Sunday 21 June 2020

Rising fuel costs?

Rosie Travino: No, but that's probably because I am educated about it.

Rivka Killmer: No.Whether or not people have been unfairly treated is irrevelent. They do not have the right to pursure criminal activity. There are legal avenues for such people to take.

Emile Okafor: no longer something. I in basic terms filled up this morning at $3.ninety according to gallon and checked the gas log I certainly have been conserving because of fact that i offered the automobile 5 years in the past. It shows that the utmost value in the process the GWB presidency grow to be $4.13 according to gallon. that's the variety Obama might exceed, which isn't precisely a favorable for him. Obama grow to be voted in on a tide of anti Bush sentiment and now, we are finding out to purchase it....Show more

Clay Lipira: I have a choice. Pay a roughly 300.00 fine or pay 6,000.00 in premiums. Which one do you think I will do? Obama Care is nothing more them an attempt to force people! to buy health insurance. What are they going to do when people tell them to go jump in the lake? Throw people in jail for the crime of not buying health insurance? If you don't pay the fine the IRS will go after you won't they? Not paying your taxes is a crime isn't it? Will part of some peoples earned income tax credit be taken to cover the fine?...Show more

Donella Vasta: And who are these oppressed that you speak of?

Marya Fehn: Yes. Thank you very much liberal democrats!

Lashawnda Anteby: I can afford to join Obama care. It will only cost me about $600 per month. Naturally, I won't be able to buy food, any more. I wonder what Obama care's prescription will be for malnutrition? Oh, well, there's always the Death Panel.

Janean Guz: Are these the reasons why Rush is considered the greatest Scientist in the world by smarter Americans?1. He think that all handicap Americans are a joke2. He tested Viagra and drugs on himself in the Caribbeans3. He! know that he will glide across the sky with God when the worl! d turn into hell4. Global warming jokes = $$$ from corporations that pollute5. Killing sea turtles should be consider a sport for rich, fat Americans who live near the sea...Show more

Armando Somes: awesome hat absolutely everyone ever allow you to comprehend that you bare a unbelievable resemblance to Natalie Portman? i actually do not study that insects are annoying and rightfully need to be pummeled into an insignificant afterthought once they're left a bloody mess. it really is like this. the following is the way it is going down. i'm the middle-piece of a portrait being bothered by nagging insects. at the same time as, one insect is searching one way and the different insect is searching any incorrect way. both wondering on how they're gonna mess with me. To more suitable make sparkling one is searching East the different is searching West and that i'm proper useless interior the middle. to save me from being a canvas of their nagging I swat them to their inev! itable deaths and that i look out at my public with a facial expression that reads, "Whaddya pick between me." It in simple terms is a truth of life no longer in simple terms homicide, yet homicide for the right reason :)....Show more

Lynn Melbourne: My city already has.......

Dallas Bartolini: Sea turtles make a delightful soup.

Gaynell Pizzaro: http://www.usatoday.com/money/energy/2002-04-30-ga...http://www.cfr.org/publication/15033/role_of_the_m...http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/story.aspx?g...Waylon, thank your oilman president....Show more

Christiane Cattano: Unfortunately that may be likely, especially since fuel costs are not forecast to decrease and many sources indicate they may increase to $7+. That has to really strain the budget

Maynard Reevers: You bet. Rising fuel costs adds to the price of everything.

Bud Espenshade: none so far

Danette Slotnick: Viagra didn't work on Turtles?

Tillie Wynott: Rush is an ov! erstuffed pile of crap. His crybaby antics are already yesterday's stal! e farts.Poor guy wound up on the side of the L O S E R S, like Hannity and Coulter, not to mention Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Cheney, DeLay and all those other morons who put their faith in the Neo-con movement.America, you were bamboozled, and all we have to do is see the chimp for what he is: a monkey tap-dancing to the beat of failed ideology. Can't wait to see the shrub get the boot; Cindy Sheehan is more of a man than Bush is....Show more

Coralie Goldsberry: It has happened here already, and we are in Idaho.

Hope Lundmark: Well, Osama bin Laden told us the reason he attacked America on September 11 was because of our support of Israel's occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people. Is that what you mean?

Pamela Meno: I gather since the demise of Air America and the liberal poop they could not sell poor little libs like you have nothing but Rosie to listen to? Please Fox and Rush are the only Conservative outlets versus the hundreds o! f other lib channels and you guys just hate HATE the fact that WE listen to Rush. With all his faults he is better than any or all of you.

Kizzy Hett: Wow with all the hipe about fuel cost going up, no one has posed this question yet....It is the future to come.However some municipalities are fueling their fleets with alternative energy sources, like Grand Junction CO. they are using solid human waste.

Merlin Fleischhacker: Yes and prices will climb forever until man sees how stupid he is and even then it won't change. Insanity at its finest.

Kenneth Queener: You already asked this question 2 days ago.I will copy and paste my answer...

Cliff Jacoby: absolutely, we're just in the beginning of the effects of these ridiculous fuel costs. Wait till the heating bills for those agencies hit this winter, too. Where do you think the money will come from? This country is in HUGE trouble.BTW, the end of the Roman Empire was caused when they became overexten! ded and their currency devalued, causing massive inflation. History has! a tendency to repeat itself....Show more

Maye Delk: Sure, why not. Who are all those oppressed people?

Norine Lomonte: I foresee a lot worse than that. Our entire economy is tied to oil. If this keeps getting worse and worse, it could drag our economy to it's knees.by the way, my property taxes just went up 40%, so it appears you might be on to something.

Raye Tredennick: I find it troubling that some in this country care more about protecting sea turtles (because they are sensitive to light!) than our nation's own children...


Carmina Stickney: im not just talking war. I realize that the USA could easily win, given their superior military might. Im talking about some of these people, not the government, engaging in terrorist acts against the USA to weaken morale and to show them the effects of their foreign policy. Under which circumstances would t! his be justified?

Donnell Nocella: If Obama Care scares you nearly to death...you can vote on this website - the name says it all. We're not getting any younger (?). Death panels - NO WAY! Don't Fund Obamacarewww.dontfundobamacare.com/•Cached Official petition to defund Obamacare. Republicans can stop Obamacare if they refuse to fund it....Show more

Stormy Beliard: Grrrrreat. I forgot about all that good stuff.

Virgil Menefee: Nevill, I agree to a point. But some people can't afford to go out right now and get a new hybrid.

Damion Oleksa: already happening

Loriann Carrigan: Waylon, how in the hell is this the fault of democrats. Skiddish investors/speculators are to blame for the rise. There is a cause and affect. We as tax payers may have to pay more to cover the increased cost to fuel our city, county, and state vehicles.

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