Monday 9 March 2020

whats the best style?????

Roland Stampley: mine is preppy definetely with a boho twist to it :]i love abercrombie polos and big bags and deliahs has awesome boho stuff :]Sara~*

Nia Monopoli: indie

Donnell Mollo: no.

King Bringle: Stand out, Be Different and Unique.I change my style EVERY DAY.One day, A long purple shirt, black leggings, black sparkly fats, and black accessories.Next day, Black shirt, with vibrant pink and yellow splatters with skinny jeans, black converse, yellow handbag, and pink accesories.Basically Let your style express how you feel and don't care about what people tell you....Show more

Esmeralda Pigram: Well none of your choices, but I like festival on www.forever21.com!

Chris Wilczewski: Amish tends to be a chick magnet.

Toshiko Reimers: no.

Boris Hadsall: That's an unanswerable question. Style is up to you.However, Bohemian seems to be prevalent at Forever 21. and Hypercolor is ruling at Wet Seal.

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