this will
significantly prevent wrinkles on your face exfoliate a few times a
week brushing your hair alot stimulates hair growth dont use ponytail
holders with metal peices always pat concealer or eye creams on, never
rub vasaline is a great, cheap, non irritating make up remover
sprinkling baby powder on greasy roots absorbs some of the oil if you
have dry skin, dont just moisturize. scrub away the dead cells first
workout. it not only improves your body but releases hormones that
make you feel good and improves your overall confidence confidence is
the best beaty secret
answers3: - Drink lots of water. It's been said SO many times, I know,
but it really does help. <br>
- Lip-balm (or even Vaseline when I'm broke!) is my number one beauty
product. Seriously. <br>
- Try and buy good quality make-up and hair-care products. <br>
- On hair-care - don't straighten, curl with heated curlers, or
blow-dry on a high setting, at least not unless it's a special
occasion! <br>
- For smooth lips - smother them in olive oil, then take a really soft
toothbrush (like one used for babies to keep their gums healthy,
before they start popping out teeth), smother /that/ in olive oil, and
very gently rub your lips with them. Then put on lots of lip-balm. It
gets rid of those little skin flakes, and it makes them redder and a
little fuller. <br>
- Use a really good hair-brush, or a wide-toothed comb. <br>
- If you have hair longer than shoulder-length, or even chin-length if
it tangles easily, it's easiest to brush from the bottom up. What you
do: <br>
*take the last few inches of hair and comb them through <br>
*then go up a few inches and comb from there down <br>
*then go up another few inches and comb from /there/ down <br>
*keep going until your hair's all brushed. <br>
It takes a little longer, but if you have a knot at the bottom and a
knot at the top, and you keep brushing downwards, what happens? A
really huge, nasty tangle that takes even longer to brush out! <br>
- To look a million dollars, all you need is: <br>
*a little concealer if you have pimples or dark shadows <br>
*a small amount of foundation if your skin is less-than-perfect <br>
*a bit of blush, the natural colour of your skin when you've just done
a little exercise (the idea here is to look prettily flushed, not
just-sprinted-for-5-kilometres beetroot) <br>
*a bit of lip-gloss, lip-balm or - if you want to draw attention to
your lips - lip-stick (but make sure it's a similar colour to your
lips!) <br>
*a dusting of eye-shadow that draws attention to your eyes, if you
want them drawn attention to (handy hints: gold or peach shades bring
out blue eyes; purple or pink for green eyes; purples and greens for
brown eyes) but if you don't want them too obvious, a "nude" shimmer
with a dusting of brown by the eyeline looks good on everyone <br>
*a bit of mascara - brown for day/brown-black for night if you have
blonde or red hair, brown-black for day/black for night if you have
brown hair, black for day/blue-black for night if you have black hair
- Remember, the idea of make-up is to flatter your good points and
downplay your bad, it isn't to make you look like a whole new person!
- Love your body, even if it isn't perfect.
answers4: Sleep a lot

Sunday 15 December 2019

Have you ever wished you could tell your body "stop" whenever it does something wrong?

answers1: It's not your body, it's your brain.
answers2: yeah..my acne
answers3: Aye ........ many times specially ??
answers4: Trying to tell you no, but my body keeps on telling you yes <br>
Trying to tell you stop, but your lipstick got me so out of breath <br>
I'd be waking up, in the morning probably hating myself <br>
And i'd be waking up, feeling satisfied but guilty as hell
answers5: Oh... yeah. She was saying, "No, no, no." But, hey, what's
done is done.
answers6: Yes! And I do when I have my wits about me, and it generally obeys.
answers7: Yessss
answers8: yes yes yes yes yessssssssss

Saturday 14 December 2019

vs secret garden perfume or body mist ?

answers1: Body Mist. I have it, and it last a long time and the scent
stays on for a while.
answers2: The body mist smells like a 12 year old hooker.
answers3: Body mist fersure!!!
answers4: if your going for the lasting factor i would say perfume.
Most mist is diluted with water so it doesn't last that long. But it
also depends on where you put it and if its on clean skin or lotion
answers5: body mist
answers6: body mist! (:

Friday 13 December 2019

im look for a supra. wide body or normal body?

answers1: wide body is the one that makes the car look wider. hence
the name. you may have never seen one, so im not poking fun. but no
they dont give any more engine space. it is just a panel design. if
you dont know what panels are, they are the sheet metal parts that get
painted and put on the outside. they go over the frame so you could
make your supra twice as wide as stock and the only thing youd get is
space inbetween the frame and panels. and a weird looking toyo. hope
this helps
answers2: Normal body would be stock - ie as designed and put together
by Toyota. <br>
Wide body means that the guards (front and/or rear) guards have been
replaced with fibreglass. Generally guards will flare out to make the
car look more aggressive - depending on the styling. Also means that
you can put bigger and/or wider rims on as well.
answers3: All Supras are the same size body Mate. <br>
The wide body is just body kit attached to the outside of the original
shell. <br>
As for engine room the massive 3.0ltr 2JZ engine is quite happy where
it is with out more room lol
answers4: lol

Thursday 12 December 2019

what body feature would you rather have?

answers1: hairy body cause you could at least hide it by waxing or
shaving or laser hair removal, if you have acne you can't get rid of
it as easy
answers2: id rather be hairy.....some chicks dig it.......no chicks
dig acne unless your diddy and get proactiv
answers3: Detroit clean and Robin dirty, LOL <br>
Who's your tiger-mines Miller! He rocks :-) <br>
no help at all right!
answers4: Yikes... <br>
If i had no other choices, i guess hairy. I can always
shave/wax/otherwise remove it. Acne is just nasty to me, especially
all over the body.
answers5: Well that is easy for me to answer I'm a female so acne it
can be treated and go away hair will always come back, and that ain't
cool with me at all.
answers6: Hair Body, I would just get it waxed off. Acne is hard to get rid of
answers7: the hairy body bc you can get it waxed and get it done fast. <br>
zits you cant do anything about and its seriously disgusting. <br>
at least hair can be clean.
answers8: How bored are you? Y the hell would u ask that? Reading that
was like 2 seconds of my life i can never get back.
answers9: quite a choice that...i'll choose hairy acne on robin williams.
answers10: i would rather have a hairy body because you can get ride
it by shaving it off even though it may come back it wont be like it
first was of. but acne is one of those things that doens't seem like
it will ever go away

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Body temperature?

answers1: the normal range for normal body temperature is 36.0 - 37.5
degrees celsius. also 96.8 - 99.5 degrees farenheit.
answers2: about 36.9 degree Celsius
answers3: 98.6 Degrees Fahrenheit
answers4: The body temp. is 98.6 degrees farenhite. come even i knew
that question and im only 10!

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Can Africans have pale or light skin?

answers1: No
answers2: Troll. And a pretend African.
answers3: No. Even octoroon blacks tend to have black skin.
answers4: No
answers5: Only people from Northern Africa: Berbers.

