Monday 30 September 2019

Philosophy Teachers?

answers1: Go to the university web sites and then their their
philosophy departments. There you should find a link where the
individual professors talk about their interests. <br>
Write down the names of professors that interest you and check
Amazon.com to see if they have published anything. <br>
Repeat this for as many universities as you would like to go to. <br>
Once you have a list of books, order the books that interest you and
read them. This should give you a good idea who are the best
professors. Of course just because a professor writes a good book
doesn't mean that they teach a good course. But it is better than
guessing. <br>
Often professors will refer to each other's works. This gives you a
network of who influences who. That gives you another clue on who to
study under depending on your interests.
answers2: It depends on what area of philosophy interests you. I went
to Cornell, so I can tell you a little about their department. <br>
They were a pretty traditional philosophy department, stressing
ancient and "modern" philosophy, mainly dealing with the history of
philosophy. When David Lewis, probably the second best metaphysician
of the last few decades after Quine, passed away in the late 1990's,
he left behind a number of talented PhD students at Princeton, where
he taught. Cornell conducted a talent raid and came up with professors
like Hellie, Graff, Bracken and several others. <br>
I just checked out Cornell's website, and it appears that not a single
one of them is still there, but the older professors teaching in other
areas are. Think about why philosophy interests you. Try to find
recent philosophers working in that area. Then look up where they
teach and try to find where their former students teach. Those
departments will have what you're looking for. <br>
The bottom line, though, is that you shouldn't worry about it too
much. Most people change their majors at least once in college (I
started as a physics major). Even if you don't change majors, your
focus within your major is likely to change. Go to a school that can
offer diverse opportunities, but is also good at your main interests.
Good luck.
answers3: depends a bit on what you want, but not so much in college,
more so in grad school. as an undergrad, at first you might not have
settled on what you'd want to pursue in grad school. in that case,
look at the Gourman Report to determine how universities rank, and
apply to a couple upper tier ones, a couple second tier, and so on.
As a rule, you'll find the best faculty in the upper tier. most of
the best faculty and students cluster in the upper tier. last I
looked, the upper tier in phil includes oxford, princeton, harvard,
berkeley (where I went), and univ of pittsburg. Chicago sat at the
upper end of the second tier. However, each one has a different
approach. call or visit each one if you can, and ask the phil dept
head his or her description of various appraoaches to phil, and ask
which is theirs. pick the one(s) you really want, and then ask what
you can do to prepare for entry. Whatever they say, will likely
prepare you for the rest.

Sunday 29 September 2019

HELP- Performing arts college.. should i go at 16, or do my A.levels fist ?

answers1: My opinion as a professional actor, and of course this is
only my opinion: A levels first. It's never too late to train and
perform. <br>
However, if you KNOW performance is really the thing you will do
forever, even if you are not making much money and don't have a nice
house, car, whatever, yet still find the energy and aliveness and joy
of dance, then maybe skip that other crap and go train!

Saturday 28 September 2019

What are some of the best performing arts institutions in California?

answers1: Hey! Here is some great spot to look for any performing arts
related info... <br>
Hope be helpful. <br>
Performing Arts:
: tricky subject. check out on google or bing. that can assist!

Friday 27 September 2019

arizona performing arts theater?

answers1: Are you asking about performance halls in general? <br>
Gammage is at Arizona State University, in Phoenix. <br>
Or, specifically: <br>
Arizona Performing Arts Theatre <br>
2641 E. Beekman Place • Phoenix • Arizona • 85016 <br>
(602) 952-8447 • FAX: (602) 952-8447 <br>
Here's their website: <br>
<a href="http://www.arizonaperformingarts.com/home.htm"

Thursday 26 September 2019

Performing arts Boarding high schools in New York City?

