Friday 29 May 2020

Has anyone been taught abstinance as sex education?

Adan Stribble: It's the only edict in my school district. If we had questions about other forms of contraception, our sex educator answered them. Technically speaking, it IS the only 100% effective method of birth control. When it comes to public education, there's a fine line of what can and can't be taught. It's simply too hot a topic to risk getting bad publicity over, so I understand why many districts choose the abstinence only stance.

Eldridge Rieves: yep. i had sex, naturally. abstinence-only education is silly.

Estrella Northway: I was taught abstinence, but I was such a dork, I didn;lt ahve anything to worry about

Providencia Serpe: I was taught sex education in south shore Massachusetts between the years of '98 and '01 and I have to tell you that we were never taught abstinence. They would occasionally mention the fact that abstinence was the only way to remain without unwanted children and diseases but they mostly taught us on the " we k! now that you've already had sex or are planning on it as soon as possible so we won't waste your time with the abstinence thing" principle.Despite that I remained a virgin till I was out of high school....Show more

Francisco Schonhardt: Yes. My teacher branded that into our minds. Not that half the class could have done that anyway.

Jill Thomer: I was taught it was an option. I did not think it was a bad option. It will definately keep you safe, esp. if you are not old enough to understand all the ramifications of having sex.

Gaynell Pizzaro: When I was a young teen and not allowed to take sex ed., my family doctor grilled me on the best way to prevent pregnancies and stds and then he told me that. I didn't say it coz I didn't know it was the answer he was looking for, LOL. My reaction? To blush and say, "Yeah...."

Damaris Weiler: In sex ed, abstinence was emphasized as the only one hundred percent effective method of birth control, but we were taugh! t the other methods as well. Since, it fell in line with my re! ligious beliefs, I didn't really question it.

Enriqueta Steffen: In the 8th grade I had my "Family Life" teacher came into class and said, "I'm supposed to teach you about birth control but instead I'm going to teach you about abstinence for the next three days." And so it went. I thought it was pretty offensive that he knew he was supposed to teach us one thing, but chose to teach us another based on his own personal beliefs. Later, in high school we were taught the actual sex-ed curriculum by a public health nurse who visited our school.Honestly, I didn't learn anything new in Sex Ed. Whatever we were taught were always things I had learned before from Cosmo or Judy Blume books or whatever I was reading at that age!...Show more

Antonia Quinnett: no

Luther Plagmann: In my health class, the teacher told us about a variety of birth control options. One of them was the asprin method (keep an asprin between your knees and you will never get pregnant as ! long as the asprin stays there.) We got a good laugh over it, and it launched a 45 minute discussion on the benefits of abstinence.

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