Friday 11 October 2019

What's your opinion on theater people?

answers1: some are funny some piss me off
answers2: they are real and you can throw things at them if they suck
answers3: they are a stereotype nerd but they actually have a lot of
courage to go on stage and preform.
answers4: a theater full of blacks is like being at the zoo
answers5: Not MY opinions but the stereotype is: <br>
Guys that do theater are gay <br>
Girls that do theater want to be an actress. <br>
lol <br>
But I don't aggree with that <br>
My opinions: <br>
Guys: They have a lot of courage to go up there on stage and perform.
Many times in front of their friends, family, and typically school.
Girls: They have courage as well and have a lot of friends that
probably do theaters with them
answers6: They are soo cool.
answers7: Best.people.in.the.world. I'm a theatre person. :P LOVEEEE<3
And no. Guys and girls shouldn't be any different.
answers8: they need to get beat up <br>
fer realz

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