answers1: Music Conservatory of Westchester <br>
White Plains, New York <br>
"The Music Conservatory of Westchester is a diverse community of
people with a shared commitment to the arts, where students of all
ages and abilities develop their talents in ways appropriate to their
individual goals and interests, guided by excellent faculty." <br>
http://www.zoominfo.com/Search/CompanyDe… <br>
Woodland Hill Montessori School <br>
North Greenbush, New York <br>
Woodland Hill Montessori School, one of the oldest Montessori schools
in the nation, brings the innovative philosophy of Dr. Maria
Montessori to New York's Capital Region. The century-old Montessori
method nurtures a kid
am a high school teacher at a boarding school in new york and i have
seen many boarding schools,the nicest and good one for you is Music
Conservatory of Westchester
answers2: For the best answers, search on this site <a
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>https://shorturl.im/ax7yU</a> <br>
LaGuardia High School for the Performing Arts (in Manhattan).
answers3: NYC has no boarding schools at all. Period. <br>
Kids who want to go to boarding school here, LEAVE the city and go
elsewhere. <br>
I don't know why this question keeps popping up. Is there some tv show
where there's a boarding school in NYC??? It's total fiction. Such a
school wouldn't be economically feasible, due to cost of space here in
NYC. <br>
EDIT: Clearly that one thumbs down is from the person below who posted
about the music conservatory in Westchester. But Westchester ISN'T
NYC!!! To be in NYC you must be in one of the 5 boroughs of NYC, which
are: <br>
Brooklyn (Kings County) <br>
Manhattan (New York County) <br>
Queens (Queens County) <br>
The Bronx (Bronx County) <br>
Staten Island (Richmond County) <br>
Westchester is Westchester COUNTY! It is NOT part of NYC!
answers4: I agree with LJ. Clearly, there are thousands of kids
watching way too much fantasy TV. There are NOT performing arts
boarding schools in NYC. And for the kid who asked, the performing
arts schools require and AUDITION - not just some kid who is barely
learning how to read percussion music, and has YET to touch a drum!
Can't sing, tells us of no other musical abilities - yeah, a school
would really make a place for HER. <br>
We get this on the next level, too - HS kids who want to find a
college that requires VERY LITTLE in the way of ability, previous
education, or honors group membership , competition wins, etc. - and
then that kid thinks that if they can graduate from this third-rate
heap - they will make a CAREER???? <br>
This is the Darwinian process on the arts - if you are not good enough
as a kid, you will not get into a school where you can rise to the
level of professional consideration. This is all their big fantasy -
and when I say so, out come the comments about my cruelty in providing
the reality check. Better for kids to hear it now than later.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

what does performing arts include?

answers1: singing, dancing, acting. <br>
anything that is done on a stage. <br>
answers2: Performing arts! <br>
Dance, Musical instrument playing, Singing...these are the basics! <br>
Acting, Story Telling, Oratory/ speech making and debating! <br>
I believe the illusionist's craft is a performing art, but I don't
think they teach that at a performing arts school. <br>
Creating visual art to music or other action <br>
stimulation on the spur of the moment might be included somewhere they
are into the avengarde.
answers3: appearing arts is level appearing (theatre), vocal music
(making a music), dance, and often instrumental music. If the faculty
has a software for "the arts" that's likely those listed above as well
as seen and media arts. :)
answers4: Performance arts includes any performance activity, usually
band/chorus, theatre, dance (ballet, ball-room, etc.)
answers5: singing, dancing, speech and acting ususally, very good fun
answers6: I'm a BA Performance art student, The basics on performance
art scene is Devising,production skills (this changes over time but it
includes voice acting, computer music editing, scenography)
performance skills & Dramaturgy (this might not be included). <br>
From what I seen of the answers of the above, NO not singing it may be
included for voice but it will not be included unless noted, and the
SAME GOES for dancing. <br>
It is very physical, you will learn about how to use your body as an
expression, as well as using your voice in new way's. we learnt
different techniques which included Caporaira & mixed marshall arts as
well as learning how to move the body in ways you would not imagine.
If you are looking to act in television or film performance art may
not be the best way forward

Monday 23 September 2019

history vs discovery channel which do u like most?

answers1: History Channel
answers2: History Channel, especially since they got a separate
military channel. It was irritating the way they used to show all WWII
battles like nothing happened in the thousands of years of human
history before that. but Discovery is pretty cool too. Go
answers3: The History Channel is killing me. When it first started it
showed those 1970s and 80s documenteries that high school students
only got to see the first half of because the film projector ate the
reel. <br>
Then the History Channel became the World War II channel. Not that
WWII isn't important, I can never learn enough about the war and I
have respect for all of the soldiers, sailors and marines that fought
it in. In fact my favorite movie ever is the Band of Brothers
mini-series that was broadcast on HBO. But seriously, there is more
to history then WWII. <br>
Last night I turned on the History Channel and they were showing a
program on Big Foot. The night before was the Bermuda Triangle. How
about showing me something that is real? 9/11 conspiracies, aliens
and mosters are not history! <br>
I'm very disappointed in this channel and today I prefer the Discovery
Channel for the simple fact that they show Mythbusters, which I enjoy
more then any other show on cable TV.
answers4: I'm leaning more towards the Discoverty Channel lately. Too
much of the program content on the History Channel is dealing with the
occult and the paranormal, including the topic of UFOs. If it keeps up
they may have to change their logo to a tin-foil hat.
answers5: I prefer the History Channel.
answers6: I really do like the History Channel, but the Discovery
Channel covers a more diverse range of topics. I really like to see a
good documentary though... <br>
I am torn...
answers7: Discovery Channel.
answers8: I like the history channel too
answers9: I like History International because it has better
documentaries than the History Channel on regular cable.
answers10: History Channel. If I want to watch a knee operation (which
I do not), i will watch the Discovery CHannel. The History Channel
teaches me stuff I don't already know. The Discovery Channel tells me
things that any 4th grader in a 3rd world country knows.

