Tuesday 30 June 2020

can you give me some quotes about the sanctity of marriage?

Booker Warlick: You can find marriage quotes at Mstrive.com go under category then marriage

Comment identifier un Toyger

Comment identifier un Toyger

Cherchez un chat enjoué. Les Toygers adorent jouer. Ils joueront avec vous si vous lancez un jouet ou un morceau de papier en boule, et ils adorent courir après les jouets suspendus et leur donner des coups de batte. Ils aiment passer du temps avec vous, alors attendez-vous à ce qu’ils aiment jouer avec vous.

Adoptez un Toyger. Les jouets sont extrêmement rares, donc il se peut que vous ne puissiez pas en trouver un dans un refuge ou un refuge de sauvetage. Vous pouvez toujours vous renseigner auprès des refuges et des sauveteurs locaux ou parler à votre vétérinaire ou à des experts locaux qui connaissent peut-être un Toyger qui a besoin d’être secouru.

Évaluer la tête. Les jouets ont de longs visages qui sont considérés comme une forme de coeur inversé. Ils ont un nez large et un menton fort. Il y a des taches blanches au-dessus des yeux et sur le bas du vis! age.

Regarde les jambes et les pattes. Les jouets ont un corps rectangulaire et des pattes plus courtes, ce qui leur donne un aspect de tigre fuyant lorsqu’ils bougent. Leurs pattes sont grandes par rapport à leurs pattes courtes.

Trouvez un éleveur. Si vous voulez adopter un chat d’un éleveur, assurez-vous de trouver un éleveur digne de confiance. Les Toygers sont extrêmement rares parce qu’il s’agit d’une race de chat designer. Il n’y a qu’environ 400 Toygers dans le monde. Cela signifie que Toygers peut être très coûteux.

Cherchez les rayures sur le manteau. Les Toygers sont une race créée par l’homme qui est destinée à ressembler au tigre exotique et sauvage. Les jouets ont des rayures sur leurs manteaux qui ressemblent aux rayures d’un tigre. Le motif de rayures peut être cassé ou marqué.

Attendez-vous à un chat aux manières douces. Les jouets ne sont pas sauvages et féroces comme on pourrait le croire. Ce son! t des chats doux et calmes. La race est généralement amicale! et sociable. Ils ont un niveau d’activité modéré, alors attendez-vous à ce que le Toyger se lève sur vos genoux ou près de vous quand ils dorment.

Remarquez le corps musclé. Les Toygers ont un corps musclé et de taille moyenne. Ils ont des os plus gros et des épaules hautes. Le corps du Toyger a une forme rectangulaire.

Évaluez leur intelligence. Les Toygers sont une race très intelligente. Ils font bien avec les jouets de puzzle qui gardent leur esprit actif. Parce qu’ils sont intelligents, ils sont hautement entraînables. Vous pouvez apprendre à Toygers à marcher en laisse à l’extérieur.

Soyez patient. Trouver un chat Toyger peut prendre du temps. Si vous êtes intéressé à obtenir un chat d’un éleveur, sachez qu’ils sont très rares et que l’offre est limitée. Il peut y avoir une liste d’attente pour le chat, ou le prix peut être plus élevé que ce que vous êtes prêt à payer pour un chat.

Faites un test ADN ! pour vous assurer que l’animal est un Toyger. Après avoir adopté ce que vous pensez être un Toyger, ou avec la permission de l’éleveur dont vous cherchez à adopter, vous pouvez faire un test ADN à domicile pour identifier l’animal avec certitude. Il suffit de prélever un échantillon de cellules des joues sur un écouvillon spécial et de l’envoyer à un laboratoire de référence. Ils donneront alors une ventilation génétique de la filiation du chat.

Monday 29 June 2020

Are ALL Lutherans opposed to Gay Marriage?

Cassey Hollinghurst: The Artical says a "majority" I would say a majority is opposed

Weldon Totaro: Is there something wrong with regular toiletsWhen I think of things that could improve the design of the modern bathroom, fire isn't really one of them

Theresia Fashaw: Those that understand Godly parameters of how He created us to live and love are opposed to any same sex union, which is a satanic counterfeit of marriage, which God created to be between a man and a woman.

Betsey Muehlbach: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incinerating_toilet

Maurice Breuning: Lutherans are a lot like Catholics in that the lay folk don't always do whatever the head honchos tell them. There is a big controversy over gay pastors right now in the Lutheran church and it's been causing drama in my hometown.

Darrel Stele: Brilliant but what do they have to do with religion?

Imogene Neiswander: not the ones I know.

Fannie Collingwood: Logically, you cannot ac! curately answer that question without asking every Lutheran.

Romeo Tinnea: ALL who claim to be of The True Christian Faith( and that includes many Lutherans) should Absolutely oppose homosexual marriage..The Word of God is CLEAR... homosexual acts are an Abomination(sin) in the eyes of God....supporting homosexual marriage is supporting the promotion of homosexual acts...... in direct and open defiance against God...... ANYONE supporting homosexual marriage IS NOT of The True Church commissioned by God and thus... NOT a Christian in any-way-shape-or-form...Show more

Melvin Nakama: How dare they cling to the old ways of a family consisting of a father and a mother and children! How dare they not believe the mass media flood telling all that now families can be anything!

Coleman Ocegueda: Not all.

Clifford Gombos: No, not all of them.

Rosalva Steinmann: http://www.charismanews.com/us/39785-did-cultish-r...

Arlen Lopiccalo: Those expressing! condemnation of Christians who accept gay marriage would prob! ably go to their deaths fighting for the "truth" that the world is flat and center of the universe. It is also clear, that they regularly hand-pick those scriptures that meet their own preconceived "truths." So it has been, and, unfortunately will ever be thus. BTW, since I am left-handed, I too fail to meet the scriptural test for being 'Right' with God.

Codi Manchel: I tend to agree. I can't believe that a loving God would send people to hell who never heard of Jesus. Those who have heard the gospel are held accountable for that I believe. And the Bible says that those with out the law will be judged according to their deeds.Romans 2:13-15

Renato Abatiell: The ELCA is not opposed to gay marriage, which is what the article is about. The LCMS and WELS as a whole do not accept gay marriage. What individual members believe.. that is their choice. Me, I do not have a problem with a civil union, but let's not call it a marriage, because it is not. And I d! o not think the federal gov't ought to recognized gay marriages either. But, that's my opinion. We have neighbors who are a gay couple. That's fine. They are great neighbors and wonderful friends, but it is still not a marriage....Show more

Alecia Kaehler: There is but one Christ and therefore can only be one Gospel.Jesus, himself said, "I did not come to bring peace but a sword." Matthew 10:34Jesus himself said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6Don't get angry at me, God himself is the author of these words, not me.If you find these words difficult to agree with or understand, that can be a very good thing. Perhaps the Lord is speaking to your heart right now, wanting to help you see him as he is.Joe...Show more

Joesph Smithmyer: There is no such thing as a Gay Marriage....marriage is one continuous ongoing argument about everything from sex to money.

Arlen Lopiccalo: I think the st! ress of being a teenager who is the child of a famous deceased entertai! ner may have had more to do with it.

Donny Bankson: I personally don't think so , thats crazy.

Lorine Helwick: The word that comes to mind is heresy. It is in complete contradiction to the word of God...the bible.

Monica Voltin: Agents of deception are nothing new. The part about "another gospel" was all the farther I needed to read before I concluded what I said last year about fruitcakes like this: they'll have their reward.

Mahalia Brindle: I wouldn't study anything from ORU!

Valentine Willinger:

Sammie Bocanegra: they must be. if they are not opposed, they are betraying god and are not actually christians but satan worshipers.

Anibal Scheid: No, not at all.MINNEAPOLIS | The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America passed several resolutions Friday that recognize committed gay relationships and, for the first time, permit non-celibate homosexuals to be Lutheran clergy.The resolution on clergy, easily the most controversial, passe! d by 559 “yes” votes (55.3 percent) to 451 “no” votes (44.6 percent). It committed the ELCA to open its clergy ranks to people in “publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships.”...Show more

King Bringle: I don't want to incinerate my toilet, it's a useful ... Oh, toilets THAT incinerate?I'd rather have a composting toilet. Incinerating sounds like a waste of energy to get rid of something that's perfectly biodegradable.

Hal Palowoda: It's a lie!

Patricia Bolduc: I don' t know. I have to study it more.

Ivan Velazquez: Maybe one of these devices could have been used for the mu*lim, found GUILTY!!!! of burning Poppies on Remembrance Day, whilst also chanting obnoxious hatred towards past and serving military personnel. Instead this piece of human Sh*te, was given a lowly Fine of just £50. (bbc. co. uk/news). Could the Judge not administered a more severe sentence? And order the Human piece of Sh*te o! ut of the UK !!! What good can him & his parasit*c kind contribute to ! the wealth of the U.K. besides claiming; Lots of benefits, for him and his ilk? One of these devices would have contributed "great purpose" on this occassion....Show more

Comment retarder une livraison sur Amazon

Comment retarder une livraison sur Amazon

Contactez le support Amazon en utilisant l’option Live Chat. Donnez-leur votre numéro de commande et répondez à leurs questions.

Attendez que votre colis arrive !

Vérifiez votre colis via les options de suivi de la commande pour vous assurer que la nouvelle date a bien été fixée.

Demandez poliment à l’agent de support si vous pouvez changer la date de livraison à l’heure qui vous convient.

Sunday 28 June 2020

Poll: South Park, American Dad, or Family Guy?

Star Gollnick: South Park where nothing is sacred or safe from ridicule

Romeo Tinnea: family guy. cool whip =]

Dorethea Beaston: FAMILY GUY is my fav toooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tommy Durrenberger: Family Guy is the best , the other 2 are good though

Tosha Tawney: ...and if it's down..what the heck are you doing up..??

Buster Exline: family guycool whhip

Barton Slisz: Ahahahah. Great Question, For Me Its A Tie Between Family Guy And South Park.

Edwina Fu: No sun here! Yet it's DAY here. Don't think I'm drunk or complete idiot-----I can't see (including my citizens) sun here! It's so cloudy! The sky say there are no sun, but the watch indicates sun's presence.

William Vickerman: Family Guy.Giggity...

Alane Antes: FAMILYGUY!!!!!!...Show more

Inge Mclaurine: Family Guy

Lewis Ranft: family guy

Star Gollnick: The sun is down. I'd like to think I have insomnia, yes.

