Wednesday 24 June 2020

Homosexuality will end Global Warming!?

Michelle Sohre: I like derecho's post. It has a sad ring of truth to it.I see consumerism and excess as a product of being very prosperous. For example, if you needed 20 cobs of corn to feed your family but you only had 18, you'd protect those cobs to the death. But if you had 30, then wasting a few is just a minor issue.So when you are so prosperous, you have extra time, energy and money to basically "waste" it away. I guess the part we are not exceedingly good at is keeping in mind those who are not so prosperous. That's when waste can take on an obscene conotation....Show more

Donte Hamme: Well you can see that many people are scientifically illiterate. You can try to explain that there is nothing in the 0.2 degree per decade warming that prevents winter from coming. If the person you are talking to is not a complete idiot (though most deniers are indeed idiots) you can remind them that cold weather is due to air moving, not to a change in heat. In fact, ! the cold weather in the NE and northern Europe the past two years is paired with an extremely warm winter in the Arctic; the jet stream is further south due to the negative NAO. You might share with them that the weather in Nome has been 20 degrees warmer than usual.Most deniers though are really stupid about climate and weather. Many of the people who post here don't even understand that weather is caused by movement of air. If you are talking to one of the really stupid ones just move on....Show more

Rolanda Merritt: Or, we pull a China worldwide and limit child birth to one per. family. scientist have figured at that rate, after 50 generations we'd be back at a sustainable population.

Keven Woodington: Arctic Oscillation Patterns and the fact that it's winter are causing these below freezing temperatures. http://news.softpedia.com/news/Arctic-Oscillation-... All the precipitation is caused by global warming....Show more

Bob Pucella: Global Warming i! s NOT a fact. Never has been. Sorry, but the 'reason' keeps ch! anging of what it is, how it's effecting things, and what's going on. There are NO facts backing it up, and it's purely what the Earth has been doing for thousands of years. It has cycles. In the 70's and 80's, it was all about global cooling. Global Warming has been proven wrong, they changed the name to Climate Change. That was proven false, and at that point the evidence was shown all to be fake. So they changed the name again. It's just a bunch of non sense.Global Warming was started by bad science, that the Earth is keeping in the heat from the sun, while melting glaciers, and etc. Caused by Carbon emissions and etc. Which is crap in of itself, but that extreme weather, goes contradictory to Global Warming, and yet they've found a way to use that for their advantage.The evidence contrary to what you believe, is being SHOVED down your throat, and you're still saying it's a fact. It's just flat out sad....Show more

Clemente Schoeck: from the answers thus far, i hav! e to laugh. smart deniers at least acknowledge that the Earth has been warming for quite some time now. these ones must have come from the bottom of the barrel. to answer your question, since this argument has been debunked over and over, i tend to just ignore them. they're good for a bit of a laugh though. It was hot this winter where i live. does that prove global warming is real? no! you can try to explain it to them, but odds are, they won't listen. they'll just latch to an answer as idiotic as their question....Show more

Jonie Lauria: Show them the data, including many measurements of different factors, all pointing to the same conclusion.Reduced Arctic Sea Ice extent:http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/images/daily_im...Reduced Arctic Sea Ice Volume:http://psc.apl.washington.edu/ArcticSeaiceVolume/i...Reduced ice mass in the Antarctic:http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v2/n12/full/nge...Global reductions in Glaciers:http://www.grid.unep.ch/glaciers/Local reductio! ns in Glaciershttp://www.nrmsc.usgs.gov/repeatphoto/download_inf...Redu! ced Greenland Glacier Mass:http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=g...Global surface temperature increases:http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/paper/gistemp201...http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs/Fig.A2.lr......Show more

Pattie Vold: Global warming is a fact. What do you say to the skeptics when they try to use the weather extremes to ridicule global warming?

