Wednesday 20 May 2020

Is Saran Wrap effective for Oral sex for lesbians? Is it better then a dental dam or condom?  

Is Saran Wrap effective for Oral sex for lesbians? Is it better then a dental dam or condom?  

answers 0:Im in a relationship with someone after being single for over a year, My ex knowingly infected me with something called HPV. my current girl unfortunately has MPC and Molluscum contagium so we were both in bad situations before meeting each other.Or I should say our exes did us dirty..Im just trying to move on with my life the best I can. I dont sleep with different people. But you never know what your partner is doing and thats the ugly part. anyway Ive been with my girl for months and we havent really done anything sexual.Thats all me though, because Im scared of sex I dont mentally find it safe anymore, the safest sex is no sex. but I do miss it and I know she wants too..I need to be safe for her sake and mine.TO my lesbians out there or medic! al professionals any tips....Show moreanswers 1:thanks Brit. Just gotta find themanswers 2:Just use a dental dam. They are designed to stop contact between two objects, mouth to vagina, etc. Saran wrap can have tiny holes in it.Edit: I believe most sex stores carry them. =)Can you answer mine too... http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiOfW......answers 3:bwahaha Im being serious though..Some people use the saran wrap, its kinda weird, but its been then getting oral HPV throat cancer etc..anyone else?answers 4:lol...ziplock baggies... ohh yeah!answers 5:Yes you can. Just make sure it's loose enough to cover the ENTIRE area, and put some lube on the underside of the wrap (gives a nice feeling too). This will help to make sure it's not pulled too tightly and with the lube, it decreases risk of snagging and tearing.

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