Monday 29 June 2020

Are ALL Lutherans opposed to Gay Marriage?

Cassey Hollinghurst: The Artical says a "majority" I would say a majority is opposed

Weldon Totaro: Is there something wrong with regular toiletsWhen I think of things that could improve the design of the modern bathroom, fire isn't really one of them

Theresia Fashaw: Those that understand Godly parameters of how He created us to live and love are opposed to any same sex union, which is a satanic counterfeit of marriage, which God created to be between a man and a woman.

Betsey Muehlbach: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incinerating_toilet

Maurice Breuning: Lutherans are a lot like Catholics in that the lay folk don't always do whatever the head honchos tell them. There is a big controversy over gay pastors right now in the Lutheran church and it's been causing drama in my hometown.

Darrel Stele: Brilliant but what do they have to do with religion?

Imogene Neiswander: not the ones I know.

Fannie Collingwood: Logically, you cannot ac! curately answer that question without asking every Lutheran.

Romeo Tinnea: ALL who claim to be of The True Christian Faith( and that includes many Lutherans) should Absolutely oppose homosexual marriage..The Word of God is CLEAR... homosexual acts are an Abomination(sin) in the eyes of God....supporting homosexual marriage is supporting the promotion of homosexual acts...... in direct and open defiance against God...... ANYONE supporting homosexual marriage IS NOT of The True Church commissioned by God and thus... NOT a Christian in any-way-shape-or-form...Show more

Melvin Nakama: How dare they cling to the old ways of a family consisting of a father and a mother and children! How dare they not believe the mass media flood telling all that now families can be anything!

Coleman Ocegueda: Not all.

Clifford Gombos: No, not all of them.

Rosalva Steinmann: http://www.charismanews.com/us/39785-did-cultish-r...

Arlen Lopiccalo: Those expressing! condemnation of Christians who accept gay marriage would prob! ably go to their deaths fighting for the "truth" that the world is flat and center of the universe. It is also clear, that they regularly hand-pick those scriptures that meet their own preconceived "truths." So it has been, and, unfortunately will ever be thus. BTW, since I am left-handed, I too fail to meet the scriptural test for being 'Right' with God.

Codi Manchel: I tend to agree. I can't believe that a loving God would send people to hell who never heard of Jesus. Those who have heard the gospel are held accountable for that I believe. And the Bible says that those with out the law will be judged according to their deeds.Romans 2:13-15

Renato Abatiell: The ELCA is not opposed to gay marriage, which is what the article is about. The LCMS and WELS as a whole do not accept gay marriage. What individual members believe.. that is their choice. Me, I do not have a problem with a civil union, but let's not call it a marriage, because it is not. And I d! o not think the federal gov't ought to recognized gay marriages either. But, that's my opinion. We have neighbors who are a gay couple. That's fine. They are great neighbors and wonderful friends, but it is still not a marriage....Show more

Alecia Kaehler: There is but one Christ and therefore can only be one Gospel.Jesus, himself said, "I did not come to bring peace but a sword." Matthew 10:34Jesus himself said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6Don't get angry at me, God himself is the author of these words, not me.If you find these words difficult to agree with or understand, that can be a very good thing. Perhaps the Lord is speaking to your heart right now, wanting to help you see him as he is.Joe...Show more

Joesph Smithmyer: There is no such thing as a Gay Marriage....marriage is one continuous ongoing argument about everything from sex to money.

Arlen Lopiccalo: I think the st! ress of being a teenager who is the child of a famous deceased entertai! ner may have had more to do with it.

Donny Bankson: I personally don't think so , thats crazy.

Lorine Helwick: The word that comes to mind is heresy. It is in complete contradiction to the word of God...the bible.

Monica Voltin: Agents of deception are nothing new. The part about "another gospel" was all the farther I needed to read before I concluded what I said last year about fruitcakes like this: they'll have their reward.

Mahalia Brindle: I wouldn't study anything from ORU!

Valentine Willinger:

Sammie Bocanegra: they must be. if they are not opposed, they are betraying god and are not actually christians but satan worshipers.

Anibal Scheid: No, not at all.MINNEAPOLIS | The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America passed several resolutions Friday that recognize committed gay relationships and, for the first time, permit non-celibate homosexuals to be Lutheran clergy.The resolution on clergy, easily the most controversial, passe! d by 559 “yes” votes (55.3 percent) to 451 “no” votes (44.6 percent). It committed the ELCA to open its clergy ranks to people in “publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships.”...Show more

King Bringle: I don't want to incinerate my toilet, it's a useful ... Oh, toilets THAT incinerate?I'd rather have a composting toilet. Incinerating sounds like a waste of energy to get rid of something that's perfectly biodegradable.

Hal Palowoda: It's a lie!

Patricia Bolduc: I don' t know. I have to study it more.

Ivan Velazquez: Maybe one of these devices could have been used for the mu*lim, found GUILTY!!!! of burning Poppies on Remembrance Day, whilst also chanting obnoxious hatred towards past and serving military personnel. Instead this piece of human Sh*te, was given a lowly Fine of just £50. (bbc. co. uk/news). Could the Judge not administered a more severe sentence? And order the Human piece of Sh*te o! ut of the UK !!! What good can him & his parasit*c kind contribute to ! the wealth of the U.K. besides claiming; Lots of benefits, for him and his ilk? One of these devices would have contributed "great purpose" on this occassion....Show more

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