Thursday 31 October 2019

Humanities and me how I imbibe? what does this mean?

answers1: one definition of imbibe is to absorb and retain something
into the mind. <br>
so i'm thinking it's either asking how you go about learning/'what
humanities mean to me'. (: <br>
but i would ask the teacher.

Wednesday 30 October 2019

What exactly can I do with a BA in Humanities with a specialization in English?

answers1: you can probably get a teaching certification. Because you
must write many essays and do a lot of critical reading, any position
requiring these skills is possible.
answers2: You need to go in and talk with your adviser or perhaps a
career counselor at your college. I can't imagine any career that is
launched with a BA in Humanities. What was your original plan when you
were advised to pursue this major? <br>
If you want to teach Spanish it needs to be your major, not a minor,
and you need to also get in the education program. You can do it,
but you need to reorient yourself now to a new major. It may also
take some summer work, a heavy credit load for a semester or two, or
perhaps an extra semester, but you can do it.
answers3: each and every thing different than math. i actually did
like countless concern different than the scary math. definite i
comprehend there is a few arithmetic in contact in technological
information and definite i did no longer like that yet I drudged by
using it because of the fact ordinary technological information
continues to be exciting. basically in case i did no longer make my
element sparkling I Hate Math, lol.

Tuesday 29 October 2019

English Comp II or Humanities?

answers1: Hmm. Is this for a high school class? To be honest, I
think English comp would be better on your resume. But, if you
already have too many classes to handle this year then I'd take
Humanities to lighten your load a bit. English may consist of more
work and writings.
answers2: Definitely go with Humanities because you get to attend
plays, go to museums and write about your feelings toward the event.
Waaaaay easier than English and takes you places you thought you'd
never go or be interested in.

Monday 28 October 2019

Non-Western Humanities Essay Question?

answers1: in the U. S. werewolves are seen somewhat some issues;
people who can develop into wolves/ wolf human hybrids or people who
take on the features of a wolf yet nevertheless hold their human kind.
Vampires on the off hand are kinda uncommon in the U. S.. i've got
heard of issues (human and not) that drain that's victims of blood
till ineffective, and purely come out at night, yet for an define i
won't be in a position to truly inform you of something particular.
Sorry could Your Swords stay Sharp - Writ3rGrl
answers2: Humanities is a catchall for emotionally involved aspects of
life as opposed to logical aspects of life such as math and the
sciences which involve the intellect only. The humanities are people
related, psychology of the individual and groups. Today the logical
aspects of life are more defined and subscribed to while the emotional
aspects remain relatively unexplored. That's why there is so much
strife in the world.

Saturday 26 October 2019

A nice place to get art supplies?

answers1: I dont know if wherever you live they have a michaels, or
somewhere nearby, but they have everything! :) everything to do with
crafts and art

Thursday 24 October 2019

Wednesday 23 October 2019

names of lease 10 carrers that are art related?

answers1: i dont know where to start! there are so many... <br>
architecture <br>
photography <br>
fashion design <br>
interior design <br>
fine art---(things like painting or things you'd seen in art
museums...my boyfriends mom does something like this and she's very
good but its hard to sell your paintings) <br>
animation <br>
art teacher <br>
this one is a little out of the arts butttt you can create flower
arangemants...it is creative after all <br>
create or engrave jewelery <br>
acting! hard to get famous but if your good you can do it <br>
and there are so many more
answers2: What kind of art? There is the art of everything. I will
take a stabe at it. Photographer, Graphic Design, Bus. Card Designer,
Clothing Designer, Video Editing is a form of art, Bill board desiger,
ok that is all I can come up with.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Best Universities/Art Schools in Southeast for Art/Visual Effects?

answers1: SCAD, Ringling College of Art and Design, The Art Institute of Atlanta
answers2: I'm pretty sure those problems don't come from a southeast
facing house. the way your house faces has very little effect on
anything except maybe temperature and how much light gets in..
answers3: Savannah College of Art and Design

Monday 21 October 2019

Does Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts use uniforms?

answers1: No. Its seems like the kind of school that wears uniform
because of its reputation and all but they dont wear uniform there.
They did though, a few years ago, but they stopped it, so now you can
wear whateveer. <br>
Hope i helped
answers2: I have no clue, but good luck at finding out, I live in
Ottawa, The capital of Canada.