Dexter Dingus: LOL. Probably not. I will bet however that you or I (or maybe both of us) will get violation notices.Global warming is indeed real and has been documented with ice cores dating back tens of thousands of years. What is NOT real is the quackery that humans caused (or can even affect) global warming.The scare tactics being perpetrated upon us are only a money/power grab scheme by bottom-feeder politicians accompanied by their so-easily-led sheeple who take their prattle, even their movies, as hard science.To find that my statement above is true, follow the money. See just who i! t is who will profit from the carbon offset, carbon tax, & etc.Here is truth about global warming:Global warming is one-half of the climatic cycle of warming and cooling. The earth's mean temperature cycles around the freezing point of water.This is a completely natural phenomenon which has been going on since there has been water on this planet. It is driven by the sun.Our planet is currently emerging from a 'mini ice age', so is becoming warmer and may return to the point at which Greenland is again usable as farmland (as it has been in recorded history).As the polar ice caps decrease, the amount of fresh water mixing with oceanic water will slow and perhaps stop the thermohaline cycle (the oceanic heat 'conveyor' which, among other things, keeps the U.S. east coast warm). When this cycle slows/stops, the planet will cool again and begin to enter another ice age. It's been happening for millions of years.The worrisome and brutal predictions of drastic climate effects are ! based on computer models, NOT CLIMATE HISTORY. As you probably know, co! mputer models are not the most reliable of sources, especially when used to 'predict' chaotic systems such as weather.Global warming/cooling, AKA 'climate change':Humans did not cause it.Humans cannot stop it....Show more

Von Houskeeper: various anybody is turning out to be burned out on each and each of the media hipe and consumerism. interior the actual international the only person which you would be able to incredibly replace is your self. Your approach seems to be that anybody is inflicting 'you' to experience unhappy. How approximately attempting to help people who're much less fortunate than your self? once you're assisting somebody who somewhat desires help (and that i do no longer advise money smart) you do not have time to outlive each and each of the failings that are making you unhappy. One guy or woman could make a distinction in someones existence who isn't as fortunate as you. i think of you will shocked at how happy that would make you experience. So, ! my suggestion to you is to get a approach adjustment. that's the only existence you have, so get on with it....Show more

Frederick Mccoach: Climate Realist: I use to debate the existence of God but I found that neither side really had proof one way or the other. I'm not really into debating philosophy and that is basically what a belief or disbelief in a god is. I respect your beliefs though because you recognize the difference between scientific evidence and a belief in a god, which is a personal belief.

Alonso Crehan: With no children, there's no future generations and no one left to worry about it. Amongst all the hoopla, just remember never to but waterfront property, because if just 1% of the scientists warning about it are right, that property becomes worthless when its under water.

Elvin Weichbrodt: Jon Kerry, are you trying to be funny, or are you mentally handicapped?

Elli Esaw: well that's why being homosexual is not a good thing in the r! eligion. it stops new generation. But i can't help being one of them !! !

Abby Herwood: 1) Do you believe that the Earth is warming? If so, is it due to human activity?Yes. Global warming is happeninghttp://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2010/images/wa...And we are causing ithttp://c1planetsavecom.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/fil...2) Do you believe in a god? If so what type of god or gods do you believe in?Yes, and I believe that if God didn't exist, we wouldn't exist. If there were no God, there would be no big bang, no Universe and no us. Could scientific laws describe everything? Perhaps. But isn't science really the search for LOGOS?What I just wrote is a definition, rather than a description of God. Nor is it a critique of your beliefs. We must all find out the answers to these questions for ourselves, on our journeys. If you want, we could discuss this further in R & S. I do, however, believe that global warming is our problem, not God's.3) Do you believe in ghosts? If so, what do you attribute them to?No.4) Do you believe in aliens? Do y! ou believe we've been visited by aliens?In such a vast cosmos, it is hard to believe that we are alone. I used to believe that we've been visited by aliens, but I am no open to the posibility that we haven't. What changed my mind is that it now looks doubtful that my generation, the generation that grew up watching men walk on the Moon do not send people to Mars, we may never send people to Mars. And if humanity never leaves the nest, perhaps ET hasn't either.5) Do you believe in alternative medicine?Maybe. But, unlike global warming denialists, I actually am a skeptic.6) Do you believe in evolution?I believe that evolution is the only known scientific explanation for the diversity of life. And if there is another, young Earth creationists will not like it either. And intelligent design is not scientific. For one thing, it is unfalsifiable. Michael J. Behe once considered the supposed irreducible complexity of the bacterial flagella as proof of intelligent design. But when ! the protiens in the bacteria flagella were found in other applications,! such as toxin injectors, he then said that the intelligent designer made it possible for the proteins to have other use in order to be prepared for the bacterial flagella.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jpat34721/My_Stu...http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/F/flagel......Show more

Truman Biby: I think not because earth goes to natural cycle to solar maximum to solar minimum.

