Saturday 5 October 2019

can I sell my poetry I write?

answers1: Yeah Poetry Doesn't have a huge market, but you can join
contests and slam competitions, and they do offer some prizes <br>
Check out the Poetry Castle -
http://www.fliprap.com/forumdisplay.php?17-The-Poetry-Castle <br>
You can post your poems, get feedbacks and comments, join poetry
battles, share poetry videos, poetry writing exercises, and you can
comment on other people's poems. Invite your friends to join now! You
can win "Poetry of the Week", Fliprap trophies, and more
answers2: Poetry doesn't have a huge market (though the amount of
poetry being published is larger than at any time in history), most
print publications are poorly funded or rely on volunteers or
students, so your chances of being paid are slim. I find it
interesting the number of writers who want to be published but do not
support those who publish poetry. How many books of poetry have you
purchased in the last year? How many journals do you subscribe to?
What do you do to advocate for poetry in your community, to make a
market, to cause interest?
answers3: sophisticated point. research at yahoo. it can help!
answers4: hard situation. look in google. just that will help!
answers5: There are many magazines -- print and online -- that publish
poetry. But most of them don't pay for it. The few journals that do
pay get tons of submissions from experienced, widely published poets.
So the competition is pretty intense. <br>
For information about journals that publish poetry, including
information about how to submit your work for consideration, take a
look at the book "Poet's Market." Your local library might have a
copy. <br>
<a href="http://www.poetsmarket.com/"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.poetsmarket.com/</a> <br>
You can also find useful information at this site: <br>
<a href="http://www.duotrope.com/index.aspx"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.duotrope.com/index.aspx</a> <br>
Be sure to read any magazine before submitting your work. Different
journals are interested in different kinds of poetry.
answers6: You may be able to but it is a lot more complicated than it
sounds. First you need to know who you want to try to sell it to and
I am not sure how that works. But if you wrote tons of poems go to
publisher see if you can get them published if you have that much
confidence in your poems. This isn't easy and you have to be careful.
Good Luck!!!!

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