Sunday 20 October 2019

School of Visual Arts?

answers1: It appears that they may accept transfer credits.The credits
would need to fit in with the program of the school. <br>
The best bet, however is to contact the school and inquire directly./
answers2: some say this some say that, some be attentive to what
they're talking approximately maximum dont. in case you taugh your
self maths would you learn quicker and greater effective than having
people that already be attentive to it show you? in case you elect for
to be a photographer take the possibility and learn from others that
show photrography. Self taught or schooled there are a number of great
straightforward and undesirable shooters its individual. a

Saturday 19 October 2019

Why would anyone attempt to teach about the 4th dimension in art, especially visual?

answers1: Why not ask the teacher? <br>
Someone who might know a little more about the subject than you do <br>
(I imagine).
answers2: The teacher I had knew better, I geuss.
answers3: You can try through twin paradox, as time is the fourth
dimension, if a twin stay on earth and the other travels very very
fast, thing difficultly achieved with my car, to another point in the
universe, when he or she returns his/her brother or sister will be
much much older than his or her. Just a theory, but atom particles
seem to behave this way
answers4: The teacher probably went to an art school that concentrated
on conceptual art and not the technical aspects of actually producing
art! Talk is interesting, but sometime you have to actually do it. A
real artist actually creates real art.
answers5: Strange concept. I'm not sure what the 4th dimension in art
is. The 3 dimensions are height, width, depth. It's easy to represent
those in art. The 4th dimension the way you are talking about it is
something hidden or inside something else. It's always compelling to
add some mystery to a painting so the viewer can ask: what's going to
happen next, or wonder what's inside that. I think of the 4th
dimension as being time and that does not exist unless the art is a
mobil or something like that. Now that I think of that, I painted a
piece a couple of years ago, a landscape, where a storm was coming up,
and the trees were blowing in one direction. Moving air = 4th
dimension. The effects were represented but you couldn't see the air.
If you look at some of the cubist paintings you will see features
represented at different angles. For example a face looking forward
with the nose viewed from the left and eyes from the right. That could
be broadly described as a 4th dimension.
answers6: as even the visual arts are about representing the
non-visual, it makes sense to include the fourth dimension. art is
about what cannot be simply referred to with the senses we're familiar
with, nor language. I suppose you agree there's a difference between a
painting not including depth, and one (still being a painting so
actually a two-dimensional product) depicting a life scene like people
in a room

Thursday 17 October 2019

How should you act around a girl you like?What do girls prefer?

answers1: if she doesn't know that you like her, then what's the
point? both of you will be hiding behind "secrets" and things will
never happen. You gotta show some interest, don't just play "shy guy"
after a certain age, girls think that stuff is childish, and u gotta
make the move. if i knew this stuff only two years ago, my life would
be so much better..
answers2: just be nice, dont try to be "funny". and be urself
answers3: be yourself. <br>
but don't be loud and obnoxious. <br>
and if you two talk, and you think she might like you back, tell her.
answers4: be yourself and give her compliments
answers5: dont follow her around XP
answers6: We love when guys be themselves! Just be you. I'm sure she'll like it.
answers7: Just try to act like yourself as much as possible though it
may be nerve racking and just don't try to say something funny on a
whim because there is a good chance you'll end up sounding like an
answers8: Act friendly. All girls love that.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

What kind of things do you do in acting class?

answers1: A lot of times acting classes start with imrpov and acting
games to get everyone comfortable with each other
answers2: ask the teacher, all are quite different from one another.
answers3: I'm sure most are different from each other but they
generally follow a similar guideline (make sense?) Normally they do
improv, group reads, monologues, table reads, small in class plays.
Generally that stuff, hope that helps.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Acting classes and things?

answers1: No, and no. Acting lessons online are utterly pointless. In
any case, you will never get professional acting auditions without a
good agent, and no good agent is going to be aware of you, nor be
interested in you through practicing acting in front of your computer!
Just think about it for a minute and you'll see how silly this sounds.