Monday 9 December 2019

What is good exfoliator for skin?

answers1: I love Aveeno Daily Brightening Scrub! It has microbeads so
it is great for sensitive skin and my skin feels smoother and looks
great now! It really prevents acne!
answers2: use Jason Vitamin C face scrub great for even skin tone.
answers3: sugar/salt. Also if your put sugar on a lemon it is good for
exfoliation acne and getting rid of freckles (from like tanning and
answers4: Sugar.
answers5: Queen Helene Mint Julep Natural Face Scrub <br>
For pores you might want to try the face mask.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

which hair/skin combo looks best?

answers1: i like the 2nd one, but another that would be good is: <br>
dark olive skin with shoulder-length jet black hair and big
sapphire-blue eyes <br>
dark olive skin with long reddish-brown hair and chocolate brown eyes <br>
medium skin with shoulder-length dark blonde hair and grass green eyes <br>
olive skin with long, flowing strawberry blonde hair and beautiful hazel eyes
answers2: i say black hair

Monday 25 November 2019

skin cancer..what is Reason?

answers1: too much exposure of UV rays
answers2: I think it's either environmental (exposure to too much sun)
and/or genetic. Some populations are more at risk for certain health
conditions/diseases. <br>
Typically skin cancer results from too much sunlight over time, which
is why SPF sunscreen/block is advised so much during the Summer
months. If you live in a more tropic/sunny locale, and have more
exposure to the sun, I would guess that you would have a higher risk
for skin cancer. <br>
The "hole in the ozone" environmental situation is another factor that
relates to your question.
answers3: Skin cancer is a malignant growth on the skin which can have
many causes. The most common skin cancers are basal cell cancer,
squamous cell cancer, and melanoma. Skin cancer generally develops in
the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin), so a tumor is usually
clearly visible. This makes most skin cancers detectable in the early
stages. <br>
Studies have shown that smoking tobacco and related products can
double the risk of skin cancer.[14][15] <br>
Overexposure to UV-radiation may cause skin cancer either via the
direct DNA damage or via the indirect DNA damage mechanism.
Overexposure (burning) UVA & UVB have both been implicated in causing
DNA damage resulting in cancer. Sun strength between 10AM and 4PM is
most intense. Natural (sun) & artificial UV exposure (tanning salons)
are possibly associated with skin cancer. [16] <br>
UVB rays primarily affect the epidermis causing sunburns, redness, and
blistering of the skin when overexposed. The melanin of the epidermis
is activated with UVB just as with UVA; however, the effects are
longer lasting with pigmentation continuing over 24 hours. <br>
Chronic non-healing wounds, especially burns. These are called
Marjolin's ulcers based on their appearance, and can develop into
squamous cell carcinoma. <br>
Genetic predisposition, including "Congenital Melanocytic Nevi
Syndrome". CMNS is characterized by the presence of "nevi" or moles of
varying size that either appear at or within 6 months of birth. Nevi
larger than 20 mm (3/4") in size are at higher risk for becoming
cancerous. <br>
Human papilloma virus (HPV) is often associated with squamous cell
carcinoma of the genitals, anus, mouth, pharynx, and fingers. It is
believed that the HPV vaccine might help to prevent these cancers as
well as cervical cancers. <br>
Skin cancer is one of the potential dangers of ultraviolet germicidal
irradiation. <br>
To know more about the Skin Cancer Please visit the website link below <br>
: Any human can get skin cancer. You have greater risk of skin
cancer if… <br>
Skin is fair <br>
Light-colored hair <br>
Light-colored eyes. <br>
Large number of moles on your body. <br>
Moles in unusual size and shape on your body. <br>
Genetic factors (Family history of skin cancer). <br>
Mostly working or playing in the open. <br>
Live nearer to the equator. , at a higher altitude, or <br>
Live in any place that gets powerful, constant sunlight.

Sunday 24 November 2019

Do you war Makeup every day ?

answers1: I only wear make up if im going out, and i only wear eyeliner.
answers2: I wear make up pretty much every day....I could not live
with out my foundation....cover up the little flaws and in perfections
answers3: I can't live without mascara. Yeah, only when I'm going out
I wear makeup.
answers4: Not today, but I was just getting my daughter the H1N1
vaccine and putting up the Christmas tree!
answers5: I wear makeup almost every day. If I am running very late
for work, or if I don't feel well, I skip the makeup. <br>
I can live without all of it, it really is not that important to me.
I just look tired if I don't wear it. I only wear eye shadow,
mascara, blush and lip stick or lip gloss. I never wear foundation or
eye liner or the eyebrow wax.
answers6: no i don't wear makeup everyday. just somedays......ummmm
eyeliner. i can live without mascara and eyeshadow and all them other
products :)
answers7: I used to. Now theres no need because I go to an all girls school <br>
I can't live without Clinique pressed powder.
answers8: Nope. Don't wear makeup every day. I feel like my skin is
better by not putting makeup on daily. <br>
I would never go out with out mascara on.
answers9: 1. No, I feel completely comfortable without makeup on. <br>
2. Mascara
answers10: 1. No way, it's bad for your skin, give your skin a break D: <br>
2. Probably BB cream :]

Saturday 23 November 2019

I hate makeup but I want to look as pretty (possibly prettier) than my friends. What can I do?

answers1: A light foundation, have clean skin (advoid zits!) and a
little mascara wouldn't hurt.. its not much but it'll help!
answers2: there are tons of makeup tips/techniques on youtube, check
them out-search "makeup for teens". <br>
I don't know why you want to be "possibly prettier" than your friends,
you shouldn't compare your looks with others, beauty is in the eye of
the beholder. Develop your personality and mind, if you become
conceited or superficial, people will think you are ugly, no matter
what you look like on the outside. Looks aren't everything! <br>
good luck, makeup is fun!
answers3: Makeup doesn't make girls pretty.
answers4: Wear Light eyeliner and mascara (or just mascara), and
foundation (only if you need it ) maybe chapstick or lipgloss.
answers5: a pic of you and your friends would help
answers6: Avoid bright colors, go for neturals. <br>
It really depends on you, go to a place like MAC and have them do it
for you, to see what works best for you.
answers7: Makeup isn't meant to transform you into a beautiful model,
its meant to enhance your features. So its not going to make you feel
'prettier' then your friends, because in the end, if your not
comfortable in your own skin, makeup won't make you feel any better
about yourself. <br>
But if you want to enhance your features, wear an eyeliner that suits
your eye color, a warm color of eye shadow for your lid, and some
mascara, and MAYBE foundation, I don't know, it depends what works for

Friday 22 November 2019

a good waterproof makeup?

answers1: Good info here on Answers. Check this out:
: Mix some waterproof sunblock with powdered foundation
answers3: Wet 'n' Wild Brand Make-up <br>
answers4: <a href="http://www.bizrate.com/cosmetics/brand--make-up-for-ever/products__att259--271615-__keyword--waterproof+makeup.html"
maybe this willl help
answers5: try going to a consultant that would help you find a full
coverage and a waterproof product... but i would probably recommend..
dermablend. its used to cover up tatoos and you can find this at
deparments stores such as macy's

Is miranda cosgrove ugly without makeup?

answers1: Average
answers2: For the best answers, search on this site <a
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>https://shorturl.im/b6h07</a> <br>
Ugly,Fat face,no shape. Even worse without the makeup. She still has
the appearence of a little girl.
answers3: Well she certainly isn't as pretty as she is with makeup,
but she isn't exactly "ugly." Lol. <br>
<a href="http://m.s11.pollpigeon.com/media/answer/miranda-cosgrove-math-homework_jpg_170x220_q85.jpg"
answers4: sure

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Asepxia Makeup powder?

answers1: Asepxia makeup powder is good for OILY Skin and acne prone <br>
it gives medium coverage is matte finish. <br>
if your skin is dry skip this it as salicylic acid this can dry out your skin.
answers2: it helps your skin get soft its like loose powder <br>
it helps cover up stuff on your face
answers3: Asepxia Products
answers4: Acne can be soul destroying ,food is not a factor and these
expensive soaps etc dont work any better than normal soap. See your
doc and get Zynert lotion this contains an antibiotic and should be
applied to affected areas after washing.It does work. Doc may also
give you a low dose long period antibiotic. Make up can irritate and
block pores so leave it off as often as you can.A bit of sun is also
good for acne.(Not that you'll get much chance of that here "UK ).
Last resort is roaccutane but sounds IT as if you wont need this.

