Wednesday 18 December 2019

Can you define what beauty is?

answers1: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Smile and you will be
beautiful <br>
But read what Voltaire wrote on beauty <br>
Ask a toad what beauty is, the to kalon? He will answer you that it is
his toad wife with two great round eyes issuing from her little head,
a wide, flat mouth, a yellow belly, a brown back. Interrogate a Guinea
African, for him beauty is a black oily skin, deep-set eyes, a flat
nose. Interrogate the devil; he will tell you that beauty is a pair of
horns, four claws and a tail. Consult, lastly, the philosophers, they
will answer you with gibberish: they have to have something conforming
to the arch-type of beauty in essence, to the to kalon.
answers2: Something that attracts or is good in comparison with others. <br>
It may be a person(male or female of whatever age), a stallion,a
building like the Taj Mahal,a painting or poem, sunrises and sunsets,
a colourful constellation of stars, a dance, a well-performed
butterfly swim,a sports car,a dress,a piece of Egyptian jewelry, a
song or musical piece, a plan,great virtues and moral values, etc.
It can actually be applied to anything in life, whatever it is that
strikes your mind, heart or spirit. We should not confine 'beauty'
only to an adult female with curves, big assets or classical features,
Cleopatra or a modern day Miss Universe, for that would be too shallow
a concept in a world and Universe of countless forms of beauty.
answers3: Generally admirable objects are considered as beautiful.
Beauty is also considered as a symbol of completeness.
answers4: to see with eyes <br>
that see past the surface <br>
to see what good is harbored there <br>
or too to discern <br>
what evil might be harbored <br>
that one can see how the outer can hide <br>
or reveal what is inside... <br>
and thus being able to overlook faults <br>
to see the true potential <br>
but overlooking does not mean one does not see wickedness for what it is <br>
and how if one does not warn one of their wickedness <br>
if so called to do by god <br>
that the wicked persons sins <br>
can then stain ones own very soul <br>
this would be i think <br>
according to the second kind of sin that jesus speaks of in luke 12 <br>
which has to do with knowing a good one is responsible for but not
doing such <br>
that can be evil for ones soul <br>
but not as evil as knowing evil and doing evil..that is wickedness <br>
that can bring damnation <br>
tho where most christians thing hell is eternal suffering <br>
i do not think that is what the greek of the new testament actually says...
answers5: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot <br>
be seen or touched, but are felt in the heart. - Helen Keller ♥
answers6: The following are some quotes that come close to explaining
what beauty really is. <br>
`The average girl would rather have beauty than brains because she
knows the average man can see better than he can think.`` Anonymous
``Beautiful hands are they that do deeds thar are noble, good, and
true: beautiful feet are they that go swiftly to lighten another`s
woe.`` Anonymous
answers7: Beauty is convention.
answers8: Well, I've always seen beauty as the combination of all
attractive traits of a human being, be they physical or metaphysical.
That's about as simple as I can make it.
answers9: Beauty is an appreciation that has seen by others.
answers10: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

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