Monday 14 October 2019

how does one "act normal"?

answers1: All dermis coloration aside, you sound knowledgeable, and
correctly mannered, no longer loud and sloppy ghetto, and that's a
super plus for you! you recognize that being black does not require
you to be ill mannered and obnoxious. people will such as you in case
you reside that way, and you dermis coloration would be irrelevant,
because of the fact which you're civilized. That makes you slot in.
Black people do no longer want you to slot in with different ethnic
communities like white and latino. and because you do slot in with
anybody, no count number what their race is, you're looked down upon
by way of different blacks, because of the fact they have been bred to
be loud and ghetto.
answers2: What is normal? A man with a bad temper and a man who is
serene, which is normal? Ask that mongrel of a teacher that.
answers3: Normally Definition
answers4: Your teacher, if that's what she really said, is an idiot
and not worthy of your respect. Normal? As time passes that
definition morphs radically and cannot by it's nature be a constant,
it can only be a result. <br>
Act within the limits of your environment and the extensions of you
personality, live and learn. Be willing to accept the consequences of
what you do. It will balance out eventually. <br>
All of us are actors, all of us act at least part of the time. It has
been my experience that the smaller percentages of your time you allow
this the better off you are, but that's just me. Try hard not to
"impersonate" anyone unless it is for laughs. <br>
You can act anyone's idea of normal and never come close, it is a
moving and elusive target. Act like yourself should be the easiest
role you ever play. <br>
answers5: Acting normal is pretty much fulfilling someone's
expectations of your actions. <br>
Ask your teacher what he/she expects you to act, and that's what your
teacher means by saying you should "act normal".
answers6: slapping her in the face is normal
answers7: :O <br>
WHATTA B*TCH teacher! <br>
How dare she/he <br>
TO act normal is to simlpybe yourself, why is there such a big problem
with that? >:F
answers8: you go and watch the "Not Normal" episode of Spongebob and
see why you shouldn't listen to her. :)
answers9: You're obviously really smart for your age, (assuming you
are in high school). For the benefit of the teacher and your vagueness
of the possibility of why she could be telling you to 'act normal' I
cannot make a proper judgment on the scenario. But in what you've told
me, and what you have inferred from your teacher's judgment to have
the audacity to tell you to 'act normal', you have hit the nail on the
head. Your teacher is a drone.

Sunday 13 October 2019

when does star trek come out in the dollar fifty movie theater?

answers1: Usually a movie that does well like Star Trek takes about
3-4 months after its initial release to reach the budget theaters.
Since the movie came out in early May, look for it in the next month
or so.
answers2: I dont know, It should be here at the dollar cinema soon. I
enjoyed Star Trek. Call the theatre and find out.

Saturday 12 October 2019

what should my tv theater settings be?

answers1: There's not enough info. What kind of speakers do you have
wired to the tv? If it's just the tv by itself set it to natural. If u
have surround sound then, obviously theatre

Friday 11 October 2019

What's your opinion on theater people?

answers1: some are funny some piss me off
answers2: they are real and you can throw things at them if they suck
answers3: they are a stereotype nerd but they actually have a lot of
courage to go on stage and preform.
answers4: a theater full of blacks is like being at the zoo
answers5: Not MY opinions but the stereotype is: <br>
Guys that do theater are gay <br>
Girls that do theater want to be an actress. <br>
lol <br>
But I don't aggree with that <br>
My opinions: <br>
Guys: They have a lot of courage to go up there on stage and perform.
Many times in front of their friends, family, and typically school.
Girls: They have courage as well and have a lot of friends that
probably do theaters with them
answers6: They are soo cool.
answers7: Best.people.in.the.world. I'm a theatre person. :P LOVEEEE<3
And no. Guys and girls shouldn't be any different.
answers8: they need to get beat up <br>
fer realz

Thursday 10 October 2019

What is a Arena Theatre?

answers1: An Arena theatre is where the audience completely surrounds
the stage or playing area. It often called "Theatre-in-the-round"
because the stage is always in the center with the audience arranged
on all sides (4 sides). An Arena theater shapes can be rectangular,
circular, diamond, or triangular, with actors entering and exiting
through the audience from different directions or from below the
stage. The stage is usually on an even level with or lowered below the
audience in an arena formation.
answers2: an Arena Theater is one of the oldest theaters in
Bratislava. It was established in 1828 on the right bank of Danube.