Angelyn Ducas: Down Right Now(:

Dar! ia Verfaillie: down

Cordia Fivecoat: Poll: Family Guy is my choice of any of them.xx

Caleb Chapman: sure

Jade Ohno: .yes

Kimberlee Bowdish: Sun is down..but will be up VERY shortly...it's 5:08 am right now at my house. I'm awake because I only go to bed every other day.

Venetta Coulbourne: fg

Trena Berum: Family Guy

Rickey Vrieze: FAMILY GUY!!!!!!

Bennie Lantgen: cool story bro

Beau Starcevic: kinda good..actually

Robin Weelborg: ha family guy all the way it looks like a lot of people like family guy huh

Maynard Reevers: We keep getting called "generic" or the "same as every other band" what bands do we sound similar to? Because I don't really see it.What is your opinion of my band's songs? If you don't like it how do you think we can improve?http://www.youtube.com/classroomsaga If you think we're pretty good please subscribe and check out our new videos as the come (we try to do a new video at least once a ! month) comment, rate, and subscribe!! :DIf you would like us t! o cover a song, send us the band & title of the song in a message & we may do it!...Show more

Sook Hershkowitz: it is up at 7:10 am.

Rebeca Mckin: As one pioneers said, "Isn't this a hell of a country?"Good ending or cheesy?BQ: What's your cheesiest pick-up line?...Show more

Merna Fauset: Very, very down right now - it's 2:07 a.m. in Issaquah, Washington state, U.S.A., just a few miles east of downtown Seattle.

Charline Granes: south park

Cyndy Grimes: i have a brainneither

Delora Struzzi: Family Guy..

Vida Miss: Downits only 9:07 pmim too busy answering questions to even think about bed.

Marquetta Gimm: It's down right now..

Michelle Sohre: Family Guy deffinatly.xoxo

Imogene Neiswander: Family Guy

Joie Kemmis: Ur cool

Alma Twomey: Dowm in Los Angeles.

Troy Staton: Family Guy.

Nicolasa Henke: Family Guy! =)I can't stand South Park and American Dad.

Comment jouer les Blockheads

Comment jouer les Blockheads

p>The Blockheads est un jeu dans lequel de petits personnages en forme de bâton passent du temps à explorer et à construire dans un monde bidimensionnel. Cet article vous expliquera comment commencer et faire plaisir à votre imbécile.

Fais un foyer pour ton abruti. Ramassez 20 morceaux de poussière et placez 5 à gauche et 5 à droite et 10 pour le plafond. Enlevez 2 morceaux de poussière sur la gauche et utilisez du bois pour faire une porte. La décoration est facile, placez des bancs, des fournaises, des étagères, des coffres, des lits et des échelles.

Répondre aux besoins. Comme tous les humains, les imbéciles ont cinq besoins : la nourriture, l’énergie, la maison, les vêtements et l’environnement.

Laissez le personnage dormir. Les crétins ont besoin d’énergie pour travailler, pou! r dormir, ils ont besoin d’un lit. Pour faire un lit, faites d’abord un établi en bois. Pour fabriquer un établi en bois, il faut enlever un peu de poussière du sol, se rendre au portail, trouver l’établi et presser l’artisanat. Ensuite, vous placez l’établi pour faire d’autres bancs pour faire un lit en bois.

Télécharger le jeu. Si vous utilisez Android, allez sur le Play Store et cherchez’The Blockheads’. De même, si vous utilisez iOS, utilisez plutôt l’App Store. Le jeu apparaîtra au premier résultat â€" téléchargez le jeu.

Habille les personnages. Les imbéciles ont besoin de vêtements pour survivre aussi bien, pour faire des vêtements vous avez besoin d’améliorer votre établi pour avoir la capacité de l’établi : Tout d’abord, fabriquez un banc à outils pour faire une pioche avec des bâtons et du silex. Pour prendre des bâtons, coupez des arbres. Creuser dans le sol pour trouver du silex. Avec les pioches, fabriq! uez 5 pierres ou 1 pierre calcaire pour améliorer l’établi! afin de déverrouiller le banc à vêtements. Une fois le banc fabriqué, prenez 1 graine de lin et plantez-la dans le sol â€" après quelques instants, déterrez-la et replantez-la.

Trouvez de la nourriture. Au début, la seule nourriture que vous avez est 5 cerises, mais vous pouvez facilement en trouver plus. Il suffit de presser les cerises dans le sol pour en faire pousser davantage.

Sois heureux de travailler. Vous pouvez le rendre heureux en allumant votre maison avec des torches. Vous pouvez fabriquer des torches à partir du camp de feu ; pour faire le camp de feu, fabriquez le banc d’artisanat dans l’établi.

Saturday 27 June 2020

What are technological advancements that can help our environment?

Olen Penhallurick: None are needed, the environment can take care itself. Step outside and learn on your own from your dumbed down liberal public school environment. If I were in your place I would say a magic wand and fairy dust.

Cómo ser un Gamine

Cómo ser un Gamine

Use aretes y colores de lápiz labial de color rojo intenso por la noche! Entonces cuando los chicos te ven….piensan que es tan guapa aunque sea guay como nosotros! ¡Así es Gamine para ti!

Dale forma a tus cejas. Usted podría considerar hacerlos encerar más delgados para que abran más sus ojos. Las chicas Gamine suelen tener las cejas muy bien formadas. Usted puede depilarlos cuidadosamente en casa siempre y cuando estén limpios y tengan espacio extra debajo para abrir el arco. Usted quiere «ojos de cierva» y las cejas deben ser delgadas y o muy limpias y arregladas para ser Gamine.

Córtate el pelo como un duendecillo. Usted puede obtener un corte que es de varias capas, algunos flequillos, y algunos flequillos laterales o flequillos rectos. Usted debe tener el pelo corto en la espalda para que su cuello compl! eto esté expuesto! Mira a 1920 Girls y luego pídele a tu peluquero un corte que crea que adulará la forma de tu cara. Tu pelo tiene que ser corto para ser considerada una verdadera Gamine Girl.

Ríe mucho, tiene buen sentido del humor y quiere mostrar su lado juguetón e inspirador. No puedes ser depresiva, oscura, malvada ni nada de esa naturaleza si quieres ser amada como una Gamine Girl. Diga poco al principio y luego ábrase lentamente a sus amigos, a sus citas y a cualquier otra persona en su vida. Al principio debes mostrar «misterio» y luego mostrar tus lados divertidos para que la persona piense que sólo te has abierto a ellos! Esto es lo que hace a una Gamine Girl tan irresistible!

Determina si puedes llevar este look o no.    La mayoría de las Gamine Girls ya son naturalmente «gamine like» y ni siquiera lo saben. ¿Eres juguetona? ¿Lindo? ¿Divertido de estar cerca? ¿Flaca o delgada? ¿A veces torpe o torpe? ¿Juvenil en apariencia? ¿Tien! e los ojos muy abiertos? Parece que a los hombres les gusta es! tar cerca de ti. ¡Entonces puedes ser una Gamine Girl!

Desarrolle un pasatiempo artístico o lea libros interesantes! Las Gamine Girls tienen un talento inusual en algo. A la mayoría de las chicas de Gamine les encanta pintar, dibujar, bailar ballet, son actrices, *clase de drama* y hacen algo intrigante e interesante. La lectura de muchos libros inteligentes (como Sófocles, filosofía, Aristóteles, libros religiosos y otras actividades «espirituales e intelectuales» son las que hacen que Gamine Girls sea tan atractiva! La mayoría de los artistas utilizaron «Gamine Girls» como sus musas en el arte, dibujos, pinturas y otros esfuerzos creativos como la música clásica.

¡Saca el delineador y el rímel! Tus ojos tienen que estar coqueto y debes jugar con ellos para conseguir toda la atención en tus ojos! Si tiene los ojos verdes, claros o azules….use tonos de marrón claro o marrones oscuros en sus ojos para jugar con ellos. Si tiene ojos oscuros, use! negro, marrones oscuros o tonos naturales de gris pizarra. Si usa púrpura, use sólo como forro. Sus ojos no deberían estar obviamente usando sombra de ojos. Puedes usar delineador de ojos para darle forma de una manera coqueta si lo prefieres, añadiendo un ala ligera en el extremo superior de la línea de las pestañas.

¡Salir con chicos! Las Gamine Girls son invitadas naturalmente a los círculos de chicos y normalmente son las únicas chicas que salen con los chicos y/o hombres. Puedes tener unas cuantas chicas que son amigas, pero las verdaderas Gamine Girls son el marimacho más guapo de todos!

Diviértete con tu nuevo estilo! La gente empezará a tratarte como una Gamine Girl si te ves bien. La verdadera Gamine Girl es «un poco alta, delgada, torpe al principio, divertida, dulce, juguetona y siempre bonita sin esfuerzo, no importa lo que haga. Tiene un atractivo marimacho porque le gusta hacer cosas de niños y es aventurera y está dispuesta a ensuc! iarse las manos. ¡Esto es lo que la hace tan atractiva para los hombre! s! Que te diviertas siendo Gamine!

Toca un instrumento. Usted debe ser capaz de cantar, escribir música o tocar la guitarra, el bajo, la batería o cualquier cosa que no sea muy común o profundamente femenina. Tocar algo exótico como el arpa, el violín, el violonchelo y cualquier cosa que te inspire te hará ganar puntos de Gamine. Puedes tocar el piano, pero debes ser muy bueno si lo haces.

Use brillo de labios transparente o labios desnudos. Durante el día usted debe usar tonos muy claros de lápiz labial si decide usar alguno. O puedes usar bálsamo labial en su lugar. Gamine Girls no usa una cantidad obvia de maquillaje. Por la noche….puedes llevar un atrevido color rojo mate porque parece una chica guapa francesa de los años 20….que se prueba los labios rojos por primera vez. Gamine Girls no es consciente de su «poderosa belleza y atractivo», por lo que debes jugar con él.

Trate de mezclar camisetas bonitas con «pantalones vaqueros de co! rte de bota» o «casual skinny jeans» y use una chaqueta vaquera corta, una chaqueta de cuero o algo «boxy» en la parte superior. Las chicas Gamine parecen «femeninas» pero tienen un aspecto marimacho. Así que no te pongas sexy sobre los vestidos o la ropa de arriba. En su lugar, busque faldas largas y suaves, camisetas con cuello en V, chaquetas cortas y blazers. Trata de mirar como si no perdieras el tiempo con la «moda». Gamine Girls se centra en su belleza NATURAL.

Friday 26 June 2020

How can I make my apartment eco friendly or "green"?

