Saturday 20 June 2020

In your opinion, does theatrical entertainment during wartime inappropriately distract people?

Timmy Bustard: Entertainment is generally given to those who are off duty and it helps boost moral by bringing something that they may see at home to them so that they don't miss out. However I would argue that some of the forms of entertainment like the cheerleaders they send over to the troops are distracting and negative.Several famous movies were made during wartime or more commonly just after the war ends. My personal favorite is the TV show that Ross Kemp made while staying with Royal Anglian Regiment in Afghanistan, it showed the public what Afghanistan is really like. However most movies made during wartime are realistically going to be made for their propaganda value and most movies made after the war ends are going to be made with profit in mind....Show more

Mee Blumenfeld: Anything else you'd like? Shall i come round and wash the dishes perhaps?

Denna Prudente: No.People need to laugh and smile. There are 2 sides to every coin. However, during warti! me, showing an anti war side of the coin is inappropriate....Show more

Randa Hessell: Would you like us to do your math and science homework too? Don't forget to let us know what grade WE received. To answer: Yes, Depends on the ideas being expressed, Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders and made me feel wonderful in a remote corner of the world.

Majorie Chester: one of the greatest moral boosters during WW2 Korea Vietnam was the groups coming over to the War zones Look at my era Betty Grable who could forget those legs they were to live for and Vera Lyn could she sing and something Beverly Sisters ???and Bob Hope all reminders of why we were there fighting for every body's Freedom I would watch movies till the cows came home and if the new movie did not arrive we would watch them backwards at least we had a good laugh I think the live shows were the best ENSA USO now you are pushing the old grey matter Glen Miller Spike Milligan Peter Sellers Hundreds made their names! in WW2 and went on to make a living from their wartime entert! ainmentand I really thank them ALL...Show more

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