Tuesday 19 November 2019

cakey makeup!!?

answers1: wash your face with a light face cleanser before applying
makeup. also you could try oil remover wipes. i used them after gym
class in high school worked great then i re-applied my makeup.
answers2: Powder
answers3: There could be a number of factors that lead to this
problem. Firstly, you may not be exfoliating your skin. Exfoliating
your skin is necessary before any makeup application because it cleans
away the dirt, dead skin and buildup from previous makeup
applications. <br>
Secondly, you may not be moisturizing your skin. A good moisturizer (I
use the Aveeno Daily Moisturizer which gives an even complexion) will
prevent the skin from trying to lubricate itself because it is already
well moisturized. <br>
Thirdly, you may not be using a primer. If you have oily skin, it
suggests that you have large pores. Using primers with mattifying
effects will reduce the visibility of these pores (hence you don't
have to waste as much makeup trying to conceal them), as well as give
a smooth surface for makeup to be applied on. I suggest PoreFessional
by Benefit. <br>
Lastly, your makeup application may be wrong. Exfoliate, moisturize,
apply a primer, then a thin layer of foundation, concealer, setting
powder and done!
answers4: Try using the Fit me powder from maybelline. I have oily
skin too and had that problem(cakey makeup) with my skin too for a
while until I found this stuff. I really like it. It keeps me matte
for about 7 hours. It is not waterproof though and does not offer much
coverage. If you want something with more coverage but still keeps you
matte without looking cakey, I reccomend the RIMMEL Stay Matee pressed
answers5: Maybe try a primer suitable for you skin, make sure you are
wearing the right type of make up for your skin type. Don't put on too
much and blend it out well.
answers6: Use an oil control face wash/foam wash, in my opinion I
avoid powders because it makes my face look cakey, I would use an oil
control face wash, matte foundations and I would carry blotting
answers7: try using more expensive makeup made for oily skin. i used
to have this exact problem with my makeup caking but if you use makeup
made for oily skin that can help. try mac studio fix liquid
answers8: Use a good moisturizer and primer. I use the aveeno
moisturizer and smash box photo finish primer (light)
answers9: If you do not want to switch foundations, use a beauty
blender. You can also try cutting the foundation with moisturizer or
better yet, an illuminating liquid such as MAC Strobe Cream.
answers10: Primer and matte foundations

Sunday 17 November 2019

wat hair oils make hair go darker with time?

answers1: Greasy hair makes your hair look darker haha and thats an
oil? Hmm maybe dye your hair?

Saturday 16 November 2019

Hair hair hair hair hair !!?

answers1: Straight perms can lead to flattened follicles which will
bend and distort your hair out of its normal state and possibly cause
ingrown hairs on your scalp. Also, if your too young your scalp may
not have matured as much and not have formed the "grown-up" membrane
it needs to sustain a proper perm. I dont recommend it.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Hair problem?

answers1: No
answers2: No then everybody in the world would be bald...lol
answers3: gahhaha, of course not.
answers4: no
answers5: Hair loss is a usual quandary at the present time. Some of
the factors of thinning hair are immoderate bodily or emotional
strain, hormonal imbalances, dietary deficiencies, you'll additionally
check out bio hair therapy and biotin drugs and i'm giving a few
shampoo and conditional that's given beneath Pura d'or Hair Loss
Prevention Premium Organic Shampoo Ultrax Labs Hair Surge Caffeine
Hair Loss Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo. Bosley Bos Revive
Nourishing Shampoo.
answers6: Yes, over masturbation can cause hair thinning and hair loss.
answers7: I don't think so. I wouldn't have hair if that were the
case! lol <br>
You made my day!!
answers8: no it's actually good....did u see'' sumthing about
mary''......yeahhh re-grow
answers9: you must be losing your hair lol
answers10: By the look of your avatars hair, you can guess what it does. <br>
It makes your eyes look funny, <br>
I keep seeing every thing in blue

Tuesday 12 November 2019

extentions real or fake hair?

answers1: human is better
answers2: Human hair extensions because you can do anything to it, and
synthetic hair looks so fake because it is so shiny.Synthetic hair
cannot be colored, permed or curled with thermal tools.Most stylists
do not recommend using synthetic hair for weaving. It does not last as
long as human hair because it tends to easily tangle and frizz out
uncontrollably.Human hair is, however, more versatile than synthetic
hair because it can be colored, relaxed, or curled with heating
appliances just as one would do with his or her own hair.
answers3: Human looks good for a few weeks. <br>
Synthetic looks good for a few days. <br>
Go human, more expensive but worth it. I suggest "Urban Beauty".
answers4: i'm getting 18 inch actual hair extensions and they fee me
about £60, i'm getting them from Paul's Hair international, a market
stall contained in the Manchester Arndale indoor market. i ought to
advise you purchase them in man or woman somewhat than on line,
because many sellers will journey up the colour by your self hair so
that you realize you've the surprising color. i ought to recommend
actual over fake, as actual lasts for months and may be washed,
straightened and dried the picture of your own hair.
answers5: Technically they're both fake. Lol. But it depends on what
type of styling you're planning on doing. If you're planning on doing
a lot of curling yourself of using hot irons in it to style, I'd
suggest human hair. Or you could get synthetic prestyled hair, but
this means you won't be able to have another hair style until you take
it out or just have that style in a ponytail. Just decide b4 you get
the hair what kind of style(s) you are going to want to try/do in your
hair while they are in. Good Luck!!
answers6: REAL
answers7: human because it looks better
answers8: Real, the synthetic look different, they are <br>
all shiny and you can tell they are fake. <br>
Just think if you get synthetic, you will look <br>
like you have barbie doll hair in your hair. <br>
And no one wants that! So just spend the <br>
extra money on real ones, its worth it:)))

Monday 11 November 2019

Name two accessory pigments and describe why they are useful.?

answers1: Carotenoids are usually red, orange, or yellow pigments, and
include the familiar compound carotene, which gives carrots their
color. These compounds are composed of two small six-carbon rings
connected by a "chain" of carbon atoms. As a result, they do not
dissolve in water, and must be attached to membranes within the cell.
Carotenoids cannot transfer sunlight energy directly to the
photosynthetic pathway, but must pass their absorbed energy to
chlorophyll. For this reason, they are called accessory pigments. One
very visible accessory pigment is fucoxanthin the brown pigment which
colors kelps and other brown algae as well as the diatoms.

Sunday 10 November 2019

Helpp!!! I removed accessories from my computer.?

answers1: Check your recycling bin?
answers2: you deleted them how? <br>
if you deleted them out of your menu list in start button tabs.. you
didnt actually delete them. <br>
if thats how you did it, you need to dig into your system folders and
find them, then right click on each one, and choose to ""pin to menu""
this will put them back onto the menu tabs where they were, or put
them into the menu list where you can drag them into the spot they
were manualy. <br>
now, if you actually DID delete this software entirely from your pc.
which i doubt, youd have to rly TRY to have done that.. then yes you
will probably will need a restore disk.. <br>
or you could try the restore function in your start menu > all
programs > accessories > system tools > restore. <br>
(not 100% that will work but it SHOULD, but try the manual way i outlined first)

Saturday 9 November 2019

What Accessories will work with this gun?

answers1: Any standard M4 highcap will work. (E1, CA, KWA, ICS, JG,
AK, etc.) <br>
<a href="http://www.airsoftgi.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=m4+high&x=0&y=0"
Again, any standard grip will work. <br>
<a href="http://www.airsoftgi.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=vertical&x=0&y=0"
Since you have an M4, your accessory options are almost endless
considering the M4 is the most common airsoft rifle. <br>
You gun can hold any standard 8.4v mini battery or a 9.6v nun-chuck
battery. To figure out how long to charge it, figure out how many mAh
your charger charges an hour (should say on the front of it) and
divide the number of mAh that your battery has by the amount your
charger chargers by. You should get something in the 4-6 hour range.
If you cant figure that out then whenever the battery starts to get
really warm its done charging,
answers2: almost all m4-m16 hicap mags with work unless otherwise
stated. As for bipod/vert grip thats a little more complicated because
it does not have tactical rails while they can be put on there they do
not come standard, if you wanted to you could replace the plastic
handguard with an RIS which makes the gun compatible with most
accessories and makes it much cooler

Friday 8 November 2019

Where can i buy male Accessories?

answers1: Here is available all types of Man's and Women's Fashionable
Jewelry. <br>
JDbands.com a Leading online boutique for luxury jewelry goods and
designer fashion products specializing in Hand Braided Wedding Rings
Wedding Bands, Wedding Engagement Rings, Mens Wedding Bands, Diamond
Wedding Rings offers a wide selection of Authentic Designer Jewelry
and Accessories. JD Bands.com, where we bring you the Jean Daniel
Collections. We offer you over thirty years of experience in
hand-crafted wedding-band designs. <br>
You can visit at http://www.jdbands.com <br>
And find huge latest jewelry - wedding rings, wedding rings, men's
wedding rings, women's tungsten wedding rings, cheap men's wedding
rings, men's gold wedding ring, men's titanium wedding rings, diamond
engagement rings, men's diamond wedding rings, men's white gold
wedding rings, men's white gold wedding band, men's gold wedding
rings, titanium wedding ring set