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Cómo detectar un virus del teléfono en Android

Cómo detectar un virus del teléfono en Android

Este wikiCómo te enseña a escanear tu Android en busca de virus usando una aplicación antivirus de la Play Store.

Compruebe si se ha incrementado el uso de datos. Debido a que los virus se ejecutan en segundo plano, utilizando su plan de datos para comunicarse con Internet, es posible que note picos en el uso de datos. Vigile su estado de cuenta.

Esté atento a los anuncios emergentes. Si de repente se ve inundado por anuncios emergentes, un virus podría ser el culpable. Evite tocar los enlaces en los anuncios emergentes.

Controle el rendimiento de la batería. Si nota una disminución drástica en la cantidad de tiempo que la batería de su Android permanece cargada, es posible que un virus esté agotando sus recursos.

Tenga cuidado con los cargos inexplicables. Algunas aplicaciones malintencionadas pueden hace! r compras sin tu conocimiento. Revise sus transacciones y vea si hay cargos que usted o su familia no hicieron.

Instala una aplicación antivirus en tu teléfono. Algunas opciones populares son Kaspersky, Avast, AVG y McAfee.

2. Pulse sobre el botón Escanear. El nombre del botón puede variar. Esto comenzará la prueba y reportará los resultados al terminar.

Compruebe el informe. La aplicación debe poner en cuarentena automáticamente cualquier cosa sospechosa que encuentre. Siga las instrucciones que aparezcan en pantalla para eliminar los virus de su Android.

Busca aplicaciones que no hayas descargado. ¿Ves un nuevo icono de aplicación en la pantalla de inicio pero no recuerdas haberlo instalado? Esto podría ser el trabajo de un virus. Estas aplicaciones pueden incluso parecer legítimas, pero si no recuerdas haberlas descargado, es mejor eliminarlas de Android.

Abra su aplicación antivirus. Si es la primera vez que usas la aplicación! , se te pedirá que le des acceso a tu dispositivo, así como ! que aceptes su acuerdo de usuario.

Toma nota de las aplicaciones que se bloquean con frecuencia. Si, por ejemplo, tu aplicación favorita (que nunca te ha causado problemas antes) empieza a fallar con frecuencia, un virus podría ser la razón. Los virus son conocidos por hacer que las aplicaciones funcionen mal.

Thursday 25 June 2020

How can I live more Green and Eco-Friendly?

Clare Hoard: Legalise weed :D

Bruce Calise: If the item is large enough, you may be able to attach it to the back of a favorite photograph or clipping and then display it on a vertical metal surface - refrigerators are popular.

Sheldon Lally: I can't stand seeing all of these newspapers and plastics bottles in the trash cans. Even though I know it gets sorted out later, I'd like to teach the people in the apartment buildings to be a bit more green and help out. No one recycles and no one wants to bother to take the trash to any recycling centers. HELP! We need a recycling bin big enough for the whole complex!!! I was trying to research in how to get one, but I got no luck! Thank you! :) Easier process?...Show more

Rubi Romo: There are lots of ways. Here are a few basic ways to start: Walk more, use less electricity, recycle, buy products that used recycled goods, conserve water, integrate solar or renewable energy, etc.

Coleman Ocegueda: ther! e is a group called eco wellness. It is a group that has just started.You can find us at http://ecowellness.multiply.com/

Jene Licausi: you can take shorter showers, you can plant some trees, use less paper, buy solar panels, you can also use eco friendly chemicals.

Christopher Calcano: upcycle it. Put some stickers on the magnet and then cut around them to make cool custom refrigerator magnets. Then use them yourself or give them to friends.

Matt Gerdeman: ebay order one onlineoh an i am glad to hear that u recycle!!! good job

Roxane Leathers: Sure, it is called The Green Party. Support a government that actually cares about the environment and also has a darn good grasp on the rest too (such as health care, military, education, etc.).

Leif Andreason: Start with you landlord. Explain to him or her that their garbage bill could go down if they change the garbage collect method being used now and change it to a recycle program.YOu will show! your concern and also maybe help your landlord to save money ! too.,,, not to even thing of what your will be doing for our country.

Toshiko Reimers: There are lots of ways. You already mentioned walking rather than driving. You could also bike or take public transportation, or invest in an eco-friendly car.You could look into switching to renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power. Change all your light bulbs to the energy efficient type and invest in energy efficient appliances as well.Even the food choices you make can have an impact. Buy local, organically produced foods and eat foods when they are in seasonReduce consumption, reuse materials, and recycle when it can no longer be used.Water consumption is also important - take showers rather than baths and keep them short. Don't let the water run when brushing your teeth.There are many, many more things you can do. Just do a quick google for tons more information....Show more

Tyler Burkman: Become a vegan..Turn off the electric & gas to your house..

Gus Leiby: Permaculture Answer:The Environment does not need saving. People need to stop exploiting it. Environmentalists' aim to limit the damage done by humans to the environment.From someone with experience: don't join campaigns, sit on committees, etc. Do something yourself.What you can do:Take action in your own life: Limit your consumption of everything, consider how what you buy, including packaging has an effect on the environment. Particularly disposal of items. Limit your family as the world is rapidly overpopulating. We have finite resources and space.Be more self sufficient. Saves money too. Grow more trees, more of your own food so there is less input needed to support you and your family, it enriches the environment and promotes diversity of fauna and flora. Be energy efficient Insulate your home, when your appliances need replacing, do so with energy efficient ones. Take local action: join community groups to make your local neighbourhood more environmenta! lly friendly. Act locally, think globally.Learn about your subject. The! n find a forum to help educate others about the issues. Like Y/A Lol.Look at Permaculture for some helpful ideas. Links below....Show more

Oswaldo Rayburn: I recommend Renewable energy Access.I am a member of this group.This is a mainstream group, not a crazy left wing group that will scare the daylights out of the mainstream Democrats and make them vote Republican.That is how George Bush managed to get himself elected in the first place.Frightened mainstream Democrats voted Republican.We do not need any more Presidents like George Bush.What ever you do, do not join a crazy left wing group that frightens mainstream Democrats.We finally have a chance to have a Democratic President, a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate. This will give us a chance to get some decent legislation passed.We do not want to blow it....Show more

Melina Minneweather: Going green is easy, there are so many great resources about the subject. My personal favorite is "The Green Book" wh! ich has parts of its book online as well at www.readthegreenbook.com.As I have been striving to "Go Green" I realize it is like stepping back in time without getting rid of my modern conveniences. I'm doing many things I learned as a child, like line drying my clothes, sweeping instead of vacuuming, opening the windows in the morning to catch the cool breeze, only buying what I need instead of everything that looks cool, growing some of my own food, and canning what I can't eat now. To me "going Green" is a frame of mind. Do what fits your lifestyle and do the easy things first, it is a process and like dieting if you go to radical to soon, you are more likely to go back to bad habits. I also believe there are good, better, best choices in most things. If you aren't ready to start a home garden, then try finding a farmers market, until you locate one look for produce grown as close to home as possible and go organic when available. Many people think "going green" is expensi! ve, I disagree. Some changes may take an initial investment, but they u! sually have a short payoff time. Things like weatherstiping and insulation cost, but the energy savings will add up quickly. You may need to purchase reusable bags, but most stores give you a 5 or 10 cent credit, so you are paid back within a few months. My top tips are make your home more energy efficient, that also means using natural light, cooling and heating. Reduce your packaging, if you eat more fresh food you will generally reduce packaging, it's the same thing they tell dieters, shop the perimiter, that is where all the meat, dairy and produce are located. Only buy what you will use, many Americans throw away a lot of unused food. Buy in bulk, that doesn't just mean large packages, but that area with the bins that you buy only what you plan on using. Replace disposable items with durable items, if you eat outside often and use disposable paper or plastic plates, it is a wise investment to purchase a set of reusable plastic plates. Replace disposable razors, diapers! and cleaning products like swiffer. Avoid bottled water, get a home filter like Pur or Brita.Recycle, www.earth911.org will help you locate the nearest recycle center. I try to only purchase plastics that are #1 or #2, they are more easily recycled. I also buy recycled products when available, that includes paper towels, napkings, toilet paper, tissue, school/office supplies and clothing.Detox your cleaning, vinegar and baking soda clean almost anything, they can even losen a hair clog. Seventh Generation and Method are a couple mainstream brands that are very earth friendly. Just start small and build from there, don't get overwhelmed....Show more

Vickie Sterbenz: yeah , other things to do : try to reduce garbage and recycle as much as possible try to use resuable bags when going to the store (plastic doesn`t grow on trees)

Luis Mellon: dont waste your time.. those groups are only in it for the money..here in the US.. the enviro-wacko group cashed in all of i! ts Credibility a few years back.. mid 80s.. now they are like the femin! azis... if the enviro-wackos really wanted to help the enviroment they would welcome nuke power... and push for BIG FREAKING tax cuts but only to companies that put the money into RandD... but instead the wackos demand BIG TAXES on energy and then there is nothing left to do RandD for new source of clean power...it is kind of funny really... they are the cause of more enviro- damage than anyone else ever has been... everytime i think about it.. it makes me laugh...Show more