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Top cities for THEATRE?

answers1: Best Theatre Cities
answers2: Chicago <br>
Boston <br>
Minneapolis -- actually has more live theatre per capita than any city
but NYC <br>
Toronto if you are also looking at schools in Canada <br>
LA and SF <br>
Austin, Texas is better known for its music, but has a growing theatre scene
answers3: The Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul have more theatres
than any city in America outside of NYC. Los Angeles actually doesn't
do live theatre as much as it does movies and television. I have also
been told that Seattle is up and coming.
answers4: There is no better city in America than New York for
Theatre!...and there is no better school for learning the trade than
Julliard School. Come to Broadway Theatre district et see for
yourself! Now, there are first class theatres in every major city in
America. <br>
Here is a list of Theatres in America . . . <br>
Ahmanson Theater, Los Angeles <br>
Pantages Theater, Los Angeles <br>
Segerstrom Hall, Los Angeles <br>
Curran Theater, San Francisco <br>
Golden Gate Theater, San Francisco <br>
Ford Center for the Arts, Chicago <br>
LaSalle Bank Theater, Chicago <br>
Academy of Music, Philadelphia <br>
Forrest Theater, Philadelphia <br>
Merriam Theater, Philadelphia <br>
Music Hall at Fair Park, Dallas <br>
Au Rene Theater, Miami <br>
Kennedy Center Opera House, Washington DC <br>
Boston Opera House, Boston <br>
Charles Playhouse, Boston <br>
Colonial Theater, Boston <br>
Paramount Theater, Seattle <br>
Gammage Auditorium, Phoenix
answers5: New York is well known for Broadway, LA is well known for
theatre and film/television Chicago is very well known for theatre but
here's a list for what I've found: <br>
1. Kansas City <br>
2. Chicago <br>
3. St. Paul <br>
4. London <br>
and <br>
5. New Orleans <br>
Good luck! <br>

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Poetry- self guiding books? Urgent!?

answers1: I agree with the first contributor, especially regarding the
Kooser book. I bought it some years ago, read it twice, and keep
returning to it. Good book.
answers2: complicated subject. browse at yahoo and bing. that will
could actually help!
answers3: Any one of these three books might be what you're looking for: <br>
"The Poet's Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry" by
Kim Addonizio and Dorianne Laux <br>
"A Poetry Handbook" by Mary Oliver <br>
"The Poetry Home Repair Manual" by Ted Kooser

Monday 7 October 2019

Near Rhymes in poetry?

answers1: I don't see why not, but I wouldn't say I'm a poetry expert,
but isn't poetry all about expressing yourself? I say do whatever
feels good.
answers2: complex subject. try searching at google. just that will help!

Sunday 6 October 2019

Why doesn't anybody read poetry anymore?

answers1: complicated step. lookup onto yahoo and bing. that might help!
answers2: I'm not sure, but I'm a teen poet and all my friends love
poetry. We find it moving, and most of us have serious issues. Most of
us are cutters and when we read poetry we get so caught up in it, that
we forget our issues and become oblvious to the knifes.
answers3: Teens today do not have any respect for poetry. I hate
seeing my peers sneer at the word poetry. I personally love it. I
think people, not just teens, are obsessed with celebrities, money,
rap music and the whole pop culture that is today. No one wants to
spend the time reading poetry, because they would rather be reading in
a magazine what Lauren Conrad was wearing on friday. QUITE stupid.
There are no really famous celebrities that are poets, you never read
about poets in the media because they are not part of that crowd. It
is a shame that people do not spend more time reading poetry today.
answers4: challenging situation. browse from the search engines. it can help!

Saturday 5 October 2019

can I sell my poetry I write?

