Friday 20 September 2019

Is it funny in a vast historical sense that the bible gives two differing genealogies of jesus who is god who?

answers1: If it's so funny how come I ain't laughing! <br>
Got you there didn't I. How do you like me now, got you there! God
could have just sent Jesus to earth in a space rocket, and he could
have saved everybody the problem of conflicting geneaologies, but
maybe he wasn't thinking too far ahead. I guess you don't like the
way I spelled geneaologies either.
answers2: It is rather odd since the Bible was written by man. You'd
think someone would have edited out the obvious discrepancies. But
then maybe when the put the Bible together the individual books were
too well known to edit out discrepancies. Perhaps it was a political
compromise meant more to unify differing factions than to produce a
coherent and consistent "word of god."
answers3: what is funny is that there is absolutely no evidence that
jesus or his apostles ever existed, since the accounts were written
between 110 and 170 years later and were based on the jewish prophecy
of a messiah, so "facts" were made to fit
answers4: Yes there are. Do you know why? <br>
<a href="http://carm.org/bible-difficulties/matthew-mark/why-are-there-different-genealogies-jesus-matthew-1-and-luke-3"
answers5: The lineage is an obvious contrivance and there's no
explaining it any other way. <br>
Just getting Jesus from Nazareth to Bethlehem (city of David) requires
a preposterous story of a "census" (that never happened historically)
and a pregnant woman riding for many days on a donkey in winter.
answers6: I look at my own geneaology. And at every generation I can
choose to follow the mother or father&#x27;s line in the direction of
their mother or father. How many different ways can I go back 6 or so
generations? <br>
And I did not even have to go to an apologetics website to come up
with that answer.
answers7: Hilarious.

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