Cody Shimko: I have a HUUUUGE list available at www agua-luna com it's like 33 pages long & would just spam this whole answer. But here's a few cut from the list below. If you'd like the entire list feel free to visit www agua-luna com or email me through the site directly & I’ll send you a free copy. Also Agua-Luna com now offers Carbon Offsetting Credits, since our Team of Volunteers is already accomplishing several carbon eliminating projects, we’re now converting the carbon offsets to you. ! Visit www agua-luna com for a FREE carbon calculator to calculate your carbon footprint for free & more info on carbon credits.You could also Volunteer with us, planting a tree or working on a Sustainable Renewable Energy Building Project in Mexico OR The Amazon. Again see www agua-luna com for more info.If you can’t join us here are some ways you can at least contribute from home..Recycle paper, cardboard, newsprint & magazines. Recycle aluminum cans. Recycle all batteries. Recycle & reuse. Roughly 50% of the average person's trash can be recycled. Don't forget that hazardous waste like batteries, your printer's ink cartridges, & cell phones can be recycled too! Find out how & where to recycle in your area. Always buy recycled paper. Just 1 ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees.Just because your community doesn't pick up all recyclables on the curb, it doesn't mean there are not viable alternatives nearby. Check with dry cleaners, supermarkets, manufacturers, your local p! ublic works department & civic organizations to find out where recycled! goods can be dropped off, at a location near you. Did you know that just in 1995 alone, recycled toner cartridges kept over 21,000 tons of trash out of landfills? Believe it or not, now you can recycle your printer's toner cartridges! Every year, Americans throw out enough printer cartridges to stretch from Los Angeles to New York City & back again. Toner cartridges can be recycled, having just as good a performance as an unrecycled cartridge. To recycle your toner cartridges, find a local business that does printer cartridge recycling, or contact the manufacturer of your current toner cartridge & ask about a cartridge recycling program. Not only should you recycle, but buy products that are recycled. By purchasing these products, you are helping to conserve natural resources, & to protect the environment. Wash clothes in cold water.Hot water is unnecessary for most clothes. When needed, use warm water. Fill your toilet tank.Put a plastic bottle or two, filled with water &! rocks, in your tank to reduce the amount of water used in each flush. Clean your filters.Clean the filters of your air-conditioners once a month to improve energy efficiency. While you’re at it, change your car’s filters as recommended in your manual. Get a low-flow shower head.Stop at the hardware store on your way home, & get a low-flow shower head. Takes a few minutes to install, & it’ll save gallons of water a day. Lower your thermostats.If you use heating, get by with less heat & wear warmer clothes. If you use air-conditioning, get by with less cooling & wear cooler clothes. If it’s a nice sunny day, hanging clothes only takes a few minutes, & you’re using solar power instead of electricity to do the job. It also makes your clothes last longer. Turn down your water heater.Most people have their water heater’s thermostat turned up too high, wasting energy. Turn it down to 130 degrees, saving energy but still hot enough to kill bacteria.Use CFC light bulbs.! Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any qu! estions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at www agua-luna com on the subject. I also offer online & on-site workshops, seminars & internships to help others help the environment.Dan MartinAlterative Energy / Sustainable Consultant, Living 100% on Alternative & Author of How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Resource Is Transforming The Lives of Regular People From All Over The World... Instantly Elevating Their Income & Lowering Their Debt, While Saving The Environment by Using FREE ENERGY... All With Just One Click of A Mouse...For more info Visit: www AGUA-LUNA com ...Show more

Noah Deni: >turn off your lights when you leave the room>turn off or put your computer in sleep mode when you aren't using it>don't keep on the water when you're brushing your teeth>plant flowers, trees, and bushes to help the N-viornmentum...that! 's all i can think of right nowHOPE IT HELPS!...Show more

Cody Shimko: There are a ton of groups out there to help the environment. There are lots of major organizations and I can guarentee you there are some right in your area as well. These hold meetings and events. Just look around in your community!

Elvie Drumgoole: is there a group or organization i can join for people who are interested in saving the environment. You know, like animal lover have PETA.

Newton Fedorko: You can take them to an e-waste recycler, they have to deal with magnets from the hard drives anyways.Don't put it in the normal recycling bin because they use electromagnets to sort out the metals and your magnet will just screw things up.

Myriam Hetjonk: Your choice in what goods you buy makes a big difference. For example, Scott toilet paper and Kleenex (owned by the same company) are made from ancient growth trees. A more ecofriendly approach would be to buy these products made! out of disposable cotton, or from post consumer waste, such as 7th gen! eration products, You could also adopt to using a hanky instead of tissues.

Derrick Kloke: Its one of those flat flexible ones, I'm not sure how to dispose of it. I don't want to just throw it out, if theres a way to recycle it. What can I do?

Raelene Cunnick: By buying certain products you help the environment. Energy star appliances help you save energy. don't waste water. Also, if you have space for a garden, try growing your own food, it's healthier. cheaper, and better for the environment.

Providencia Jalbert: Come visit us and get your voice out daily. We need more support in this country and others. We are offering full capabilitiy to broadcast your message daily as often as you can via our forums.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Homosexuality will end Global Warming!?

Michelle Sohre: I like derecho's post. It has a sad ring of truth to it.I see consumerism and excess as a product of being very prosperous. For example, if you needed 20 cobs of corn to feed your family but you only had 18, you'd protect those cobs to the death. But if you had 30, then wasting a few is just a minor issue.So when you are so prosperous, you have extra time, energy and money to basically "waste" it away. I guess the part we are not exceedingly good at is keeping in mind those who are not so prosperous. That's when waste can take on an obscene conotation....Show more

Donte Hamme: Well you can see that many people are scientifically illiterate. You can try to explain that there is nothing in the 0.2 degree per decade warming that prevents winter from coming. If the person you are talking to is not a complete idiot (though most deniers are indeed idiots) you can remind them that cold weather is due to air moving, not to a change in heat. In fact, ! the cold weather in the NE and northern Europe the past two years is paired with an extremely warm winter in the Arctic; the jet stream is further south due to the negative NAO. You might share with them that the weather in Nome has been 20 degrees warmer than usual.Most deniers though are really stupid about climate and weather. Many of the people who post here don't even understand that weather is caused by movement of air. If you are talking to one of the really stupid ones just move on....Show more

Rolanda Merritt: Or, we pull a China worldwide and limit child birth to one per. family. scientist have figured at that rate, after 50 generations we'd be back at a sustainable population.

Keven Woodington: Arctic Oscillation Patterns and the fact that it's winter are causing these below freezing temperatures. http://news.softpedia.com/news/Arctic-Oscillation-... All the precipitation is caused by global warming....Show more

Bob Pucella: Global Warming i! s NOT a fact. Never has been. Sorry, but the 'reason' keeps ch! anging of what it is, how it's effecting things, and what's going on. There are NO facts backing it up, and it's purely what the Earth has been doing for thousands of years. It has cycles. In the 70's and 80's, it was all about global cooling. Global Warming has been proven wrong, they changed the name to Climate Change. That was proven false, and at that point the evidence was shown all to be fake. So they changed the name again. It's just a bunch of non sense.Global Warming was started by bad science, that the Earth is keeping in the heat from the sun, while melting glaciers, and etc. Caused by Carbon emissions and etc. Which is crap in of itself, but that extreme weather, goes contradictory to Global Warming, and yet they've found a way to use that for their advantage.The evidence contrary to what you believe, is being SHOVED down your throat, and you're still saying it's a fact. It's just flat out sad....Show more

Clemente Schoeck: from the answers thus far, i hav! e to laugh. smart deniers at least acknowledge that the Earth has been warming for quite some time now. these ones must have come from the bottom of the barrel. to answer your question, since this argument has been debunked over and over, i tend to just ignore them. they're good for a bit of a laugh though. It was hot this winter where i live. does that prove global warming is real? no! you can try to explain it to them, but odds are, they won't listen. they'll just latch to an answer as idiotic as their question....Show more

Jonie Lauria: Show them the data, including many measurements of different factors, all pointing to the same conclusion.Reduced Arctic Sea Ice extent:http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/images/daily_im...Reduced Arctic Sea Ice Volume:http://psc.apl.washington.edu/ArcticSeaiceVolume/i...Reduced ice mass in the Antarctic:http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v2/n12/full/nge...Global reductions in Glaciers:http://www.grid.unep.ch/glaciers/Local reductio! ns in Glaciershttp://www.nrmsc.usgs.gov/repeatphoto/download_inf...Redu! ced Greenland Glacier Mass:http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=g...Global surface temperature increases:http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/paper/gistemp201...http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs/Fig.A2.lr......Show more

Pattie Vold: Global warming is a fact. What do you say to the skeptics when they try to use the weather extremes to ridicule global warming?

Dexter Dingus: LOL. Probably not. I will bet however that you or I (or maybe both of us) will get violation notices.Global warming is indeed real and has been documented with ice cores dating back tens of thousands of years. What is NOT real is the quackery that humans caused (or can even affect) global warming.The scare tactics being perpetrated upon us are only a money/power grab scheme by bottom-feeder politicians accompanied by their so-easily-led sheeple who take their prattle, even their movies, as hard science.To find that my statement above is true, follow the money. See just who i! t is who will profit from the carbon offset, carbon tax, & etc.Here is truth about global warming:Global warming is one-half of the climatic cycle of warming and cooling. The earth's mean temperature cycles around the freezing point of water.This is a completely natural phenomenon which has been going on since there has been water on this planet. It is driven by the sun.Our planet is currently emerging from a 'mini ice age', so is becoming warmer and may return to the point at which Greenland is again usable as farmland (as it has been in recorded history).As the polar ice caps decrease, the amount of fresh water mixing with oceanic water will slow and perhaps stop the thermohaline cycle (the oceanic heat 'conveyor' which, among other things, keeps the U.S. east coast warm). When this cycle slows/stops, the planet will cool again and begin to enter another ice age. It's been happening for millions of years.The worrisome and brutal predictions of drastic climate effects are ! based on computer models, NOT CLIMATE HISTORY. As you probably know, co! mputer models are not the most reliable of sources, especially when used to 'predict' chaotic systems such as weather.Global warming/cooling, AKA 'climate change':Humans did not cause it.Humans cannot stop it....Show more

Von Houskeeper: various anybody is turning out to be burned out on each and each of the media hipe and consumerism. interior the actual international the only person which you would be able to incredibly replace is your self. Your approach seems to be that anybody is inflicting 'you' to experience unhappy. How approximately attempting to help people who're much less fortunate than your self? once you're assisting somebody who somewhat desires help (and that i do no longer advise money smart) you do not have time to outlive each and each of the failings that are making you unhappy. One guy or woman could make a distinction in someones existence who isn't as fortunate as you. i think of you will shocked at how happy that would make you experience. So, ! my suggestion to you is to get a approach adjustment. that's the only existence you have, so get on with it....Show more

Frederick Mccoach: Climate Realist: I use to debate the existence of God but I found that neither side really had proof one way or the other. I'm not really into debating philosophy and that is basically what a belief or disbelief in a god is. I respect your beliefs though because you recognize the difference between scientific evidence and a belief in a god, which is a personal belief.

Alonso Crehan: With no children, there's no future generations and no one left to worry about it. Amongst all the hoopla, just remember never to but waterfront property, because if just 1% of the scientists warning about it are right, that property becomes worthless when its under water.

Elvin Weichbrodt: Jon Kerry, are you trying to be funny, or are you mentally handicapped?

Elli Esaw: well that's why being homosexual is not a good thing in the r! eligion. it stops new generation. But i can't help being one of them !! !