answers1: Yeah Poetry Doesn't have a huge market, but you can join
contests and slam competitions, and they do offer some prizes <br>
Check out the Poetry Castle -
http://www.fliprap.com/forumdisplay.php?17-The-Poetry-Castle <br>
You can post your poems, get feedbacks and comments, join poetry
battles, share poetry videos, poetry writing exercises, and you can
comment on other people's poems. Invite your friends to join now! You
can win "Poetry of the Week", Fliprap trophies, and more
answers2: Poetry doesn't have a huge market (though the amount of
poetry being published is larger than at any time in history), most
print publications are poorly funded or rely on volunteers or
students, so your chances of being paid are slim. I find it
interesting the number of writers who want to be published but do not
support those who publish poetry. How many books of poetry have you
purchased in the last year? How many journals do you subscribe to?
What do you do to advocate for poetry in your community, to make a
market, to cause interest?
answers3: sophisticated point. research at yahoo. it can help!
answers4: hard situation. look in google. just that will help!
answers5: There are many magazines -- print and online -- that publish
poetry. But most of them don't pay for it. The few journals that do
pay get tons of submissions from experienced, widely published poets.
So the competition is pretty intense. <br>
For information about journals that publish poetry, including
information about how to submit your work for consideration, take a
look at the book "Poet's Market." Your local library might have a
copy. <br>
<a href="http://www.poetsmarket.com/"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.poetsmarket.com/</a> <br>
You can also find useful information at this site: <br>
<a href="http://www.duotrope.com/index.aspx"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.duotrope.com/index.aspx</a> <br>
Be sure to read any magazine before submitting your work. Different
journals are interested in different kinds of poetry.
answers6: You may be able to but it is a lot more complicated than it
sounds. First you need to know who you want to try to sell it to and
I am not sure how that works. But if you wrote tons of poems go to
publisher see if you can get them published if you have that much
confidence in your poems. This isn't easy and you have to be careful.
Good Luck!!!!

Friday 4 October 2019

Why is Philosophy better than Languages?

answers1: You should study at least some philosophy. A course or two,
not on the history of philosophy or philosophers, but based on
learning to think accurately, will be very useful in life. <br>
Studying languages would be also very practical since each language
opens up a window on the Human experience and makes traveling more
enjoyable. Traveling is the best way to learn about being human. I
personally wouldn't choose French, but maybe Chinese or one of the
Slavic languages from Eastern Europe. Those are two very interesting
places in the world today.
answers2: Here is the short answer: French will teach you how to
communicate with speakers of that language. <br>
Philosophy will give you the skills necessary to evaluate and better
understand any new idea you encounter.
answers3: There's no reason why you can't study both. Language has an
immediate practical purpose. You can have jobs that require
bi-lingualism. <br>
There are also many French philosophers, and being able to read the
texts in the original language puts you at an advantage over the other
students who rely on translation; this is particulary valued at the
graduate level and will increase your chances of getting into graduate
programs. <br>
If you like both, study both. In my undergraduate I studied German
and ancient Greek with Philosophy, and do not regret it.
answers4: You have to have a philosophy in order to speak it in French. <br>
and it's fun from learning from others philosophical questions. <}:-})
answers5: Philosophy is about critical thinking.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Anybody interested in starting a discussion group on philosophy?

answers1: Yes I am interested in starting discussions related to
philosophy. However, I want answers dealing with the practical
application of philosophies. A synthesis of philosophies would be
ideal since no one philosophy is perfect and one philosophy tends to
borrow or "pirate" from other philosophies. So, let's begin with
practical philosophies like Tao Te Ching, Sun Tzu Ping Fa, The Book of
Five Rings by Mushashi Miyamoto, The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli and
Guerilla Warfare by Che Guevarra
answers2: "If you always put limits on what you can do, physical or
anything else, it'll spread over into the rest of your life. It'll
spread into your work, into your morality, into your entire being.
There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there,
you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. A man must
constantly exceed his level." <br>
-Bruce Lee
answers3: The sky is blue...
answers4: a black hole is a dying star

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Application of philosophy......?