Sherita Gallati: Wow, Stephen, get your head out of your clouded ***. Global warming is here, and is affecting our weather patterns. My question was to intelligent people.

Lou Rought: Wow. I asked a serious question, and got simple minded replies. Good luck to you idiots that replied, and don't let the door slam you in the ***.

Ricky Frazer: Not really dude. You can run off into the wilderness to persue your independant lifestye if you want to, no one's stopping you. I'll stick with my morgage, car, regular job and various other consumer items.

Vickie Cl! ampett: I grew out of so many things and im starting to wonder why thers havent.video games have gone casual basically repetitive garbage that cant hold my interestbrowsing the web on forums seems so pointless i feel like im above them just watching them have meaningless stupid thoughts. i feel retarded for even bothering contributing.i see ever form of entertainement from music to movies to super stars as fake useless garbage designed to make you feel more special than you really are. i actually see it like a scammer really a scammer trying to take your money like sell you something door to door thats really stupid. their lyrics are retarded. their attitude is annoying.the selling of useless garbage that no one really needs thats overly expensive like mac products. whatever happened to buying what you need instead of wasting tons of money for retarded things?everything on tv is a lie or some form of mass brainwashing in fantasy and confusion.the thought of dedicating my li! fe to learning a meaningless task to get a job makes no sense to me.i d! ont want money. i want to be free. i dont want to be held down by society's rules anymore.i dont want to have to rely on PIECES OF PAPER TO SURVIVE I WANT TO BE FREE THATS ALL I WANT I WANT EVERYONE TO STOP AND GET AWAY FROM ME AND STOP TELLING ME HOW TO LIVE....Show more

Perry Deshazior: 5) I think that the types of foods you eat have quite a lot to do with your personal well being. Happiness, health, and virtually everything aside from passed down genetic traits can be improved through diet or exercize. Does this mean some alterative medicines may work? Yes. Does this mean they all work? No. However, before trusting in any form of alternative medicine and stating that it does or does not work there should be scientific backing to support the claim.

Lonnie Jehle: I agree with you to an extent - - - my personal preferences are similar to yours to an extent. I don't have cable, don't watch tv, don't know who the people on the cover of the supermarket magazines ! are, am not into clothes. There are certain things I buy - Chinese and other Far Eastern artefacts - - functional art - - I have a small collection of those and the pieces are beautiful and were used centuries ago for household purposes, some of them religious purposes. I have 19th century statues of deities, some wood, some marble, and I burn incense to them in Ming-era incense burners. Is that consumerist becuase I bought the pieces, because a friend of mine located them in China and sold them to me for a song (no pun intended)?I like plants.I love soccer, biking, and other sports - soccer primarily. I bought my keeper gloves, my cleats, etc.... Is that consumerist?I think we all have opinions as to the ideal lifestyle, and what makes America special is not the choices made by a majority but the fact that each individual is allowed to make his or her own choices.Some Southern Baptist doesn't have the right to dictate your sexuality, and some Vermont back-to-nature! granola-type doesn't have the right to dictate your energy use. THA! T is what makes America great....Show more

Torrie Weissenbach: bullcrap

Travis Colomb: Question puts in some of dilemma. Is that applicable, to reduce global warning the skeptics use weather extremer. Sounds foolish !

Majorie Chester: 1) Yes I am aware the Earth is warming. Proof of this exists when we look at the reactions various plant species as well as bacterial, viral and animal species have responded to a warming climate. Changes in seasonal cycles also play a role. I am also aware that the warming is mainly due to an increase in CO2 and the associated water vapour feedback and that man is mainly responsible for the increase in CO2 concentration in the recent past. I came to this conclusion via actual scientific data showing that the atmosphere is incresing at a rate of about 15.6 billion tonnes of CO2 per year while human emissions account for over 33.5 billion tonnes per year while, at the same time, oceanic pH is decreasing signifying greater CO2 ! uptake. Something that would not occur naturally during a warming period.http://se-server.ethz.ch/Staff/af/Fi159/L/Le187.pd...http://www.physics.umt.edu/~nate/astr351/readings/...http://nora.nerc.ac.uk/8576/1/LeQuere09.pdfhttp://www.unc.edu/~lb...Show more

