Sunday 17 May 2020

Does one need a higher education to be successful?

Vince Delarge: For boys yes, for girls no

Cedric Grimstead: Nope! All you need to do is have something you're really good at and make money off it, and you wont always need extra schooling. People who don't have to go to college are lucky sometimes, because college isnt for everybody. Many of us young adults find the courses boring. But, some classes are interesting and help feed you more knowledge. So, I guess it's up to the individual. I personally think higher education can be a fun and interesting journey, but you have to find a way to make money. And ultimately, you dont want to go off to college and waste money because its expensive. I say find a major that will hep you pay the costs of college in the long term. People pay for college many years after they graduate, so I say BE WISE. Find out whats good for you in what you want to do with your life....Show more

Hilde Heskett: My nephew has no college degree. He makes 6 figures doing auto body repair. He ! seems happy.

Garry Ohmen: It really depends on your version of success. In the general form, if success means being an independent, responsible member of society, then no. You just need a job that pays the bills and you can generally get that without higher education.

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