Abby Herwood: 1) Do you believe that the Earth is warming? If so, is it due to human activity?Yes. Global warming is happeninghttp://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2010/images/wa...And we are causing ithttp://c1planetsavecom.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/fil...2) Do you believe in a god? If so what type of god or gods do you believe in?Yes, and I believe that if God didn't exist, we wouldn't exist. If there were no God, there would be no big bang, no Universe and no us. Could scientific laws describe everything? Perhaps. But isn't science really the search for LOGOS?What I just wrote is a definition, rather than a description of God. Nor is it a critique of your beliefs. We must all find out the answers to these questions for ourselves, on our journeys. If you want, we could discuss this further in R & S. I do, however, believe that global warming is our problem, not God's.3) Do you believe in ghosts? If so, what do you attribute them to?No.4) Do you believe in aliens? Do y! ou believe we've been visited by aliens?In such a vast cosmos, it is hard to believe that we are alone. I used to believe that we've been visited by aliens, but I am no open to the posibility that we haven't. What changed my mind is that it now looks doubtful that my generation, the generation that grew up watching men walk on the Moon do not send people to Mars, we may never send people to Mars. And if humanity never leaves the nest, perhaps ET hasn't either.5) Do you believe in alternative medicine?Maybe. But, unlike global warming denialists, I actually am a skeptic.6) Do you believe in evolution?I believe that evolution is the only known scientific explanation for the diversity of life. And if there is another, young Earth creationists will not like it either. And intelligent design is not scientific. For one thing, it is unfalsifiable. Michael J. Behe once considered the supposed irreducible complexity of the bacterial flagella as proof of intelligent design. But when ! the protiens in the bacteria flagella were found in other applications,! such as toxin injectors, he then said that the intelligent designer made it possible for the proteins to have other use in order to be prepared for the bacterial flagella.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jpat34721/My_Stu...http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/F/flagel......Show more

Truman Biby: I think not because earth goes to natural cycle to solar maximum to solar minimum.

Sherita Gallati: Wow, Stephen, get your head out of your clouded ***. Global warming is here, and is affecting our weather patterns. My question was to intelligent people.

Lou Rought: Wow. I asked a serious question, and got simple minded replies. Good luck to you idiots that replied, and don't let the door slam you in the ***.

Ricky Frazer: Not really dude. You can run off into the wilderness to persue your independant lifestye if you want to, no one's stopping you. I'll stick with my morgage, car, regular job and various other consumer items.

Vickie Cl! ampett: I grew out of so many things and im starting to wonder why thers havent.video games have gone casual basically repetitive garbage that cant hold my interestbrowsing the web on forums seems so pointless i feel like im above them just watching them have meaningless stupid thoughts. i feel retarded for even bothering contributing.i see ever form of entertainement from music to movies to super stars as fake useless garbage designed to make you feel more special than you really are. i actually see it like a scammer really a scammer trying to take your money like sell you something door to door thats really stupid. their lyrics are retarded. their attitude is annoying.the selling of useless garbage that no one really needs thats overly expensive like mac products. whatever happened to buying what you need instead of wasting tons of money for retarded things?everything on tv is a lie or some form of mass brainwashing in fantasy and confusion.the thought of dedicating my li! fe to learning a meaningless task to get a job makes no sense to me.i d! ont want money. i want to be free. i dont want to be held down by society's rules anymore.i dont want to have to rely on PIECES OF PAPER TO SURVIVE I WANT TO BE FREE THATS ALL I WANT I WANT EVERYONE TO STOP AND GET AWAY FROM ME AND STOP TELLING ME HOW TO LIVE....Show more

Perry Deshazior: 5) I think that the types of foods you eat have quite a lot to do with your personal well being. Happiness, health, and virtually everything aside from passed down genetic traits can be improved through diet or exercize. Does this mean some alterative medicines may work? Yes. Does this mean they all work? No. However, before trusting in any form of alternative medicine and stating that it does or does not work there should be scientific backing to support the claim.

Lonnie Jehle: I agree with you to an extent - - - my personal preferences are similar to yours to an extent. I don't have cable, don't watch tv, don't know who the people on the cover of the supermarket magazines ! are, am not into clothes. There are certain things I buy - Chinese and other Far Eastern artefacts - - functional art - - I have a small collection of those and the pieces are beautiful and were used centuries ago for household purposes, some of them religious purposes. I have 19th century statues of deities, some wood, some marble, and I burn incense to them in Ming-era incense burners. Is that consumerist becuase I bought the pieces, because a friend of mine located them in China and sold them to me for a song (no pun intended)?I like plants.I love soccer, biking, and other sports - soccer primarily. I bought my keeper gloves, my cleats, etc.... Is that consumerist?I think we all have opinions as to the ideal lifestyle, and what makes America special is not the choices made by a majority but the fact that each individual is allowed to make his or her own choices.Some Southern Baptist doesn't have the right to dictate your sexuality, and some Vermont back-to-nature! granola-type doesn't have the right to dictate your energy use. THA! T is what makes America great....Show more

Torrie Weissenbach: bullcrap

Travis Colomb: Question puts in some of dilemma. Is that applicable, to reduce global warning the skeptics use weather extremer. Sounds foolish !

Majorie Chester: 1) Yes I am aware the Earth is warming. Proof of this exists when we look at the reactions various plant species as well as bacterial, viral and animal species have responded to a warming climate. Changes in seasonal cycles also play a role. I am also aware that the warming is mainly due to an increase in CO2 and the associated water vapour feedback and that man is mainly responsible for the increase in CO2 concentration in the recent past. I came to this conclusion via actual scientific data showing that the atmosphere is incresing at a rate of about 15.6 billion tonnes of CO2 per year while human emissions account for over 33.5 billion tonnes per year while, at the same time, oceanic pH is decreasing signifying greater CO2 ! uptake. Something that would not occur naturally during a warming period.http://se-server.ethz.ch/Staff/af/Fi159/L/Le187.pd...http://www.physics.umt.edu/~nate/astr351/readings/...http://nora.nerc.ac.uk/8576/1/LeQuere09.pdfhttp://www.unc.edu/~lb...Show more

Hilde Heskett: All the date about the fact(s) of global warming are contained in the (hi-def) video, called "HOME". I say global warming will kill us!Here is the video..............http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU

Bryant Pillitteri: No. > There would be much homosexual sex, and so what? However, homosexual tendencies towards sexual preference don't, in the real world, have to preclude the desire to be a parent. There are many predominantly homosexual parents. Also, in the real world, as not everybody is (hypothetically or otherwise) predominantly homosexual, then how on Earth can a non-existent premise pose some kind of threat to the existence of life on Earth? You might just as well worry about the ! prospects of being crushed in the stampede to get on the number 25 Lond! on bus tomorrow morning if, as can't yet be ruled out, the entire population of Britain insists on travelling on precisely that particular veihcle at the same time....Show more

Eulah Hugill: Funny I seem to remember a term from the 70's called global cooling? What happened to that new ice age? When you say global warming I assume you mean something similar to the green house effect which has been around long before humans or do you mean human caused global warming. That's where the debate is. How much global warming gases are produced by nature vs how much are produced by humans? Also in Pennsylvania there has been an under ground coal fire burning for the last 50 years causing the release of so much CO2 that the town is pretty much abandoned. As for calling someone a skeptic or denier it's fine as long as you don't mind be called an alarmist....Show more

Esteban Lyson: I used the term 'belief;' because I didn't want this to turn into an argument. Sagebrush: I a! m well aware of what science is, thanks.

Bryan Avinger: I am aware that this type of question has proibably been asked before here. I'm just interested in knowing the newcomers thoughts on this and to get a mroe clear view on where they are coming from as well if thoughts regarding the following topipcs have changed since your time here.1) Do you believe that the Earth is warming? If so, is it due to human activity?2) Do you believe in a god? If so what type of god or gods do you believe in?3) Do you believe in ghosts? If so, what do you attribute them to?4) Do you believe in aliens? Do you believe we've been visited by aliens?5) Do you believe in alternative medicine?6) Do you believe in evolution?I'll post the question then post my response to the question in this first addition. If you think without a doubt that one of the above question is true provide a link to actual data and scientific evidence (Hint: Not a blog or post of someone else's interpretation. I would! like actual scientific or historical documents.)...Show more

Cor! dia Fivecoat: I watched a video showing a letter which is supposed to be written by a man living in 2070, saying what will happen if we don't take environmental issues seriously... People will be lucky if they survive over 35 years, they will have to cut their hair so that they won't have to wash them, all lakes and rivers would be irretrievably polluted or dried up, there won't be any plants but only desserts, most deaths will be caused by simple diseases, most of the people will work at factories which make sea water drinkable and they will be paid with water instead of money, there will be many people who attack others to steal bottles filled with water, food will be 80% synthetical, evey day each person will be able to drink less than a glass of water, many children will be born suffering from deformities, people will have to pay for the air they will be breathing which will be of a bad quality, water will become more valuable than gold or diamonds, there won't be any t! rees because there won't be any rain, there won't be any seasons due to climate changes... All environmental problems will apply to this situation, but the most important of all is the lack of water. ...Show more

Marvel Mcaulay: Global Warming is to new of a science to be pure fact. The earth is constantly changing for example, when the Romans invaded Britain, it was a much warmer country and I believe that since the records didn't begin until just over 100 years ago and when the go on about above average temps, they are averages from 1971, not much to really go by. I don't like the fact that it is forced on us and some of the leading scientists have been known to falsify data, and governments contradict them selves by taxing people for high emissions and then giving the green light for coal power stations to be built and letting manufactures of green technology go bust so how can people take it seriously. We are making a bad impact on this planet but it's just too so! on to say with regards to Global Warming....Show more

Tomi Vauter! s: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2008161/Gh...http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/09/06...Does this mean 'ghosts' do not exist? Of course not. But before you claim that which is not known you should attempt to explain observations and find evidence through that which is known first. Most people claiming they have seen spiritual activity or something similar aren't usually seeing what they think they are.4) I think the likelihood of aliens not existing is slim. The main constituents of water, the main building block of life, is made of two of the three most abWndant known elements in the universe. However, as Earth is the only known planet to support life, making an assumption basedon probaility I personally find troublesome. When I was young one of the major question was if there were any other planets in the universe outside our solar system....Show more

Ruthe Real: Now that question is are any of those planets capable of supporting liquid water an! d life. Science move forward, science advances, and those that do not accept it will be left behind. As the closest star is over 4 light years away I think the possibility of aliens actually visiting us is even slimmer. This, of course, does not mean that it hasn't occurred. Technological advacements and scientific understanding have lead to such thoughts that we could form a bubble of slower time through changes in gravity and allow the ship to travel in that to it's destination. We will see where the future takes us.http://iopscience.iop.org/0264-9381/11/5/001...Show more

Luana Carothers: What happens when people need kidneys, blood, and other medical treatments that only next of kin, such as a child can provide. Homosexuals use butt plugs to keep their bums from leaking as well as man-pons and butt pads, that's allot of pollution in itself..LOL Plus butt plugs are rubber and that's not biodegradable...LOL