Hilde Heskett: All the date about the fact(s) of global warming are contained in the (hi-def) video, called "HOME". I say global warming will kill us!Here is the video..............http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU

Bryant Pillitteri: No. > There would be much homosexual sex, and so what? However, homosexual tendencies towards sexual preference don't, in the real world, have to preclude the desire to be a parent. There are many predominantly homosexual parents. Also, in the real world, as not everybody is (hypothetically or otherwise) predominantly homosexual, then how on Earth can a non-existent premise pose some kind of threat to the existence of life on Earth? You might just as well worry about the ! prospects of being crushed in the stampede to get on the number 25 Lond! on bus tomorrow morning if, as can't yet be ruled out, the entire population of Britain insists on travelling on precisely that particular veihcle at the same time....Show more

Eulah Hugill: Funny I seem to remember a term from the 70's called global cooling? What happened to that new ice age? When you say global warming I assume you mean something similar to the green house effect which has been around long before humans or do you mean human caused global warming. That's where the debate is. How much global warming gases are produced by nature vs how much are produced by humans? Also in Pennsylvania there has been an under ground coal fire burning for the last 50 years causing the release of so much CO2 that the town is pretty much abandoned. As for calling someone a skeptic or denier it's fine as long as you don't mind be called an alarmist....Show more

Esteban Lyson: I used the term 'belief;' because I didn't want this to turn into an argument. Sagebrush: I a! m well aware of what science is, thanks.

Bryan Avinger: I am aware that this type of question has proibably been asked before here. I'm just interested in knowing the newcomers thoughts on this and to get a mroe clear view on where they are coming from as well if thoughts regarding the following topipcs have changed since your time here.1) Do you believe that the Earth is warming? If so, is it due to human activity?2) Do you believe in a god? If so what type of god or gods do you believe in?3) Do you believe in ghosts? If so, what do you attribute them to?4) Do you believe in aliens? Do you believe we've been visited by aliens?5) Do you believe in alternative medicine?6) Do you believe in evolution?I'll post the question then post my response to the question in this first addition. If you think without a doubt that one of the above question is true provide a link to actual data and scientific evidence (Hint: Not a blog or post of someone else's interpretation. I would! like actual scientific or historical documents.)...Show more

Cor! dia Fivecoat: I watched a video showing a letter which is supposed to be written by a man living in 2070, saying what will happen if we don't take environmental issues seriously... People will be lucky if they survive over 35 years, they will have to cut their hair so that they won't have to wash them, all lakes and rivers would be irretrievably polluted or dried up, there won't be any plants but only desserts, most deaths will be caused by simple diseases, most of the people will work at factories which make sea water drinkable and they will be paid with water instead of money, there will be many people who attack others to steal bottles filled with water, food will be 80% synthetical, evey day each person will be able to drink less than a glass of water, many children will be born suffering from deformities, people will have to pay for the air they will be breathing which will be of a bad quality, water will become more valuable than gold or diamonds, there won't be any t! rees because there won't be any rain, there won't be any seasons due to climate changes... All environmental problems will apply to this situation, but the most important of all is the lack of water. ...Show more

Marvel Mcaulay: Global Warming is to new of a science to be pure fact. The earth is constantly changing for example, when the Romans invaded Britain, it was a much warmer country and I believe that since the records didn't begin until just over 100 years ago and when the go on about above average temps, they are averages from 1971, not much to really go by. I don't like the fact that it is forced on us and some of the leading scientists have been known to falsify data, and governments contradict them selves by taxing people for high emissions and then giving the green light for coal power stations to be built and letting manufactures of green technology go bust so how can people take it seriously. We are making a bad impact on this planet but it's just too so! on to say with regards to Global Warming....Show more

