Thursday 12 December 2019

what body feature would you rather have?

answers1: hairy body cause you could at least hide it by waxing or
shaving or laser hair removal, if you have acne you can't get rid of
it as easy
answers2: id rather be hairy.....some chicks dig it.......no chicks
dig acne unless your diddy and get proactiv
answers3: Detroit clean and Robin dirty, LOL <br>
Who's your tiger-mines Miller! He rocks :-) <br>
no help at all right!
answers4: Yikes... <br>
If i had no other choices, i guess hairy. I can always
shave/wax/otherwise remove it. Acne is just nasty to me, especially
all over the body.
answers5: Well that is easy for me to answer I'm a female so acne it
can be treated and go away hair will always come back, and that ain't
cool with me at all.
answers6: Hair Body, I would just get it waxed off. Acne is hard to get rid of
answers7: the hairy body bc you can get it waxed and get it done fast. <br>
zits you cant do anything about and its seriously disgusting. <br>
at least hair can be clean.
answers8: How bored are you? Y the hell would u ask that? Reading that
was like 2 seconds of my life i can never get back.
answers9: quite a choice that...i'll choose hairy acne on robin williams.
answers10: i would rather have a hairy body because you can get ride
it by shaving it off even though it may come back it wont be like it
first was of. but acne is one of those things that doens't seem like
it will ever go away

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