Vern Serratos: I Garfunkel'd your mother...http://www! .youtube.com/watch?v=GlH1kedzwhw

Charlotte Bryar: http://www.unc.! edu/~lbuckley/GCE/uploads/Main/Done...2) I don't "believe" in any god as I have not seen any evidence to the contrary. I acknowledge that our understanding of how the universe came to be needs to be vastly improved upon as does our knowledge of what existed, if anything, before our modern universe came into existence, if it did at all or if has always existed. However that does not mean that a god exists. All that means is that it is unknown. Attempting to explain the unknown through personal beliefs is not a scientific way of thinking.3) I do believe that people think they see things sometimes. Most can be explained by real world science such as ghost cities or various types of cognitive stimulation. (The following are merely examples not scientific articles)...Show more

Vita Moodie: But this is the dream of democracy and what happens when you remove the inherit protection and restrictions supplied by the republican form of government. The republican system restricts! the size of both industry and government to where both are manageable in size and no entity either commercial or government is to large to fail. What we see today is the final result of 100 years of unrestricted democracy in action! For details see the quote below from a social history professor of great note.Pournelle's lesson: unrestricted laissez faire capitalism allocates resources in a most efficient way to satisfy human wants without regard to the rationality or morality of those desires.The difference between Libertarian and Conservative is that Conservatives understand this, and know that unregulated capitalism will eventually end with human meat sold in market places, and slavery. Alas, many Conservatives think that everything has to be regulated and controlled. Liberals, meanwhile, think everyone needs to be liberated from religion, the sight of religious symbols, and all marriage vows.'Twas ever thus.Jerry Pournelle...Show more

Tracy Huesso: you went from ! consumerism to a whole array of issues that signal me you are possibly ! depressed and or very angry about something.you are correct about a lot of this stuff,but don't let knowledge make you stupid to the point of self destruction!That means they won!

Shamika Schools: I think a better solution would be: if you believe in global warming, have no children.Although homosexuality will work just as well as reducing CO2 output.

Dick Baumgarten: Modern "consumerism" is a result of the missing delight and purpose in our lives ! They try to 'sell' you 'happiness' with their 'product'. When that 'happiness' fades or never is felt, the result is to just get more 'stuff' ! It's the discontent in our lives that leads us to believe that more stuff will make us feel better. The advertising companies know this, and exploit our deepest dreams and desires for their greedy profits !

Delmer Pectol: Global warming isn't real! You think all that Co2 we pumped in the atmosphere for the last 100 years had any affect on the environment? You're ! silly! The bible doesn't doesn't say anything about it, so it isn't real!

Devon Kalberer: 6) Yes, evolution does exist. You can see this more clearly through knowledge of biology and how mutations change over time.http://wsbs-msu.ru/res/DOC187/MAexperiments.pdfAnd there are currently a few different mutations working their way through the human genome in various areas of the world. One of them being sickle cell disease, which is a genetic mutation that often inhibits HIV infection in an individual.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22628662...Show more

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Cómo Incubar Huevos de Pollo

Cómo Incubar Huevos de Pollo

La incubación de huevos de gallina es una experiencia extremadamente gratificante, que requiere buena planificación, dedicación, flexibilidad y habilidades de observación. Los huevos de gallina tienen un período de incubación de aproximadamente 21 días y pueden eclosionar utilizando una incubadora especializada bajo condiciones cuidadosamente monitoreadas, o utilizando una gallina de cría. Use estos consejos para incubar huevos de gallina usando ambos métodos.

Deje que la temperatura descienda después de añadir los huevos. La temperatura bajará temporalmente después de haber introducido los huevos en la incubadora, pero debería reajustarse si ha calibrado la incubadora correctamente.

Absténgase de molestar a la gallina o a los huevos tanto como sea posible. La gallina hará todo el trabajo necesario para girar y ajustar los huevo! s y los huevos deben permanecer húmedos y calientes del cuerpo de la gallina. Si desea inspeccionar y velas de los huevos para comprobar su progreso, resista la tentación de hacerlo con demasiada frecuencia.

Prepare un área de cría. Ponga la gallina de cría en una casa o habitación separada que pueda ser utilizada tanto para el período de incubación y eclosión como para el momento en que los pollitos están creciendo. Coloque un nido cómodo, a nivel del suelo, dentro del área de cría, lleno de amortiguadores suaves como virutas de madera o paja.

Conozca las ventajas y desventajas de cada método. Por supuesto, tanto las incubadoras como las gallinas de cría ofrecen ventajas y desventajas a los cultivadores que intentan incubar huevos de gallina. Saber cuáles son éstos le ayudará en última instancia a tomar la mejor decisión dadas sus circunstancias.

Ponga los huevos. Una vez que las condiciones dentro de la incubadora han sido establecida! s y monitoreadas apropiadamente durante al menos 24 horas para! confirmar la estabilidad, es el momento de poner los huevos. Nunca ponga menos de seis huevos. Si intenta incubar sólo dos o tres huevos, y especialmente si son huevos enviados, es probable que haya una mala eclosión. Puedes conseguir una chica, o ninguna.

Vela los huevos después de 7 a 10 días. Vela de los huevos es cuando se utiliza una fuente de luz para ver cuánto espacio ocupa el embrión dentro de un huevo. Después de 7 a 10 días, usted debe ver el desarrollo del embrión. Las velas le permiten extraer los óvulos con embriones que no son viables.

Haz una copia de seguridad. Puede ser muy frustrante cuando una gallina ha estado melancólica fielmente durante dos semanas y luego abandona los huevos, pero no se desespere. Si usted tiene otra gallina de cría o una incubadora artificial a mano, todavía puede salvar el embrague.

Elija la raza adecuada. Si usted ha decidido usar una gallina para incubar sus huevos, querrá saber cómo elegir la m! ejor opción para sus necesidades de eclosión. Algunas razas nunca se pondrán melancólicas, así que si usted está esperando a que su favorito se ponga de humor para eclosionar, ¡puede ser una larga espera! Las mejores razas de cría son Silkies, Cochins, Orpingtons y Old English Games.

Entiende que tendrás gallos. Un punto importante a tener en cuenta es que sus huevos generalmente eclosionarán en una mezcla de 50:50 de machos y hembras. Si usted vive en la ciudad, los gallos pueden ser un problema y mantenerlos es a menudo contra las regulaciones municipales! Si no puede mantener gallos, tendrá que estar preparado para encontrarles una casa. Incluso si usted puede mantenerlos, tendrá que considerar qué arreglos de vivienda necesitará para que los gallos no se reproduzcan en exceso y ni siquiera lastimen a sus gallinas.

Registre la fecha. A partir de esto usted podrá estimar la fecha de eclosión de sus huevos. Los huevos de pollo tardan veintiún d! ías en eclosionar cuando se incuban a una temperatura óptima. Los hue! vos más viejos, los huevos que se dejaron enfriar y los huevos que fueron incubados a una temperatura demasiado baja, aún pueden eclosionar, ¡pero eclosionarán tarde! Si es el día 21 y tus huevos aún no han eclosionado, dales un par de días más, ¡por si acaso!

Familiarícese con el funcionamiento de la incubadora. Antes de comenzar a incubar los huevos de gallina, asegúrese de leer todas las instrucciones del manual de instrucciones de la incubadora. Asegúrese de que sabe cómo manejar el ventilador, la luz y cualquier otra función.

Averigüe dónde obtener huevos fértiles. Los huevos fértiles deben obtenerse de criaderos o granjas avícolas que tengan gallos en su parvada, si usted no cría sus propios pollos. Usted puede comprar huevos frescos de granja de alguien que vende sus extras. Asegúrese de consultar con los proveedores potenciales con suficiente antelación, para asegurarse de que tienen la raza y el número de huevos correctos en stock! . Su agente de extensión del condado o especialista en aves de corral de extensión puede sugerirle una fuente.

Decida si va a utilizar una incubadora o una gallina de cría. Tienes dos opciones una vez que hayas decidido incubar huevos de gallina; puedes incubarlos en una incubadora o incubarlos bajo una gallina de cría. Ambas opciones tienen ventajas y desventajas que deberá considerar antes de proceder.

Elija una ubicación para la incubadora. Para ayudar a su incubadora a mantener una temperatura constante, colóquela donde reciba la menor fluctuación de temperatura posible. No lo coloque cerca de una ventana donde pueda estar expuesto a la luz directa del sol. El calor del sol puede elevar la temperatura lo suficiente como para matar a los embriones en desarrollo.

Colocar los huevos fértiles debajo de la gallina. Una vez que esté seguro de que la gallina de cría será una buena reproductora y haya preparado el área de cría, coloque los huevos! fértiles debajo de la gallina. Coloque los huevos debajo de ella todo! s a la vez, de modo que eclosionen con 24 horas de diferencia.

Saber cuándo una gallina está melancólica. Para saber si una gallina se ha puesto melancólica, busque una gallina que permanezca aplastada en el nido en un estado de trance y que se quede allí por la noche. También puedes buscar un parche de piel desnuda en su parte inferior. Y si ella te advierte con un fuerte graznido o te da un fuerte beso, esto es un buen indicio de que está melancólica.

Prepárense para la escotilla. Deje de girar y rotar los huevos 3 días antes de la fecha estimada de eclosión. La mayoría de los huevos viables eclosionarán en un período de 24 horas.

Ajuste los niveles de humedad en la incubadora. La humedad debe estar entre el 50 y el 60 por ciento durante toda la incubación, excepto durante los últimos 3 días, cuando usted querrá aumentarla al 65 por ciento. Es posible que necesite niveles de humedad más altos o más bajos dependiendo del tipo de huevos! que desee incubar. Consulte su criadero o la literatura disponible sobre la eclosión de sus especies de aves.

Seleccione sus huevos sabiamente. Si usted es capaz de seleccionar sus propios huevos para incubar, hay varias cosas que debe tener en cuenta. Se deben seleccionar huevos de gallinas reproductoras bien desarrolladas, maduras y sanas, que sean compatibles con sus parejas y produzcan un alto porcentaje de huevos fértiles (alrededor de tres). Las gallinas reproductoras también deben ser alimentadas con una dieta completa del criador.