Thursday 7 November 2019

Viking Accessories??????

answers1: Here are some links: <br>
<a href="http://www.costumesinc.com/t732/Viking-Costumes-Themes.html"
<a href="http://www.bizrate.com/costume-accessories/viking-costume-accessories/"
<a href="http://www.nextag.com/viking-costume/search-html"
In the "source" area is the google search results with lots more places. <br>
As far as COD I don't think many places do that now but you might be
able to get them to take a cashier's check. To get one, go to a
convenience store. Most of them will issue one with a minimal
answers2: You can try searching on eBay.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

top fashion magazines?

answers1: TEEN VOGUE! <br>
marie claire <br>
seventeen <br>
answers2: GQ the only way to go
answers3: Elle <br>
Teen Vogue <br>
Seventeen <br>
Cosmo Girl <br>
Star <br>
People <br>
US Weekly <br>
answers4: Teen Vogue if you want teen stuff but if you want high
fashion stuff just use VOGUE.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Whats the history of Japanese street fashion?

answers1: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gothic_lolita"
<a href="http://www.jrockrevolution.com/index.php/blogs/article/gothic_and_lolita_styles/fashion_blog"
answers2: Lolita was adapted by european culture and made to look
sweet and innocent, elegant, it depends on the type. <br>
Most of the styles in harajuku came from musical influences blah blah blah.

Sunday 3 November 2019

Which Are The Best Fashion Careers?

answers1: You are right about Fashion Management. Studying fashion
management beyond your first degree sharpens your credentials in that
you can now fit in managerial roles, fashion merchandising, fashion
marketing and other business-wise positions in the fashion industry.
And that also explains why an institution of such stature and
international accreditation such as the Milan based
http://www.domusacademy.com decided to run such a program. <br>
On the addition, however, below is a list of other fashion related
careers that can be, using your own terms, considered as rock n roll
(lucrative or sth) <br>
Fashion Illustrator <br>
Fashion Photographer <br>
Fashion Buyer <br>
Boutique Entrepreneur <br>
Fashion Writer <br>
Fashion Stylist <br>
Fashion Public relations specialist

Saturday 2 November 2019

how can i look high fashion?

answers1: Emmaline, if you think that high fashion has ANYTHING to do
with Abercrombie and Converse, then you obviously know NOTHING about
fashion at ALL. No offense or anything but Abercrombie is just a
shitty mall brand with terrible clothing no more fashionable than what
you would find at Walmart on a given day. And well, Converse can be
cool, but that still doesn't make them high fashion. <br>
Anywho...Start by scoping out fashion blogs from around the world.
See what is in not only in your home town, but in other places as
well. Europe is usually months ahead on fashion trends, so if you pay
attention to what is going on in Europe and copy it here before other
people are doing it, you will be ahead of the game! Don't shop
anywhere that likes to cover it's products in brand names. Try places
like H&M instead. In fact, H&M is a great place to go because it's a
European chain. <br>
When you start getting into it, don't try TOO hard. You never want to
look like you are TRYING to be fashionable, you want to make it look
natural. If you start trying to cram too many trends into one outfit,
you are just going to wind up looking a mess. <br>
If you go to Barnes and Nobel, they carry fashion magazines from
everywhere. They are great to pick up once and a while because they
always list websites where you can buy stuff from so it's good to look
and see if any of them ship to where you are at.
answers2: Mate, i'm going to assist you comprehend the thank you to
tug it off. First, settle on despite in case you're left surpassed or
top surpassed. next, you will desire to the two unzip or unbutton
despite that's that demands eliminating. Use the hand you're maximum
delicate with. Then take some photographs of your self and cargo them
on your computer. instruct a depended on buddy, and with their help,
get some image vogue layout happening. most of the time, your buddy
will pick some thing which you will not commonly choose for. that's
once you grab the 2nd and choose for it. the single that's no longer
commonly you is the single you will sense maximum delicate with in
intense vogue.
answers3: Emmaline, if you think that high fashion has ANYTHING to do
with Abercrombie and Converse, then you obviously know NOTHING about
fashion at ALL. No offense or anything but Abercrombie is just a
shitty mall brand with terrible clothing no more fashionable than what
you would find at Walmart on a given day. And well, Converse can be
cool, but that still doesn't make them high fashion. <br>
Anywho...Start by scoping out fashion blogs from around the world. See
what is in not only in your home town, but in other places as well.
Europe is usually months ahead on fashion trends, so if you pay
attention to what is going on in Europe and copy it here before other
people are doing it, you will be ahead of the game! Don't shop
anywhere that likes to cover it's products in brand names. Try places
like H&M instead. In fact, H&M is a great place to go because it's a
European chain. <br>
When you start getting into it, don't try TOO hard. You never want to
look like you are TRYING to be fashionable, you want to make it look
natural. If you start trying to cram too many trends into one outfit,
you are just going to wind up looking a mess. <br>
If you go to Barnes and Nobel, they carry fashion magazines from
everywhere. They are great to pick up once and a while because they
always list websites where you can buy stuff from so it's good to look
and see if any of them ship to where you are at.

Friday 1 November 2019

Please help me understand a essay topic for humanities?

answers1: I am taking an art survey class in college, and I just
leaned that painting landscapes became "valid" in the art world as a
response to the industrial revolution. I guess people were stuck in
stinky factories and towns where before they lived in less stinky
villages and were in touch with nature on a closer level. Then, when
they no longer had it, they longed for the beauty of nature. Hope this

Thursday 31 October 2019

Humanities and me how I imbibe? what does this mean?

answers1: one definition of imbibe is to absorb and retain something
into the mind. <br>
so i'm thinking it's either asking how you go about learning/'what
humanities mean to me'. (: <br>
but i would ask the teacher.

Wednesday 30 October 2019

What exactly can I do with a BA in Humanities with a specialization in English?

answers1: you can probably get a teaching certification. Because you
must write many essays and do a lot of critical reading, any position
requiring these skills is possible.
answers2: You need to go in and talk with your adviser or perhaps a
career counselor at your college. I can't imagine any career that is
launched with a BA in Humanities. What was your original plan when you
were advised to pursue this major? <br>
If you want to teach Spanish it needs to be your major, not a minor,
and you need to also get in the education program. You can do it,
but you need to reorient yourself now to a new major. It may also
take some summer work, a heavy credit load for a semester or two, or
perhaps an extra semester, but you can do it.
answers3: each and every thing different than math. i actually did
like countless concern different than the scary math. definite i
comprehend there is a few arithmetic in contact in technological
information and definite i did no longer like that yet I drudged by
using it because of the fact ordinary technological information
continues to be exciting. basically in case i did no longer make my
element sparkling I Hate Math, lol.

Tuesday 29 October 2019

English Comp II or Humanities?

answers1: Hmm. Is this for a high school class? To be honest, I
think English comp would be better on your resume. But, if you
already have too many classes to handle this year then I'd take
Humanities to lighten your load a bit. English may consist of more
work and writings.
answers2: Definitely go with Humanities because you get to attend
plays, go to museums and write about your feelings toward the event.
Waaaaay easier than English and takes you places you thought you'd
never go or be interested in.

Monday 28 October 2019

Non-Western Humanities Essay Question?

answers1: in the U. S. werewolves are seen somewhat some issues;
people who can develop into wolves/ wolf human hybrids or people who
take on the features of a wolf yet nevertheless hold their human kind.
Vampires on the off hand are kinda uncommon in the U. S.. i've got
heard of issues (human and not) that drain that's victims of blood
till ineffective, and purely come out at night, yet for an define i
won't be in a position to truly inform you of something particular.
Sorry could Your Swords stay Sharp - Writ3rGrl
answers2: Humanities is a catchall for emotionally involved aspects of
life as opposed to logical aspects of life such as math and the
sciences which involve the intellect only. The humanities are people
related, psychology of the individual and groups. Today the logical
aspects of life are more defined and subscribed to while the emotional
aspects remain relatively unexplored. That's why there is so much
strife in the world.

