Friday 4 October 2019

Why is Philosophy better than Languages?

answers1: You should study at least some philosophy. A course or two,
not on the history of philosophy or philosophers, but based on
learning to think accurately, will be very useful in life. <br>
Studying languages would be also very practical since each language
opens up a window on the Human experience and makes traveling more
enjoyable. Traveling is the best way to learn about being human. I
personally wouldn't choose French, but maybe Chinese or one of the
Slavic languages from Eastern Europe. Those are two very interesting
places in the world today.
answers2: Here is the short answer: French will teach you how to
communicate with speakers of that language. <br>
Philosophy will give you the skills necessary to evaluate and better
understand any new idea you encounter.
answers3: There's no reason why you can't study both. Language has an
immediate practical purpose. You can have jobs that require
bi-lingualism. <br>
There are also many French philosophers, and being able to read the
texts in the original language puts you at an advantage over the other
students who rely on translation; this is particulary valued at the
graduate level and will increase your chances of getting into graduate
programs. <br>
If you like both, study both. In my undergraduate I studied German
and ancient Greek with Philosophy, and do not regret it.
answers4: You have to have a philosophy in order to speak it in French. <br>
and it's fun from learning from others philosophical questions. <}:-})
answers5: Philosophy is about critical thinking.

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