Tomi Vauter! s: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2008161/Gh...http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/09/06...Does this mean 'ghosts' do not exist? Of course not. But before you claim that which is not known you should attempt to explain observations and find evidence through that which is known first. Most people claiming they have seen spiritual activity or something similar aren't usually seeing what they think they are.4) I think the likelihood of aliens not existing is slim. The main constituents of water, the main building block of life, is made of two of the three most abWndant known elements in the universe. However, as Earth is the only known planet to support life, making an assumption basedon probaility I personally find troublesome. When I was young one of the major question was if there were any other planets in the universe outside our solar system....Show more

Ruthe Real: Now that question is are any of those planets capable of supporting liquid water an! d life. Science move forward, science advances, and those that do not accept it will be left behind. As the closest star is over 4 light years away I think the possibility of aliens actually visiting us is even slimmer. This, of course, does not mean that it hasn't occurred. Technological advacements and scientific understanding have lead to such thoughts that we could form a bubble of slower time through changes in gravity and allow the ship to travel in that to it's destination. We will see where the future takes us.http://iopscience.iop.org/0264-9381/11/5/001...Show more

Luana Carothers: What happens when people need kidneys, blood, and other medical treatments that only next of kin, such as a child can provide. Homosexuals use butt plugs to keep their bums from leaking as well as man-pons and butt pads, that's allot of pollution in itself..LOL Plus butt plugs are rubber and that's not biodegradable...LOL

Vern Serratos: I Garfunkel'd your mother...http://www! .youtube.com/watch?v=GlH1kedzwhw

Charlotte Bryar: http://www.unc.! edu/~lbuckley/GCE/uploads/Main/Done...2) I don't "believe" in any god as I have not seen any evidence to the contrary. I acknowledge that our understanding of how the universe came to be needs to be vastly improved upon as does our knowledge of what existed, if anything, before our modern universe came into existence, if it did at all or if has always existed. However that does not mean that a god exists. All that means is that it is unknown. Attempting to explain the unknown through personal beliefs is not a scientific way of thinking.3) I do believe that people think they see things sometimes. Most can be explained by real world science such as ghost cities or various types of cognitive stimulation. (The following are merely examples not scientific articles)...Show more

Vita Moodie: But this is the dream of democracy and what happens when you remove the inherit protection and restrictions supplied by the republican form of government. The republican system restricts! the size of both industry and government to where both are manageable in size and no entity either commercial or government is to large to fail. What we see today is the final result of 100 years of unrestricted democracy in action! For details see the quote below from a social history professor of great note.Pournelle's lesson: unrestricted laissez faire capitalism allocates resources in a most efficient way to satisfy human wants without regard to the rationality or morality of those desires.The difference between Libertarian and Conservative is that Conservatives understand this, and know that unregulated capitalism will eventually end with human meat sold in market places, and slavery. Alas, many Conservatives think that everything has to be regulated and controlled. Liberals, meanwhile, think everyone needs to be liberated from religion, the sight of religious symbols, and all marriage vows.'Twas ever thus.Jerry Pournelle...Show more

Tracy Huesso: you went from ! consumerism to a whole array of issues that signal me you are possibly ! depressed and or very angry about something.you are correct about a lot of this stuff,but don't let knowledge make you stupid to the point of self destruction!That means they won!

Shamika Schools: I think a better solution would be: if you believe in global warming, have no children.Although homosexuality will work just as well as reducing CO2 output.

Dick Baumgarten: Modern "consumerism" is a result of the missing delight and purpose in our lives ! They try to 'sell' you 'happiness' with their 'product'. When that 'happiness' fades or never is felt, the result is to just get more 'stuff' ! It's the discontent in our lives that leads us to believe that more stuff will make us feel better. The advertising companies know this, and exploit our deepest dreams and desires for their greedy profits !

Delmer Pectol: Global warming isn't real! You think all that Co2 we pumped in the atmosphere for the last 100 years had any affect on the environment? You're ! silly! The bible doesn't doesn't say anything about it, so it isn't real!

Devon Kalberer: 6) Yes, evolution does exist. You can see this more clearly through knowledge of biology and how mutations change over time.http://wsbs-msu.ru/res/DOC187/MAexperiments.pdfAnd there are currently a few different mutations working their way through the human genome in various areas of the world. One of them being sickle cell disease, which is a genetic mutation that often inhibits HIV infection in an individual.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22628662...Show more

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