Saturday 26 October 2019

A nice place to get art supplies?

answers1: I dont know if wherever you live they have a michaels, or
somewhere nearby, but they have everything! :) everything to do with
crafts and art

Thursday 24 October 2019

Wednesday 23 October 2019

names of lease 10 carrers that are art related?

answers1: i dont know where to start! there are so many... <br>
architecture <br>
photography <br>
fashion design <br>
interior design <br>
fine art---(things like painting or things you'd seen in art
museums...my boyfriends mom does something like this and she's very
good but its hard to sell your paintings) <br>
animation <br>
art teacher <br>
this one is a little out of the arts butttt you can create flower
arangemants...it is creative after all <br>
create or engrave jewelery <br>
acting! hard to get famous but if your good you can do it <br>
and there are so many more
answers2: What kind of art? There is the art of everything. I will
take a stabe at it. Photographer, Graphic Design, Bus. Card Designer,
Clothing Designer, Video Editing is a form of art, Bill board desiger,
ok that is all I can come up with.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Best Universities/Art Schools in Southeast for Art/Visual Effects?

answers1: SCAD, Ringling College of Art and Design, The Art Institute of Atlanta
answers2: I'm pretty sure those problems don't come from a southeast
facing house. the way your house faces has very little effect on
anything except maybe temperature and how much light gets in..
answers3: Savannah College of Art and Design

Monday 21 October 2019

Does Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts use uniforms?

answers1: No. Its seems like the kind of school that wears uniform
because of its reputation and all but they dont wear uniform there.
They did though, a few years ago, but they stopped it, so now you can
wear whateveer. <br>
Hope i helped
answers2: I have no clue, but good luck at finding out, I live in
Ottawa, The capital of Canada.

Sunday 20 October 2019

School of Visual Arts?

answers1: It appears that they may accept transfer credits.The credits
would need to fit in with the program of the school. <br>
The best bet, however is to contact the school and inquire directly./
answers2: some say this some say that, some be attentive to what
they're talking approximately maximum dont. in case you taugh your
self maths would you learn quicker and greater effective than having
people that already be attentive to it show you? in case you elect for
to be a photographer take the possibility and learn from others that
show photrography. Self taught or schooled there are a number of great
straightforward and undesirable shooters its individual. a

Saturday 19 October 2019

Why would anyone attempt to teach about the 4th dimension in art, especially visual?

answers1: Why not ask the teacher? <br>
Someone who might know a little more about the subject than you do <br>
(I imagine).
answers2: The teacher I had knew better, I geuss.
answers3: You can try through twin paradox, as time is the fourth
dimension, if a twin stay on earth and the other travels very very
fast, thing difficultly achieved with my car, to another point in the
universe, when he or she returns his/her brother or sister will be
much much older than his or her. Just a theory, but atom particles
seem to behave this way
answers4: The teacher probably went to an art school that concentrated
on conceptual art and not the technical aspects of actually producing
art! Talk is interesting, but sometime you have to actually do it. A
real artist actually creates real art.
answers5: Strange concept. I'm not sure what the 4th dimension in art
is. The 3 dimensions are height, width, depth. It's easy to represent
those in art. The 4th dimension the way you are talking about it is
something hidden or inside something else. It's always compelling to
add some mystery to a painting so the viewer can ask: what's going to
happen next, or wonder what's inside that. I think of the 4th
dimension as being time and that does not exist unless the art is a
mobil or something like that. Now that I think of that, I painted a
piece a couple of years ago, a landscape, where a storm was coming up,
and the trees were blowing in one direction. Moving air = 4th
dimension. The effects were represented but you couldn't see the air.
If you look at some of the cubist paintings you will see features
represented at different angles. For example a face looking forward
with the nose viewed from the left and eyes from the right. That could
be broadly described as a 4th dimension.
answers6: as even the visual arts are about representing the
non-visual, it makes sense to include the fourth dimension. art is
about what cannot be simply referred to with the senses we're familiar
with, nor language. I suppose you agree there's a difference between a
painting not including depth, and one (still being a painting so
actually a two-dimensional product) depicting a life scene like people
in a room

Thursday 17 October 2019

How should you act around a girl you like?What do girls prefer?

answers1: if she doesn't know that you like her, then what's the
point? both of you will be hiding behind "secrets" and things will
never happen. You gotta show some interest, don't just play "shy guy"
after a certain age, girls think that stuff is childish, and u gotta
make the move. if i knew this stuff only two years ago, my life would
be so much better..
answers2: just be nice, dont try to be "funny". and be urself
answers3: be yourself. <br>
but don't be loud and obnoxious. <br>
and if you two talk, and you think she might like you back, tell her.
answers4: be yourself and give her compliments
answers5: dont follow her around XP
answers6: We love when guys be themselves! Just be you. I'm sure she'll like it.
answers7: Just try to act like yourself as much as possible though it
may be nerve racking and just don't try to say something funny on a
whim because there is a good chance you'll end up sounding like an
answers8: Act friendly. All girls love that.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

What kind of things do you do in acting class?

answers1: A lot of times acting classes start with imrpov and acting
games to get everyone comfortable with each other
answers2: ask the teacher, all are quite different from one another.
answers3: I'm sure most are different from each other but they
generally follow a similar guideline (make sense?) Normally they do
improv, group reads, monologues, table reads, small in class plays.
Generally that stuff, hope that helps.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Acting classes and things?

answers1: No, and no. Acting lessons online are utterly pointless. In
any case, you will never get professional acting auditions without a
good agent, and no good agent is going to be aware of you, nor be
interested in you through practicing acting in front of your computer!
Just think about it for a minute and you'll see how silly this sounds.

Monday 14 October 2019

how does one "act normal"?

answers1: All dermis coloration aside, you sound knowledgeable, and
correctly mannered, no longer loud and sloppy ghetto, and that's a
super plus for you! you recognize that being black does not require
you to be ill mannered and obnoxious. people will such as you in case
you reside that way, and you dermis coloration would be irrelevant,
because of the fact which you're civilized. That makes you slot in.
Black people do no longer want you to slot in with different ethnic
communities like white and latino. and because you do slot in with
anybody, no count number what their race is, you're looked down upon
by way of different blacks, because of the fact they have been bred to
be loud and ghetto.
answers2: What is normal? A man with a bad temper and a man who is
serene, which is normal? Ask that mongrel of a teacher that.
answers3: Normally Definition
answers4: Your teacher, if that's what she really said, is an idiot
and not worthy of your respect. Normal? As time passes that
definition morphs radically and cannot by it's nature be a constant,
it can only be a result. <br>
Act within the limits of your environment and the extensions of you
personality, live and learn. Be willing to accept the consequences of
what you do. It will balance out eventually. <br>
All of us are actors, all of us act at least part of the time. It has
been my experience that the smaller percentages of your time you allow
this the better off you are, but that's just me. Try hard not to
"impersonate" anyone unless it is for laughs. <br>
You can act anyone's idea of normal and never come close, it is a
moving and elusive target. Act like yourself should be the easiest
role you ever play. <br>
answers5: Acting normal is pretty much fulfilling someone's
expectations of your actions. <br>
Ask your teacher what he/she expects you to act, and that's what your
teacher means by saying you should "act normal".
answers6: slapping her in the face is normal
answers7: :O <br>
WHATTA B*TCH teacher! <br>
How dare she/he <br>
TO act normal is to simlpybe yourself, why is there such a big problem
with that? >:F
answers8: you go and watch the "Not Normal" episode of Spongebob and
see why you shouldn't listen to her. :)
answers9: You're obviously really smart for your age, (assuming you
are in high school). For the benefit of the teacher and your vagueness
of the possibility of why she could be telling you to 'act normal' I
cannot make a proper judgment on the scenario. But in what you've told
me, and what you have inferred from your teacher's judgment to have
the audacity to tell you to 'act normal', you have hit the nail on the
head. Your teacher is a drone.

