Monday 14 October 2019

how does one "act normal"?

answers1: All dermis coloration aside, you sound knowledgeable, and
correctly mannered, no longer loud and sloppy ghetto, and that's a
super plus for you! you recognize that being black does not require
you to be ill mannered and obnoxious. people will such as you in case
you reside that way, and you dermis coloration would be irrelevant,
because of the fact which you're civilized. That makes you slot in.
Black people do no longer want you to slot in with different ethnic
communities like white and latino. and because you do slot in with
anybody, no count number what their race is, you're looked down upon
by way of different blacks, because of the fact they have been bred to
be loud and ghetto.
answers2: What is normal? A man with a bad temper and a man who is
serene, which is normal? Ask that mongrel of a teacher that.
answers3: Normally Definition
answers4: Your teacher, if that's what she really said, is an idiot
and not worthy of your respect. Normal? As time passes that
definition morphs radically and cannot by it's nature be a constant,
it can only be a result. <br>
Act within the limits of your environment and the extensions of you
personality, live and learn. Be willing to accept the consequences of
what you do. It will balance out eventually. <br>
All of us are actors, all of us act at least part of the time. It has
been my experience that the smaller percentages of your time you allow
this the better off you are, but that's just me. Try hard not to
"impersonate" anyone unless it is for laughs. <br>
You can act anyone's idea of normal and never come close, it is a
moving and elusive target. Act like yourself should be the easiest
role you ever play. <br>
answers5: Acting normal is pretty much fulfilling someone's
expectations of your actions. <br>
Ask your teacher what he/she expects you to act, and that's what your
teacher means by saying you should "act normal".
answers6: slapping her in the face is normal
answers7: :O <br>
WHATTA B*TCH teacher! <br>
How dare she/he <br>
TO act normal is to simlpybe yourself, why is there such a big problem
with that? >:F
answers8: you go and watch the "Not Normal" episode of Spongebob and
see why you shouldn't listen to her. :)
answers9: You're obviously really smart for your age, (assuming you
are in high school). For the benefit of the teacher and your vagueness
of the possibility of why she could be telling you to 'act normal' I
cannot make a proper judgment on the scenario. But in what you've told
me, and what you have inferred from your teacher's judgment to have
the audacity to tell you to 'act normal', you have hit the nail on the
head. Your teacher is a drone.

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