Tuesday 1 October 2019

Application of philosophy......?

answers1: If I had not learned the philosophical techniques of
epistemology; and learned the rudiments of political science, law,
ethics, logic and good old common sense, I could not have given my
lawyer ideas he did not yet see. After he saw them, he was able to
help me the way I wanted help, and I would say I won. <br>
I had to go to the local law library and put all my philosophical
tools in play to accomplish this. <br>
"Political science" used to come right after Ethics. Now, however, it
is often seen as something apart from philosophy, and we call that
thing "politics." <br>
Political science trumps "politics" any day of the week as far as
saving humanity goes. It's the "science" of using metaphysics,
epistemology, and ethics, in the setting of a civilization. Whereas
politics is simply a bunch of thugs fighting over pork.
answers2: Buddhism is a philosophy of mind more than a religion.
Understanding the fluidity of "Truth" has important applications.
answers3: Large companies, when hiring entry-level positions, often
will take the philosophy major over the English or Business or etc.
because they have learned how to think abstractly rather than
regurgitate. <br>
Philosophy is the science of the mind, really. Infinitely valuable.
answers4: The Gita is a book written by men, How can it be called as
Divine? The authentic Hindu scriptures that are considered to be from
GOD are the Vedas. There are basically 4 Vedas, The Rig Ved, The Saam
Ved, The Yejus Ved and the Atharva Ved. So Hindus are supposed to be
'Vedantists'. But i dont find any Hindu reading or practicing the
Veda. Because the TRUTH is that, THe Vedas are NOT accessible to the
common Man. Moreover the pandits do NOT themselves disclose anything
about this. Why is that? And as i have studied, The Vedas are DEAD
against Popular Hindu belief of worshipping the Idols. And the Vedas
have prophecies of the coming of Prophet Muhammed. Nobody can deny
these facts. He is called as 'Ahmadam' which is the sanskrit version
of 'Ahmad' a name of the Prophet. He is also referred as 'Kalki
Avatar', the Hindu pandits refer 'kalki avatar' to Krishna which is
wrong. Because kalki's father are 'Vishnu vyas' meaning "Servant of
GOD" which is exactly the translation of Prophet's Dads name in Arabic
"Abdullah" and the name of the mother is "Sumati" which means "Peace
Loving" translate this into Arabic and you get 'Aamina' Christians,
muslims, jews and all should also read the Hindu scriptures for
understanding. But which Ones? I mentioned above. PEACE BE with you.
answers5: Philosophy is really about love of knowledge (if you break
the word down to its roots). So, the question is really: do ideas
matter? do they have any real consequence? I think a person can only
answer this through the passage of time and through experience. In my
life, the answer no longer really important. I love ideas, I like to
be "right" or think that I am "right" in my actions. Time will
doubtless prove me wrong (or right), but either way, I must lead a
considered life.
answers6: At any endeavor in life a better understanding of reality
and its meaning is a great fuel for better living. This applies in
smaller and/or larger scales. Modern laws that protect freedoms or
better organize resources are based on ideas that are to any extent
considered philosophy. Governmental methods are based in specific
philosophies. What we do with our resources are guided by personal and
social philosophies. <br>
Examples - <br>
1. If we had a different philosophy on the value of knowledge we would
have never have made the huge efforts needed to go to the moon. <br>
2. If we had a different philosophy in individual rights we would be
living in a authocratic Monarchy, or a Communist society, or one of
other systems. <br>
ETC... it would go on for a very long time...! <br>
Philosophy finds itself into every aspect of our lives even if we are
not aware or apt to define it. Even your career development versus
your personal life is significantly influenced by your personal
philosophy through your understanding, attitudes and values.
answers7: The real philosophy is simply the "Law of Nature" but may
not be proved scientifically, but clearly known to the analytical
mind. A good philosophy/The Law of Nature should always help the well
being of all in the society. All philosophies are known as philosophy
till they are proved scientifically (Philosophy is a concept until it
is proved- if proved it will become Science). Even the great scientist
Newton was known as a "Natural Philosopher". <br>
It is to be noted that all actions are comprised under 3 categories
namely thoughts, words and deeds. Thought is the special name given to
mind in its action state. But mind is the origin of all. <br>
Whether I have answered your question or confused. Please let me know.
answers8: i can tell you that a good number of people who work in the
field of philosophy sometimes wind up in physics. so there is a
practical application. just as science fiction writers ideas at times
become reality so it is that philosophy has ideas that translate well
into practical world applications. jeez louise i wish i could give you
some practicle examples but i just cant think of any at this moment.
answers9: Philosophy is the study of wisdom. Just as a journalist
asks the questions of who, what, when, where, how and why, so, too,
does the philosopher. One questions events, the other, ideas and
knowledge. <br>
In my opinion, the greatest writers wrote before Christ. They were
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. After Christ, the greatest was Thomas
Aquinas, author of Summa Theologica which was in many ways an up date
of Aristotle. My current favorite psychologist is Eric Berne, the
creator of Transactional Analysis, the author of Games People Play and
other works.
answers10: I belive we can use philosophy in all phases of our lives,
as well as excercising the mind. Thought is first...action without
thought is usually disasterous. And don't belittle yourself, we all
are fledglings when it comes to philosophy. If not then we are over
estimating our own knowledge, or the perception there of.

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