answers1: If I had not learned the philosophical techniques of
epistemology; and learned the rudiments of political science, law,
ethics, logic and good old common sense, I could not have given my
lawyer ideas he did not yet see. After he saw them, he was able to
help me the way I wanted help, and I would say I won. <br>
I had to go to the local law library and put all my philosophical
tools in play to accomplish this. <br>
"Political science" used to come right after Ethics. Now, however, it
is often seen as something apart from philosophy, and we call that
thing "politics." <br>
Political science trumps "politics" any day of the week as far as
saving humanity goes. It's the "science" of using metaphysics,
epistemology, and ethics, in the setting of a civilization. Whereas
politics is simply a bunch of thugs fighting over pork.
answers2: Buddhism is a philosophy of mind more than a religion.
Understanding the fluidity of "Truth" has important applications.
answers3: Large companies, when hiring entry-level positions, often
will take the philosophy major over the English or Business or etc.
because they have learned how to think abstractly rather than
regurgitate. <br>
Philosophy is the science of the mind, really. Infinitely valuable.
answers4: The Gita is a book written by men, How can it be called as
Divine? The authentic Hindu scriptures that are considered to be from
GOD are the Vedas. There are basically 4 Vedas, The Rig Ved, The Saam
Ved, The Yejus Ved and the Atharva Ved. So Hindus are supposed to be
'Vedantists'. But i dont find any Hindu reading or practicing the
Veda. Because the TRUTH is that, THe Vedas are NOT accessible to the
common Man. Moreover the pandits do NOT themselves disclose anything
about this. Why is that? And as i have studied, The Vedas are DEAD
against Popular Hindu belief of worshipping the Idols. And the Vedas
have prophecies of the coming of Prophet Muhammed. Nobody can deny
these facts. He is called as 'Ahmadam' which is the sanskrit version
of 'Ahmad' a name of the Prophet. He is also referred as 'Kalki
Avatar', the Hindu pandits refer 'kalki avatar' to Krishna which is
wrong. Because kalki's father are 'Vishnu vyas' meaning "Servant of
GOD" which is exactly the translation of Prophet's Dads name in Arabic
"Abdullah" and the name of the mother is "Sumati" which means "Peace
Loving" translate this into Arabic and you get 'Aamina' Christians,
muslims, jews and all should also read the Hindu scriptures for
understanding. But which Ones? I mentioned above. PEACE BE with you.
answers5: Philosophy is really about love of knowledge (if you break
the word down to its roots). So, the question is really: do ideas
matter? do they have any real consequence? I think a person can only
answer this through the passage of time and through experience. In my
life, the answer no longer really important. I love ideas, I like to
be "right" or think that I am "right" in my actions. Time will
doubtless prove me wrong (or right), but either way, I must lead a
considered life.
answers6: At any endeavor in life a better understanding of reality
and its meaning is a great fuel for better living. This applies in
smaller and/or larger scales. Modern laws that protect freedoms or
better organize resources are based on ideas that are to any extent
considered philosophy. Governmental methods are based in specific
philosophies. What we do with our resources are guided by personal and
social philosophies. <br>
Examples - <br>
1. If we had a different philosophy on the value of knowledge we would
have never have made the huge efforts needed to go to the moon. <br>
2. If we had a different philosophy in individual rights we would be
living in a authocratic Monarchy, or a Communist society, or one of
other systems. <br>
ETC... it would go on for a very long time...! <br>
Philosophy finds itself into every aspect of our lives even if we are
not aware or apt to define it. Even your career development versus
your personal life is significantly influenced by your personal
philosophy through your understanding, attitudes and values.
answers7: The real philosophy is simply the "Law of Nature" but may
not be proved scientifically, but clearly known to the analytical
mind. A good philosophy/The Law of Nature should always help the well
being of all in the society. All philosophies are known as philosophy
till they are proved scientifically (Philosophy is a concept until it
is proved- if proved it will become Science). Even the great scientist
Newton was known as a "Natural Philosopher". <br>
It is to be noted that all actions are comprised under 3 categories
namely thoughts, words and deeds. Thought is the special name given to
mind in its action state. But mind is the origin of all. <br>
Whether I have answered your question or confused. Please let me know.
answers8: i can tell you that a good number of people who work in the
field of philosophy sometimes wind up in physics. so there is a
practical application. just as science fiction writers ideas at times
become reality so it is that philosophy has ideas that translate well
into practical world applications. jeez louise i wish i could give you
some practicle examples but i just cant think of any at this moment.
answers9: Philosophy is the study of wisdom. Just as a journalist
asks the questions of who, what, when, where, how and why, so, too,
does the philosopher. One questions events, the other, ideas and
knowledge. <br>
In my opinion, the greatest writers wrote before Christ. They were
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. After Christ, the greatest was Thomas
Aquinas, author of Summa Theologica which was in many ways an up date
of Aristotle. My current favorite psychologist is Eric Berne, the
creator of Transactional Analysis, the author of Games People Play and
other works.
answers10: I belive we can use philosophy in all phases of our lives,
as well as excercising the mind. Thought is first...action without
thought is usually disasterous. And don't belittle yourself, we all
are fledglings when it comes to philosophy. If not then we are over
estimating our own knowledge, or the perception there of.