Deja que la naturaleza siga su curso. Una vez que los polluelos comiencen a eclosionar, trate de no ver o quitar los huevos de debajo de la gallina sólo para tener una mejor apariencia. Están exactamente donde tienen que estar. No se preocupe si no han eclosionado todos los huevos, las gallinas son sorprendentemente buenas en la multitarea entre incubar los huevos y cuidar de los pollitos. La gallina generalmente permanec! erá en el nido durante 36 horas o más para dar tiempo a que todos los! polluelos eclosionen mientras mantiene a los polluelos eclosionados muy cerca bajo su ala.

Ajustar las condiciones. Para que los huevos de gallina puedan eclosionar con éxito, las condiciones dentro de la incubadora deben ser óptimas. Para preparar la incubadora para recibir los huevos de gallina, debe ajustar las condiciones dentro de la incubadora al nivel óptimo.

Tenga alimento y agua disponible en todo momento. Asegúrese de que la gallina tenga acceso a alimentos y agua en todo momento, incluso si sólo se levanta para comer y beber una vez al día. Coloque el agua lo suficientemente lejos de la gallina como para que no la vuelque ni la derrame sobre su nido y sus huevos.

Asegúrese de que la incubadora tenga una ventilación adecuada. Debe haber aberturas en los lados y en la parte superior de la incubadora para permitir el control del flujo de aire y asegurarse de que estén abiertas al menos parcialmente. Usted necesitará aumentar la cantidad ! de ventilación una vez que los pollitos comiencen a eclosionar.

Voltee los huevos diariamente. Los huevos se deben voltear un mínimo de tres veces al día a intervalos regulares, ¡aunque cinco es aún mejor! A algunas personas les gusta dibujar ligeramente una X en un lado del huevo para que puedan seguir más fácilmente la pista de qué huevos han sido volteados. De lo contrario, es fácil perder la pista de los que se han dado la vuelta, y de si se han dado la vuelta o no.

Tenga cuidado de que no le envíen los huevos. Usted debe ser cauteloso de comprar sus huevos en línea y que se los envíen, especialmente si es la primera vez que eclosiona. Los huevos enviados son más difíciles de incubar que los huevos de su propia parvada o los huevos adquiridos localmente.

Monday 22 June 2020

Have a question about Environmental Conservation scientists?

Sol Allphin: A conservationist is a general term referring to a person who undertakes a variety of initiatives with the objective of prudently using natural resources whereas a conservation biologist is exclusively focused on plants and animals. For instance, I am a Natural Resources Conservations for a county government. I review erosion control and stormwater plans then follow up with routine inspections to ensure the construction site meets compliance with the law. The two ordinances providing authority are geared at protecting water and soil quality with no concept for wildlife. Although a biologist cares very much about those two mediums since they dictate the health of habitat, they are more concerned about studying and protecting the plants and animals that exist in a certain area....Show more

Charline Granes: A conservationist is a general term referring to a person who undertakes a variety of initiatives with the objective of prudently using natural resourc! es whereas a conservation biologist is exclusively focused on plants and animals. For instance, I am a Natural Resources Conservations for a county government. I review erosion control and stormwater plans then follow up with routine inspections to ensure the construction site meets compliance with the law. The two ordinances providing authority are geared at protecting water and soil quality with no concept for wildlife. Although a biologist cares very much about those two mediums since they dictate the health of habitat, they are more concerned about studying and protecting the plants and animals that exist in a certain area....Show more

Tyree Allenbrand: The sciences. you won't be able to teach nor inspire people to shield in case you lack understanding. i'm a Marine Biology graduate and am now working for the government in atmosphere secure practices.

Darrel Stele: A conservationist (or environmentalist) actively works to protect the enviroment.A conservatio! nist biologist only studies it.

Chris Wilczewski: "Conse! rvationist" refers to a particular mind-set. A conservation biologist has a job and works for what the conservationist wants, in part.

Sunday 21 June 2020

Rising fuel costs?

Rosie Travino: No, but that's probably because I am educated about it.

Rivka Killmer: No.Whether or not people have been unfairly treated is irrevelent. They do not have the right to pursure criminal activity. There are legal avenues for such people to take.

Emile Okafor: no longer something. I in basic terms filled up this morning at $3.ninety according to gallon and checked the gas log I certainly have been conserving because of fact that i offered the automobile 5 years in the past. It shows that the utmost value in the process the GWB presidency grow to be $4.13 according to gallon. that's the variety Obama might exceed, which isn't precisely a favorable for him. Obama grow to be voted in on a tide of anti Bush sentiment and now, we are finding out to purchase it....Show more

Clay Lipira: I have a choice. Pay a roughly 300.00 fine or pay 6,000.00 in premiums. Which one do you think I will do? Obama Care is nothing more them an attempt to force people! to buy health insurance. What are they going to do when people tell them to go jump in the lake? Throw people in jail for the crime of not buying health insurance? If you don't pay the fine the IRS will go after you won't they? Not paying your taxes is a crime isn't it? Will part of some peoples earned income tax credit be taken to cover the fine?...Show more

Donella Vasta: And who are these oppressed that you speak of?

Marya Fehn: Yes. Thank you very much liberal democrats!

Lashawnda Anteby: I can afford to join Obama care. It will only cost me about $600 per month. Naturally, I won't be able to buy food, any more. I wonder what Obama care's prescription will be for malnutrition? Oh, well, there's always the Death Panel.

Janean Guz: Are these the reasons why Rush is considered the greatest Scientist in the world by smarter Americans?1. He think that all handicap Americans are a joke2. He tested Viagra and drugs on himself in the Caribbeans3. He! know that he will glide across the sky with God when the worl! d turn into hell4. Global warming jokes = $$$ from corporations that pollute5. Killing sea turtles should be consider a sport for rich, fat Americans who live near the sea...Show more

Armando Somes: awesome hat absolutely everyone ever allow you to comprehend that you bare a unbelievable resemblance to Natalie Portman? i actually do not study that insects are annoying and rightfully need to be pummeled into an insignificant afterthought once they're left a bloody mess. it really is like this. the following is the way it is going down. i'm the middle-piece of a portrait being bothered by nagging insects. at the same time as, one insect is searching one way and the different insect is searching any incorrect way. both wondering on how they're gonna mess with me. To more suitable make sparkling one is searching East the different is searching West and that i'm proper useless interior the middle. to save me from being a canvas of their nagging I swat them to their inev! itable deaths and that i look out at my public with a facial expression that reads, "Whaddya pick between me." It in simple terms is a truth of life no longer in simple terms homicide, yet homicide for the right reason :)....Show more

Lynn Melbourne: My city already has.......

Dallas Bartolini: Sea turtles make a delightful soup.

Gaynell Pizzaro: http://www.usatoday.com/money/energy/2002-04-30-ga...http://www.cfr.org/publication/15033/role_of_the_m...http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/story.aspx?g...Waylon, thank your oilman president....Show more

Christiane Cattano: Unfortunately that may be likely, especially since fuel costs are not forecast to decrease and many sources indicate they may increase to $7+. That has to really strain the budget

Maynard Reevers: You bet. Rising fuel costs adds to the price of everything.

Bud Espenshade: none so far

Danette Slotnick: Viagra didn't work on Turtles?

Tillie Wynott: Rush is an ov! erstuffed pile of crap. His crybaby antics are already yesterday's stal! e farts.Poor guy wound up on the side of the L O S E R S, like Hannity and Coulter, not to mention Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Cheney, DeLay and all those other morons who put their faith in the Neo-con movement.America, you were bamboozled, and all we have to do is see the chimp for what he is: a monkey tap-dancing to the beat of failed ideology. Can't wait to see the shrub get the boot; Cindy Sheehan is more of a man than Bush is....Show more

Coralie Goldsberry: It has happened here already, and we are in Idaho.

Hope Lundmark: Well, Osama bin Laden told us the reason he attacked America on September 11 was because of our support of Israel's occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people. Is that what you mean?

Pamela Meno: I gather since the demise of Air America and the liberal poop they could not sell poor little libs like you have nothing but Rosie to listen to? Please Fox and Rush are the only Conservative outlets versus the hundreds o! f other lib channels and you guys just hate HATE the fact that WE listen to Rush. With all his faults he is better than any or all of you.

Kizzy Hett: Wow with all the hipe about fuel cost going up, no one has posed this question yet....It is the future to come.However some municipalities are fueling their fleets with alternative energy sources, like Grand Junction CO. they are using solid human waste.

Merlin Fleischhacker: Yes and prices will climb forever until man sees how stupid he is and even then it won't change. Insanity at its finest.

Kenneth Queener: You already asked this question 2 days ago.I will copy and paste my answer...

Cliff Jacoby: absolutely, we're just in the beginning of the effects of these ridiculous fuel costs. Wait till the heating bills for those agencies hit this winter, too. Where do you think the money will come from? This country is in HUGE trouble.BTW, the end of the Roman Empire was caused when they became overexten! ded and their currency devalued, causing massive inflation. History has! a tendency to repeat itself....Show more

Maye Delk: Sure, why not. Who are all those oppressed people?

Norine Lomonte: I foresee a lot worse than that. Our entire economy is tied to oil. If this keeps getting worse and worse, it could drag our economy to it's knees.by the way, my property taxes just went up 40%, so it appears you might be on to something.

Raye Tredennick: I find it troubling that some in this country care more about protecting sea turtles (because they are sensitive to light!) than our nation's own children...


Carmina Stickney: im not just talking war. I realize that the USA could easily win, given their superior military might. Im talking about some of these people, not the government, engaging in terrorist acts against the USA to weaken morale and to show them the effects of their foreign policy. Under which circumstances would t! his be justified?

Donnell Nocella: If Obama Care scares you nearly to death...you can vote on this website - the name says it all. We're not getting any younger (?). Death panels - NO WAY! Don't Fund Obamacarewww.dontfundobamacare.com/•Cached Official petition to defund Obamacare. Republicans can stop Obamacare if they refuse to fund it....Show more

Stormy Beliard: Grrrrreat. I forgot about all that good stuff.

Virgil Menefee: Nevill, I agree to a point. But some people can't afford to go out right now and get a new hybrid.

Damion Oleksa: already happening

Loriann Carrigan: Waylon, how in the hell is this the fault of democrats. Skiddish investors/speculators are to blame for the rise. There is a cause and affect. We as tax payers may have to pay more to cover the increased cost to fuel our city, county, and state vehicles.

Comment envoyer un message à partir de votre numéro de téléphone sur les messages Apple

Comment envoyer un message à partir de votre numéro de téléphone sur les messages Apple

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Saturday 20 June 2020

In your opinion, does theatrical entertainment during wartime inappropriately distract people?