Sunday 13 October 2019

when does star trek come out in the dollar fifty movie theater?

answers1: Usually a movie that does well like Star Trek takes about
3-4 months after its initial release to reach the budget theaters.
Since the movie came out in early May, look for it in the next month
or so.
answers2: I dont know, It should be here at the dollar cinema soon. I
enjoyed Star Trek. Call the theatre and find out.

Saturday 12 October 2019

what should my tv theater settings be?

answers1: There's not enough info. What kind of speakers do you have
wired to the tv? If it's just the tv by itself set it to natural. If u
have surround sound then, obviously theatre

Friday 11 October 2019

What's your opinion on theater people?

answers1: some are funny some piss me off
answers2: they are real and you can throw things at them if they suck
answers3: they are a stereotype nerd but they actually have a lot of
courage to go on stage and preform.
answers4: a theater full of blacks is like being at the zoo
answers5: Not MY opinions but the stereotype is: <br>
Guys that do theater are gay <br>
Girls that do theater want to be an actress. <br>
lol <br>
But I don't aggree with that <br>
My opinions: <br>
Guys: They have a lot of courage to go up there on stage and perform.
Many times in front of their friends, family, and typically school.
Girls: They have courage as well and have a lot of friends that
probably do theaters with them
answers6: They are soo cool.
answers7: Best.people.in.the.world. I'm a theatre person. :P LOVEEEE<3
And no. Guys and girls shouldn't be any different.
answers8: they need to get beat up <br>
fer realz

Thursday 10 October 2019

What is a Arena Theatre?

answers1: An Arena theatre is where the audience completely surrounds
the stage or playing area. It often called "Theatre-in-the-round"
because the stage is always in the center with the audience arranged
on all sides (4 sides). An Arena theater shapes can be rectangular,
circular, diamond, or triangular, with actors entering and exiting
through the audience from different directions or from below the
stage. The stage is usually on an even level with or lowered below the
audience in an arena formation.
answers2: an Arena Theater is one of the oldest theaters in
Bratislava. It was established in 1828 on the right bank of Danube.

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Top cities for THEATRE?

answers1: Best Theatre Cities
answers2: Chicago <br>
Boston <br>
Minneapolis -- actually has more live theatre per capita than any city
but NYC <br>
Toronto if you are also looking at schools in Canada <br>
LA and SF <br>
Austin, Texas is better known for its music, but has a growing theatre scene
answers3: The Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul have more theatres
than any city in America outside of NYC. Los Angeles actually doesn't
do live theatre as much as it does movies and television. I have also
been told that Seattle is up and coming.
answers4: There is no better city in America than New York for
Theatre!...and there is no better school for learning the trade than
Julliard School. Come to Broadway Theatre district et see for
yourself! Now, there are first class theatres in every major city in
America. <br>
Here is a list of Theatres in America . . . <br>
Ahmanson Theater, Los Angeles <br>
Pantages Theater, Los Angeles <br>
Segerstrom Hall, Los Angeles <br>
Curran Theater, San Francisco <br>
Golden Gate Theater, San Francisco <br>
Ford Center for the Arts, Chicago <br>
LaSalle Bank Theater, Chicago <br>
Academy of Music, Philadelphia <br>
Forrest Theater, Philadelphia <br>
Merriam Theater, Philadelphia <br>
Music Hall at Fair Park, Dallas <br>
Au Rene Theater, Miami <br>
Kennedy Center Opera House, Washington DC <br>
Boston Opera House, Boston <br>
Charles Playhouse, Boston <br>
Colonial Theater, Boston <br>
Paramount Theater, Seattle <br>
Gammage Auditorium, Phoenix
answers5: New York is well known for Broadway, LA is well known for
theatre and film/television Chicago is very well known for theatre but
here's a list for what I've found: <br>
1. Kansas City <br>
2. Chicago <br>
3. St. Paul <br>
4. London <br>
and <br>
5. New Orleans <br>
Good luck! <br>

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Poetry- self guiding books? Urgent!?

answers1: I agree with the first contributor, especially regarding the
Kooser book. I bought it some years ago, read it twice, and keep
returning to it. Good book.
answers2: complicated subject. browse at yahoo and bing. that will
could actually help!
answers3: Any one of these three books might be what you're looking for: <br>
"The Poet's Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry" by
Kim Addonizio and Dorianne Laux <br>
"A Poetry Handbook" by Mary Oliver <br>
"The Poetry Home Repair Manual" by Ted Kooser

Monday 7 October 2019

Near Rhymes in poetry?

answers1: I don't see why not, but I wouldn't say I'm a poetry expert,
but isn't poetry all about expressing yourself? I say do whatever
feels good.
answers2: complex subject. try searching at google. just that will help!

Sunday 6 October 2019

Why doesn't anybody read poetry anymore?

answers1: complicated step. lookup onto yahoo and bing. that might help!
answers2: I'm not sure, but I'm a teen poet and all my friends love
poetry. We find it moving, and most of us have serious issues. Most of
us are cutters and when we read poetry we get so caught up in it, that
we forget our issues and become oblvious to the knifes.
answers3: Teens today do not have any respect for poetry. I hate
seeing my peers sneer at the word poetry. I personally love it. I
think people, not just teens, are obsessed with celebrities, money,
rap music and the whole pop culture that is today. No one wants to
spend the time reading poetry, because they would rather be reading in
a magazine what Lauren Conrad was wearing on friday. QUITE stupid.
There are no really famous celebrities that are poets, you never read
about poets in the media because they are not part of that crowd. It
is a shame that people do not spend more time reading poetry today.
answers4: challenging situation. browse from the search engines. it can help!

Saturday 5 October 2019

can I sell my poetry I write?

answers1: Yeah Poetry Doesn't have a huge market, but you can join
contests and slam competitions, and they do offer some prizes <br>
Check out the Poetry Castle -
http://www.fliprap.com/forumdisplay.php?17-The-Poetry-Castle <br>
You can post your poems, get feedbacks and comments, join poetry
battles, share poetry videos, poetry writing exercises, and you can
comment on other people's poems. Invite your friends to join now! You
can win "Poetry of the Week", Fliprap trophies, and more
answers2: Poetry doesn't have a huge market (though the amount of
poetry being published is larger than at any time in history), most
print publications are poorly funded or rely on volunteers or
students, so your chances of being paid are slim. I find it
interesting the number of writers who want to be published but do not
support those who publish poetry. How many books of poetry have you
purchased in the last year? How many journals do you subscribe to?
What do you do to advocate for poetry in your community, to make a
market, to cause interest?
answers3: sophisticated point. research at yahoo. it can help!
answers4: hard situation. look in google. just that will help!
answers5: There are many magazines -- print and online -- that publish
poetry. But most of them don't pay for it. The few journals that do
pay get tons of submissions from experienced, widely published poets.
So the competition is pretty intense. <br>
For information about journals that publish poetry, including
information about how to submit your work for consideration, take a
look at the book "Poet's Market." Your local library might have a
copy. <br>
<a href="http://www.poetsmarket.com/"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.poetsmarket.com/</a> <br>
You can also find useful information at this site: <br>
<a href="http://www.duotrope.com/index.aspx"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.duotrope.com/index.aspx</a> <br>
Be sure to read any magazine before submitting your work. Different
journals are interested in different kinds of poetry.
answers6: You may be able to but it is a lot more complicated than it
sounds. First you need to know who you want to try to sell it to and
I am not sure how that works. But if you wrote tons of poems go to
publisher see if you can get them published if you have that much
confidence in your poems. This isn't easy and you have to be careful.
Good Luck!!!!

