Thursday 5 March 2020

Which is more attractive on me, make or no makeup(PICS!)?

Elbert Donatelli: your beautiful either way although I like the one without makeup a bit more

Ninfa Aronica: my names anna but dont tell anyone cause i hate all the e-mails. :/ thnx.

Season Confalone: Well I think maybe your mom thinks you are too young for sexy bras, and possinle doesn't want to spend a lot since you'll continue to grow. (Which id agree) but, I think you need to tell her about the pain and cheap bras are not going to give you the proper support you need. You should explain to her that it hurts and wearing too small of bras can damage breast tissue. There are some decent supportive bras that are still affordable at Target or department stores like Khols or Macy's (Idk where you live sorry). Just tell her you need bigger one that support you....Show more

Peggy Sandefer: No make-up you're prettyyyymine-http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AitSQ...

Coy Tapley: this is me at prom... what do u think? does it look like my defualt! pic? :P http://www.misspolonia.com.pl/files/Gallery/354_3%...plz tell me what u think? :)

Ofelia Kieck: STOP SAYING LIKE!!! god it took me a while to understand with like as like every like other like word!!!ok so i think that you should keep your bf and just tell the other guy you wanna be friends just cuz it is SUPER wrong to date your bf's friend and they will probably get into a fight over you.... thats what happened to my best friend and he bf and her x are now really really pissed off at each other so she now is going to break up with him so that she can save their friendship...Show more

Tyler Burkman: ok so like I have this bf and we've been going out for a while but he's very flirty and all the girls like him and I knew this before getting into a relationship with him but I didn't think I would mind but like so we were at this like High School party and we're both freshmans but his best friend is like not such a great guy and idk why they're friends g! uess because they both like to chase after girls but like my b! f was like leaving me alone at the party so his friend came over to talk to me and then he like tried to kiss me and he did and I was like omg so I tried to pull away but then I sort of stopped because I liked it and so I just went with the flow so now his friend says he likes me and I like kinda like him back but his friend is a very flirtatious person as well but like my bf has never cheated on me and I feel so guilty for kissing his friend and having feelings for him. what should I do I mean i don't want to leave my bf because i know i'm not like madly in love with his friend but it was nice to kiss him and idk have you ever gotten that feeling before? am i terrible for doing this? should i tell my bf, omg i'm like majorly confused!!...Show more

Eva Lichlyter: You are really pretty! I thought you were Megan Fox for a second there lol I swear. I wish I looked like you I'm jealous. mine please anyone?http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=200906...

Kris Bo! zelle: Obviously your having feelings for this other guy. Sounds like your current bf is kinda an *** anyway so tell him what happened and that you are leaving him for his friend. No need to lie, he'll probably find out the truth eventually. I know you feel bad, who wouldn't? But true is if you were really in love with your bf you wouldn't have had and feelings when this other guy kissed you. Life's too short to waste on guys you aren't sure about.. especially if he's always flirting with other girls....Show more

Valentine Michaud: No make up, way better.

Lyman Gauld: Honestly, you both sound like whores. You AND your "bf"

Maritza Ebanks: ok so we all know it's not you so there is really no point in saying it...bye bye

Carolynn Testani: I'm 14. Haha...

Galen Gowers: yay finally ppl figured out its not me!!!!!

Azalee Ahrendes: No makeup. With makeup you look a bit scary:-/

Ron Keliipio: No makeup looks better.

Jose Calaycay: T! he girl on a photo is Miss of Poland 2008 her name is Anna Janik. That ! is not you at the prom.

Tamatha Neubaum: thats ANNA JANIK!!!!!!!ohkay why you have to lie about yhur apperanceso that u can feel betterbout yhurself when pplcomment....totaly not selfconfident.......Show more

Isreal Kochheiser: You look more feminine and sweeter without.

Leisa Brodnex: what" a boy Susie

Jude Kennelly: Depends ... If you were my girlfriend i would want you with certainly with makeup in a party and with no makeup when you wake me up in the morning !!!well you look pretty in both ..Ps try smiling it will make you more beautiful.take care bye !...Show more

Vern Serratos: thats anna janik. a modelsorry darling, thats not you.me thinks you are too ugly to put a real photo of yourself up? how sad

Collin Pelfrey: Omg, it's not you!It's pretty obvious... the url says it all lol.She's very pretty, I'm not sure about you though.Just because she's pretty, that doesn't make >you

Matt Gerdeman: you're pretty...but your lips...th! ere's something weird about them...maybe the way you're smiling?I thought:guys, why do you assume it isn't her? Models CAN go on the internet on their own time, you know!Then, I looked at her profile, saw her name was Cami. Then, I realized that they probably don't say prom in Poland...

Vern Serratos: honesty is best ALWAYS or else it will come around and bite you in the face tell your bf youre verryyyyyy sorry and you would never do it again. tell him that the other guy started it and you should have tried harder to pull away tell him you have no feelings whatsoever for this other guy.... ORbreak up with your bf and get with his friendit all depends on who YOU want to date...Show more

Dick Baumgarten: No Makeup... definitely. You look more genuine. The first just looks like you're trying too hard.

Gus Leiby: Well if you actually wore it normally not like a goth, then makeup would be better. But i'll go with no makeup

Lu Tiner: you look 16-17 in t! he first pic, and like...12 or 13 in the second...how old are you?i lik! e the first better. but you look pretty n the second too....Show more

Natalya Sydney: Your only choice is to stop wearing bras all together.

Darwin Ecton: yay finally ppl figured out its not me!!!!!

Irving Jordahl: i don't like the dress, necklace, or the way you did your lips.but you're really pretty :]

Carter Edstrom: Ok So I Am 36DD And Im 13 (No Im NOT fat, Im only 50kg). My parents are notfor or anything So i cant understand Why My mom wouldnt Want to buy me brand bras like her. She buys hersefl really cute bras And really confortable ones buy for me she wants to buy for Walmart. I dont Want to buy anything From that cheap place! Ill feel ratchet And such... My bras are like 32D, So they are really giving me pains And they are So small that My boobs COME OUT very OFTEN......Show more

Antone Youla: take all the make-up off except some mascara and maybe some lip GLOSSYou're natural pretty not stuff your face with make-up pretty no one is


Cristopher Gavalis: you are a blurry person

Otto Lingafelt: u r very pretty i wish i looked like u oh and pretty pic too

Roselee Mczeal: you have to decide which one you want ,I don't think you can have both .

Russ Kiernan: Get jobs us has babysitting and dog walking to pay for your own stuff until you turn 16, then you can get a real job and but what you want

Derrick Kloke: As soon as you turn sixteen and bring in an income you can complain about the quality of your clothing. Otherwise just bear it.

Florencia Manolakis: ahaha she actually doesn't look like a goth. don't know what your talkin' about. i think you are pretty in both pictures,but i like the makeup one a lot.

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