Timmy Bustard: Entertainment is generally given to those who are off duty and it helps boost moral by bringing something that they may see at home to them so that they don't miss out. However I would argue that some of the forms of entertainment like the cheerleaders they send over to the troops are distracting and negative.Several famous movies were made during wartime or more commonly just after the war ends. My personal favorite is the TV show that Ross Kemp made while staying with Royal Anglian Regiment in Afghanistan, it showed the public what Afghanistan is really like. However most movies made during wartime are realistically going to be made for their propaganda value and most movies made after the war ends are going to be made with profit in mind....Show more

Mee Blumenfeld: Anything else you'd like? Shall i come round and wash the dishes perhaps?

Denna Prudente: No.People need to laugh and smile. There are 2 sides to every coin. However, during warti! me, showing an anti war side of the coin is inappropriate....Show more

Randa Hessell: Would you like us to do your math and science homework too? Don't forget to let us know what grade WE received. To answer: Yes, Depends on the ideas being expressed, Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders and made me feel wonderful in a remote corner of the world.

Majorie Chester: one of the greatest moral boosters during WW2 Korea Vietnam was the groups coming over to the War zones Look at my era Betty Grable who could forget those legs they were to live for and Vera Lyn could she sing and something Beverly Sisters ???and Bob Hope all reminders of why we were there fighting for every body's Freedom I would watch movies till the cows came home and if the new movie did not arrive we would watch them backwards at least we had a good laugh I think the live shows were the best ENSA USO now you are pushing the old grey matter Glen Miller Spike Milligan Peter Sellers Hundreds made their names! in WW2 and went on to make a living from their wartime entert! ainmentand I really thank them ALL...Show more

Comment démarrer un parc d’attractions

Comment démarrer un parc d’attractions

Obtenir les permis et licences nécessaires. Vous aurez besoin d’une licence d’exploitation pour commencer la construction, ainsi que des permis de construction locaux. De plus, il y a une variété d’autres permis dont vous aurez besoin avant l’ouverture du parc, ainsi que des règlements que vous voudrez respecter :

Mettez les éléments de votre projet en appel d’offres et créez un calendrier d’exécution. Vous ou l’entreprise que vous avez engagée pour superviser la construction voudrez soumissionner de façon concurrentielle les divers aspects de la construction afin de réduire les coûts autant que possible. Une fois que vous avez choisi vos constructeurs, négociez les contrats et un calendrier d’exécution. Prévoyez d’ouvrir votre parc au début de l’été pour maximiser la fréquentation initiale.

Rédiger un plan d’affaires. Pou! r attirer des investisseurs et gérer efficacement votre entreprise, vous devrez élaborer un plan stratégique, que vous baserez sur l’analyse effectuée dans l’étude de faisabilité. Vous trouverez plus de détails sur la façon de rédiger un plan ici, mais de façon générale, vous voudrez inclure :

Présentez votre parc à des investisseurs potentiels. Les parcs d’attractions coûtent cher. Le coût moyen de construction par invité prévu pour la première année est de 109,61 $, ce qui signifie que si vous espérez attirer un million d’invités la première année, vous devrez recueillir environ 109 610 000 $. Communiquez avec les banques, les sociétés de capital de risque et les investisseurs providentiels (particuliers fortunés).

Décidez entre la franchise ou la création d’un nouveau parc. Bien que la création de votre propre parc vous permettra de mieux contrôler les attractions offertes et le style du parc, elle comporte aussi plus ! de risques. Démarrer une franchise vous donnera plus de souti! en et une marque éprouvée qui vous aidera à lever des capitaux. Pour un premier propriétaire d’entreprise, c’est une option plus sûre.

Choisissez un emplacement. Vous devrez avoir vérifié deux ou trois emplacements potentiels avant d’approcher les investisseurs. Le moment est venu d’en choisir un, en fonction de la disponibilité, du coût et des facteurs mis en évidence dans votre étude de faisabilité :

Embaucher et former du personnel pour gérer le parc. Après avoir déterminé le nombre d’employés, leurs postes et leur rémunération, un de vos gestionnaires de projet devrait être chargé de la dotation en personnel du parc. Au fur et à mesure que le parc touche à sa fin, vous commencerez à former le personnel pour les manèges, les concessions, la vente de billets, les jeux, etc. Les répétitions débuteront également pour tous les spectacles ou les divertissements au parc.

Construisez votre parc d’attractions. C’est ic! i que votre rêve commence à devenir réalité. Les constructeurs que vous avez engagés à contrat construiront des bâtiments, monteront des manèges et des sites d’exposition, puis installeront des systèmes de manèges et montreront des composants. Toutes les attractions seront testées pour s’assurer qu’elles fonctionnent correctement.

Choisissez le type de parc d’attractions que vous allez ouvrir. Vous devrez faire une étude de marché pour déterminer la taille du marché et les concurrents dans votre région. S’il existe déjà un parc bien établi dans la région, il sera plus facile de percer le marché si votre parc offre une expérience sensiblement différente, que ce soit en termes de manèges ou de thème. Les deux principaux types de parcs sont les parcs aquatiques et les parcs de sensations fortes avec montagnes russes et autres types de manèges. Il existe sept grands types de thèmes, bien que de nombreux parcs en combinent plusieurs :

Engagez une entreprise expérimentée pour concevoir votre parc dâ! €™attractions. Avant de vous adresser à des investisseurs potentiels, vous aurez besoin d’une maquette attrayante de votre parc qui présente à la fois les attractions et tient compte du zonage, de la sécurité et de la circulation. La conception d’un parc d’attractions nécessite une variété de compétences spécialisées allant du dessin à la compréhension de l’ingénierie et de la sécurité des véhicules jusqu’à la gestion de la circulation. Pour faire une présentation convaincante aux investisseurs potentiels, il est préférable d’engager une entreprise qui a fait ses preuves en matière de conception de parcs.

Commencez par une ouverture douce. Invitez le public à essayer le parc avant son ouverture officielle. Cela donnera à votre personnel l’occasion de s’entraîner avec de vrais clients et vous permettra de résoudre tous les problèmes opérationnels. Vous pouvez planifier une semaine ou plus de journées d’essai pour vous aide! r à perfectionner le fonctionnement de votre parc.

Bâtissez votre équipe. Vous aurez besoin d’architectes, de paysagistes, d’une entreprise de construction expérimentée dans l’installation de parcs d’attractions et de gestionnaires de projet expérimentés pour mener à bien le projet. Il existe des entreprises spécialisées qui superviseront tous les aspects de la construction, ou vous pouvez prendre ce rôle sur vous-même et choisir vos entrepreneurs.

Embaucher un groupe expérimenté pour effectuer une étude de faisabilité. Les parcs d’attractions nécessitent beaucoup de capitaux pour démarrer, et il n’y a aucun sens à perdre du temps et des efforts s’il n’y a pas de marché pour votre parc. Une étude de faisabilité tiendra compte des sites potentiels, du concept de votre parc, du marché local et du marché touristique, des tendances de l’industrie et de la concurrence locale afin d’estimer les coûts, les revenus et le nomb! re d’invités de première année auxquels vous pouvez vous attendre.! Ce dernier chiffre est extrêmement important, car le nombre d’invités de première année attendus déterminera le montant que vous devrez dépenser pour construire un parc qui pourra les accueillir. Estimez trop bas, et votre parc sera surpeuplé. Si votre estimation est trop élevée, votre parc échouera en raison de l’impossibilité de recouvrer les coûts de construction.

Ouvrez votre parc d’attractions. Après tout votre dur labeur, votre parc d’attractions est enfin ouvert ! Invitez les médias, les représentants du gouvernement, les célébrités, les investisseurs importants et les amis à l’inauguration officielle. Assurez-vous de prévoir des activités spéciales dans le parc pour commémorer la journée. Vous voulez que vos premiers visiteurs soient impressionnés afin qu’ils fassent la promotion du parc auprès de vos amis.

Créez une présentation scénarisée pour les investisseurs. Votre présentation doit être conçue de maniè! re à capter rapidement l’attention des investisseurs potentiels, à les impressionner par la rigueur de vos états financiers et à leur montrer comment ils vont faire de l’argent. N’oubliez pas d’inclure :

Achetez une assurance. Il y a une variété de firmes qui offrent une assurance spécialisée de biens et de responsabilité pour les parcs d’attractions. Enchérissez votre parc pour obtenir la meilleure couverture au prix le plus bas.

Choisissez une entreprise de marketing pour faire la promotion du parc. Avant même l’achèvement des travaux de construction, vous voudrez embaucher une entreprise qui vous aidera à commencer à faire la publicité de votre nouveau parc au moyen de panneaux publicitaires et d’annonces ciblées à la télévision, à la radio, dans les journaux et sur Internet. Envisagez également d’offrir des rabais sur les laissez-passer pour le jour d’ouverture et la première année afin d’augmenter la fréquentation! initiale et de créer plus de bouche-à-oreille.

Finaliser la co! nception du parc. Les plans schématiques utilisés pour attirer les investisseurs doivent maintenant être étoffés en détail, y compris les études d’ingénierie pour tous les manèges et attractions. Documenter clairement comment chaque aspect du parc sera construit.

Friday 19 June 2020

Kpop entertainment questions?

Brock Anwar: Some entertainment agencies are:- SM- YG- Cube ent.- JYP- Loen ent.- Starship ent.- FNC musicI'm not really sure, but I think different agencies look for different things. They're probably looking for people with good talent (singing, dancing, playing instruments, etc.), good looks, etc. But I think what the entertainment groups look for varies depending on what agency it is and what kind of group they're trying to make....Show more

Thursday 18 June 2020

What is the name of this television show?

Monica Voltin: not me, but it sounds interesting.

Maritza Ebanks: that sounds familiar but I can't remember what it was called..I think I found it.. "Student Bodies"Student Bodies was a syndicated television comedy program produced in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from 1997 to 2000 that mixed animation with live action.The show, originally made the for American market, and aired briefly on FOX, as well as CBC Television, Global and YTV in Canada, has been called "an imitation of Saved by the Bell" by critics, and featured an ensemble cast of high school students at a Thomas A. Edison High School.Cody Anthony Miller (Jamie Elman), a cartoonist for an underground publication, that shares an office with the official campus paper, draws a strip called "Student Bodies". Periodically we see his thoughts on any given situation in the form of his own cartoons, a technique later seen on Lizzie McGuire.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student_Bodies_%28TV_...http://www.tv.com/student-! bodies/show/3073/summary......Show more

Gertrude Darke: Lizzy McGuire is the only one I can think of, but it was just her as a cartoon character I think.

Eldridge Rieves: Lizzie Maguire? i really dont know