Friday 4 October 2019

Why is Philosophy better than Languages?

answers1: You should study at least some philosophy. A course or two,
not on the history of philosophy or philosophers, but based on
learning to think accurately, will be very useful in life. <br>
Studying languages would be also very practical since each language
opens up a window on the Human experience and makes traveling more
enjoyable. Traveling is the best way to learn about being human. I
personally wouldn't choose French, but maybe Chinese or one of the
Slavic languages from Eastern Europe. Those are two very interesting
places in the world today.
answers2: Here is the short answer: French will teach you how to
communicate with speakers of that language. <br>
Philosophy will give you the skills necessary to evaluate and better
understand any new idea you encounter.
answers3: There's no reason why you can't study both. Language has an
immediate practical purpose. You can have jobs that require
bi-lingualism. <br>
There are also many French philosophers, and being able to read the
texts in the original language puts you at an advantage over the other
students who rely on translation; this is particulary valued at the
graduate level and will increase your chances of getting into graduate
programs. <br>
If you like both, study both. In my undergraduate I studied German
and ancient Greek with Philosophy, and do not regret it.
answers4: You have to have a philosophy in order to speak it in French. <br>
and it's fun from learning from others philosophical questions. <}:-})
answers5: Philosophy is about critical thinking.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Anybody interested in starting a discussion group on philosophy?

answers1: Yes I am interested in starting discussions related to
philosophy. However, I want answers dealing with the practical
application of philosophies. A synthesis of philosophies would be
ideal since no one philosophy is perfect and one philosophy tends to
borrow or "pirate" from other philosophies. So, let's begin with
practical philosophies like Tao Te Ching, Sun Tzu Ping Fa, The Book of
Five Rings by Mushashi Miyamoto, The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli and
Guerilla Warfare by Che Guevarra
answers2: "If you always put limits on what you can do, physical or
anything else, it'll spread over into the rest of your life. It'll
spread into your work, into your morality, into your entire being.
There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there,
you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. A man must
constantly exceed his level." <br>
-Bruce Lee
answers3: The sky is blue...
answers4: a black hole is a dying star

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Application of philosophy......?

answers1: If I had not learned the philosophical techniques of
epistemology; and learned the rudiments of political science, law,
ethics, logic and good old common sense, I could not have given my
lawyer ideas he did not yet see. After he saw them, he was able to
help me the way I wanted help, and I would say I won. <br>
I had to go to the local law library and put all my philosophical
tools in play to accomplish this. <br>
"Political science" used to come right after Ethics. Now, however, it
is often seen as something apart from philosophy, and we call that
thing "politics." <br>
Political science trumps "politics" any day of the week as far as
saving humanity goes. It's the "science" of using metaphysics,
epistemology, and ethics, in the setting of a civilization. Whereas
politics is simply a bunch of thugs fighting over pork.
answers2: Buddhism is a philosophy of mind more than a religion.
Understanding the fluidity of "Truth" has important applications.
answers3: Large companies, when hiring entry-level positions, often
will take the philosophy major over the English or Business or etc.
because they have learned how to think abstractly rather than
regurgitate. <br>
Philosophy is the science of the mind, really. Infinitely valuable.
answers4: The Gita is a book written by men, How can it be called as
Divine? The authentic Hindu scriptures that are considered to be from
GOD are the Vedas. There are basically 4 Vedas, The Rig Ved, The Saam
Ved, The Yejus Ved and the Atharva Ved. So Hindus are supposed to be
'Vedantists'. But i dont find any Hindu reading or practicing the
Veda. Because the TRUTH is that, THe Vedas are NOT accessible to the
common Man. Moreover the pandits do NOT themselves disclose anything
about this. Why is that? And as i have studied, The Vedas are DEAD
against Popular Hindu belief of worshipping the Idols. And the Vedas
have prophecies of the coming of Prophet Muhammed. Nobody can deny
these facts. He is called as 'Ahmadam' which is the sanskrit version
of 'Ahmad' a name of the Prophet. He is also referred as 'Kalki
Avatar', the Hindu pandits refer 'kalki avatar' to Krishna which is
wrong. Because kalki's father are 'Vishnu vyas' meaning "Servant of
GOD" which is exactly the translation of Prophet's Dads name in Arabic
"Abdullah" and the name of the mother is "Sumati" which means "Peace
Loving" translate this into Arabic and you get 'Aamina' Christians,
muslims, jews and all should also read the Hindu scriptures for
understanding. But which Ones? I mentioned above. PEACE BE with you.
answers5: Philosophy is really about love of knowledge (if you break
the word down to its roots). So, the question is really: do ideas
matter? do they have any real consequence? I think a person can only
answer this through the passage of time and through experience. In my
life, the answer no longer really important. I love ideas, I like to
be "right" or think that I am "right" in my actions. Time will
doubtless prove me wrong (or right), but either way, I must lead a
considered life.
answers6: At any endeavor in life a better understanding of reality
and its meaning is a great fuel for better living. This applies in
smaller and/or larger scales. Modern laws that protect freedoms or
better organize resources are based on ideas that are to any extent
considered philosophy. Governmental methods are based in specific
philosophies. What we do with our resources are guided by personal and
social philosophies. <br>
Examples - <br>
1. If we had a different philosophy on the value of knowledge we would
have never have made the huge efforts needed to go to the moon. <br>
2. If we had a different philosophy in individual rights we would be
living in a authocratic Monarchy, or a Communist society, or one of
other systems. <br>
ETC... it would go on for a very long time...! <br>
Philosophy finds itself into every aspect of our lives even if we are
not aware or apt to define it. Even your career development versus
your personal life is significantly influenced by your personal
philosophy through your understanding, attitudes and values.
answers7: The real philosophy is simply the "Law of Nature" but may
not be proved scientifically, but clearly known to the analytical
mind. A good philosophy/The Law of Nature should always help the well
being of all in the society. All philosophies are known as philosophy
till they are proved scientifically (Philosophy is a concept until it
is proved- if proved it will become Science). Even the great scientist
Newton was known as a "Natural Philosopher". <br>
It is to be noted that all actions are comprised under 3 categories
namely thoughts, words and deeds. Thought is the special name given to
mind in its action state. But mind is the origin of all. <br>
Whether I have answered your question or confused. Please let me know.
answers8: i can tell you that a good number of people who work in the
field of philosophy sometimes wind up in physics. so there is a
practical application. just as science fiction writers ideas at times
become reality so it is that philosophy has ideas that translate well
into practical world applications. jeez louise i wish i could give you
some practicle examples but i just cant think of any at this moment.
answers9: Philosophy is the study of wisdom. Just as a journalist
asks the questions of who, what, when, where, how and why, so, too,
does the philosopher. One questions events, the other, ideas and
knowledge. <br>
In my opinion, the greatest writers wrote before Christ. They were
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. After Christ, the greatest was Thomas
Aquinas, author of Summa Theologica which was in many ways an up date
of Aristotle. My current favorite psychologist is Eric Berne, the
creator of Transactional Analysis, the author of Games People Play and
other works.
answers10: I belive we can use philosophy in all phases of our lives,
as well as excercising the mind. Thought is first...action without
thought is usually disasterous. And don't belittle yourself, we all
are fledglings when it comes to philosophy. If not then we are over
estimating our own knowledge, or the perception there of.

Monday 30 September 2019

Philosophy Teachers?

answers1: Go to the university web sites and then their their
philosophy departments. There you should find a link where the
individual professors talk about their interests. <br>
Write down the names of professors that interest you and check
Amazon.com to see if they have published anything. <br>
Repeat this for as many universities as you would like to go to. <br>
Once you have a list of books, order the books that interest you and
read them. This should give you a good idea who are the best
professors. Of course just because a professor writes a good book
doesn't mean that they teach a good course. But it is better than
guessing. <br>
Often professors will refer to each other's works. This gives you a
network of who influences who. That gives you another clue on who to
study under depending on your interests.
answers2: It depends on what area of philosophy interests you. I went
to Cornell, so I can tell you a little about their department. <br>
They were a pretty traditional philosophy department, stressing
ancient and "modern" philosophy, mainly dealing with the history of
philosophy. When David Lewis, probably the second best metaphysician
of the last few decades after Quine, passed away in the late 1990's,
he left behind a number of talented PhD students at Princeton, where
he taught. Cornell conducted a talent raid and came up with professors
like Hellie, Graff, Bracken and several others. <br>
I just checked out Cornell's website, and it appears that not a single
one of them is still there, but the older professors teaching in other
areas are. Think about why philosophy interests you. Try to find
recent philosophers working in that area. Then look up where they
teach and try to find where their former students teach. Those
departments will have what you're looking for. <br>
The bottom line, though, is that you shouldn't worry about it too
much. Most people change their majors at least once in college (I
started as a physics major). Even if you don't change majors, your
focus within your major is likely to change. Go to a school that can
offer diverse opportunities, but is also good at your main interests.
Good luck.
answers3: depends a bit on what you want, but not so much in college,
more so in grad school. as an undergrad, at first you might not have
settled on what you'd want to pursue in grad school. in that case,
look at the Gourman Report to determine how universities rank, and
apply to a couple upper tier ones, a couple second tier, and so on.
As a rule, you'll find the best faculty in the upper tier. most of
the best faculty and students cluster in the upper tier. last I
looked, the upper tier in phil includes oxford, princeton, harvard,
berkeley (where I went), and univ of pittsburg. Chicago sat at the
upper end of the second tier. However, each one has a different
approach. call or visit each one if you can, and ask the phil dept
head his or her description of various appraoaches to phil, and ask
which is theirs. pick the one(s) you really want, and then ask what
you can do to prepare for entry. Whatever they say, will likely
prepare you for the rest.

Sunday 29 September 2019

HELP- Performing arts college.. should i go at 16, or do my A.levels fist ?

answers1: My opinion as a professional actor, and of course this is
only my opinion: A levels first. It's never too late to train and
perform. <br>
However, if you KNOW performance is really the thing you will do
forever, even if you are not making much money and don't have a nice
house, car, whatever, yet still find the energy and aliveness and joy
of dance, then maybe skip that other crap and go train!

Saturday 28 September 2019

What are some of the best performing arts institutions in California?

answers1: Hey! Here is some great spot to look for any performing arts
related info... <br>
Hope be helpful. <br>
Performing Arts:
: tricky subject. check out on google or bing. that can assist!

Friday 27 September 2019

arizona performing arts theater?

answers1: Are you asking about performance halls in general? <br>
Gammage is at Arizona State University, in Phoenix. <br>
Or, specifically: <br>
Arizona Performing Arts Theatre <br>
2641 E. Beekman Place • Phoenix • Arizona • 85016 <br>
(602) 952-8447 • FAX: (602) 952-8447 <br>
Here's their website: <br>
<a href="http://www.arizonaperformingarts.com/home.htm"

Thursday 26 September 2019

Performing arts Boarding high schools in New York City?

answers1: Music Conservatory of Westchester <br>
White Plains, New York <br>
"The Music Conservatory of Westchester is a diverse community of
people with a shared commitment to the arts, where students of all
ages and abilities develop their talents in ways appropriate to their
individual goals and interests, guided by excellent faculty." <br>
http://www.zoominfo.com/Search/CompanyDe… <br>
Woodland Hill Montessori School <br>
North Greenbush, New York <br>
Woodland Hill Montessori School, one of the oldest Montessori schools
in the nation, brings the innovative philosophy of Dr. Maria
Montessori to New York's Capital Region. The century-old Montessori
method nurtures a kid
am a high school teacher at a boarding school in new york and i have
seen many boarding schools,the nicest and good one for you is Music
Conservatory of Westchester
answers2: For the best answers, search on this site <a
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>https://shorturl.im/ax7yU</a> <br>
LaGuardia High School for the Performing Arts (in Manhattan).
answers3: NYC has no boarding schools at all. Period. <br>
Kids who want to go to boarding school here, LEAVE the city and go
elsewhere. <br>
I don't know why this question keeps popping up. Is there some tv show
where there's a boarding school in NYC??? It's total fiction. Such a
school wouldn't be economically feasible, due to cost of space here in
NYC. <br>
EDIT: Clearly that one thumbs down is from the person below who posted
about the music conservatory in Westchester. But Westchester ISN'T
NYC!!! To be in NYC you must be in one of the 5 boroughs of NYC, which
are: <br>
Brooklyn (Kings County) <br>
Manhattan (New York County) <br>
Queens (Queens County) <br>
The Bronx (Bronx County) <br>
Staten Island (Richmond County) <br>
Westchester is Westchester COUNTY! It is NOT part of NYC!
answers4: I agree with LJ. Clearly, there are thousands of kids
watching way too much fantasy TV. There are NOT performing arts
boarding schools in NYC. And for the kid who asked, the performing
arts schools require and AUDITION - not just some kid who is barely
learning how to read percussion music, and has YET to touch a drum!
Can't sing, tells us of no other musical abilities - yeah, a school
would really make a place for HER. <br>
We get this on the next level, too - HS kids who want to find a
college that requires VERY LITTLE in the way of ability, previous
education, or honors group membership , competition wins, etc. - and
then that kid thinks that if they can graduate from this third-rate
heap - they will make a CAREER???? <br>
This is the Darwinian process on the arts - if you are not good enough
as a kid, you will not get into a school where you can rise to the
level of professional consideration. This is all their big fantasy -
and when I say so, out come the comments about my cruelty in providing
the reality check. Better for kids to hear it now than later.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

what does performing arts include?

answers1: singing, dancing, acting. <br>
anything that is done on a stage. <br>
answers2: Performing arts! <br>
Dance, Musical instrument playing, Singing...these are the basics! <br>
Acting, Story Telling, Oratory/ speech making and debating! <br>
I believe the illusionist's craft is a performing art, but I don't
think they teach that at a performing arts school. <br>
Creating visual art to music or other action <br>
stimulation on the spur of the moment might be included somewhere they
are into the avengarde.
answers3: appearing arts is level appearing (theatre), vocal music
(making a music), dance, and often instrumental music. If the faculty
has a software for "the arts" that's likely those listed above as well
as seen and media arts. :)
answers4: Performance arts includes any performance activity, usually
band/chorus, theatre, dance (ballet, ball-room, etc.)
answers5: singing, dancing, speech and acting ususally, very good fun
answers6: I'm a BA Performance art student, The basics on performance
art scene is Devising,production skills (this changes over time but it
includes voice acting, computer music editing, scenography)
performance skills & Dramaturgy (this might not be included). <br>
From what I seen of the answers of the above, NO not singing it may be
included for voice but it will not be included unless noted, and the
SAME GOES for dancing. <br>
It is very physical, you will learn about how to use your body as an
expression, as well as using your voice in new way's. we learnt
different techniques which included Caporaira & mixed marshall arts as
well as learning how to move the body in ways you would not imagine.
If you are looking to act in television or film performance art may
not be the best way forward

Monday 23 September 2019

history vs discovery channel which do u like most?

answers1: History Channel
answers2: History Channel, especially since they got a separate
military channel. It was irritating the way they used to show all WWII
battles like nothing happened in the thousands of years of human
history before that. but Discovery is pretty cool too. Go
answers3: The History Channel is killing me. When it first started it
showed those 1970s and 80s documenteries that high school students
only got to see the first half of because the film projector ate the
reel. <br>
Then the History Channel became the World War II channel. Not that
WWII isn't important, I can never learn enough about the war and I
have respect for all of the soldiers, sailors and marines that fought
it in. In fact my favorite movie ever is the Band of Brothers
mini-series that was broadcast on HBO. But seriously, there is more
to history then WWII. <br>
Last night I turned on the History Channel and they were showing a
program on Big Foot. The night before was the Bermuda Triangle. How
about showing me something that is real? 9/11 conspiracies, aliens
and mosters are not history! <br>
I'm very disappointed in this channel and today I prefer the Discovery
Channel for the simple fact that they show Mythbusters, which I enjoy
more then any other show on cable TV.
answers4: I'm leaning more towards the Discoverty Channel lately. Too
much of the program content on the History Channel is dealing with the
occult and the paranormal, including the topic of UFOs. If it keeps up
they may have to change their logo to a tin-foil hat.
answers5: I prefer the History Channel.
answers6: I really do like the History Channel, but the Discovery
Channel covers a more diverse range of topics. I really like to see a
good documentary though... <br>
I am torn...
answers7: Discovery Channel.
answers8: I like the history channel too
answers9: I like History International because it has better
documentaries than the History Channel on regular cable.
answers10: History Channel. If I want to watch a knee operation (which
I do not), i will watch the Discovery CHannel. The History Channel
teaches me stuff I don't already know. The Discovery Channel tells me
things that any 4th grader in a 3rd world country knows.