Sunday 22 September 2019

Advantages of taking history?

answers1: You will understand the world around you better <br>
It's more interesting (you are dealing with people, not lakes,
mountains, etc.) <br>
There are much more resources to use in history <br>
Through history, you can sometimes predict the future
answers2: You get to go on many trips. <br>
You don't have many exams.
answers3: This answer is a bit of a cliche, but the study of history
is the study of the mistakes and successes of others. By learning
from other people's successes and mistakes, you might be able to apply
some of that knowledge to your own life, and you will have a greater
understanding of the world around you, as well as a context for why
certain things happen or happened the way they do/did.
answers4: it's really boring and you get too much homework i really
regret taking history :(
answers5: I study history at GCSE at the moment. I am studying
Medicine through time and the American West. For me, geography is the
biggest waste of time. You have to go to a field trip to the river
ping (in my school) and measure velocity and other rubbish. Also, you
would have to learn about all kinds of case studies. History is a lot
more interesting.
answers6: It might make you a better Jeopardy contestant.
answers7: some people say it gives u a lot of skills- ie writing
reports, researching, writing notes etc if u get an a in history it is
respected on ur cv and good skillls for uni.

Saturday 21 September 2019

How do I erase my internet history?

answers1: u right click on it and then click delete
answers2: mozilla firefox: at the top where it says files/edit/etc
click on Tools > Clear Private Data <br>
internet explorer: at the top again click on Tools > Internet Options
> General tab > Clear History <br>
safari: History > Clear History
answers3: Click on the bar where it says tools <br>
go to Internet options <br>
then Delete browsing history.
answers4: use the tool bar and click delete browsing history
answers5: haha are you looking at some naughty stuff lol <br>
you can either go to tools-internet options-then history and delete all <br>
or another option (i have internet explore) a much easier and less
detectable way of deleting history is to click the star on the left
hand side of the top panel on the browser and then you can delete
individual sites visited, whole days of history visited or everything
and this leaves very little trace that your history was erased... <br>
don't go looking at to much bad stuff now haha

Friday 20 September 2019

Is it funny in a vast historical sense that the bible gives two differing genealogies of jesus who is god who?

answers1: If it's so funny how come I ain't laughing! <br>
Got you there didn't I. How do you like me now, got you there! God
could have just sent Jesus to earth in a space rocket, and he could
have saved everybody the problem of conflicting geneaologies, but
maybe he wasn't thinking too far ahead. I guess you don't like the
way I spelled geneaologies either.
answers2: It is rather odd since the Bible was written by man. You'd
think someone would have edited out the obvious discrepancies. But
then maybe when the put the Bible together the individual books were
too well known to edit out discrepancies. Perhaps it was a political
compromise meant more to unify differing factions than to produce a
coherent and consistent "word of god."
answers3: what is funny is that there is absolutely no evidence that
jesus or his apostles ever existed, since the accounts were written
between 110 and 170 years later and were based on the jewish prophecy
of a messiah, so "facts" were made to fit
answers4: Yes there are. Do you know why? <br>
<a href="http://carm.org/bible-difficulties/matthew-mark/why-are-there-different-genealogies-jesus-matthew-1-and-luke-3"
answers5: The lineage is an obvious contrivance and there's no
explaining it any other way. <br>
Just getting Jesus from Nazareth to Bethlehem (city of David) requires
a preposterous story of a "census" (that never happened historically)
and a pregnant woman riding for many days on a donkey in winter.
answers6: I look at my own geneaology. And at every generation I can
choose to follow the mother or father&#x27;s line in the direction of
their mother or father. How many different ways can I go back 6 or so
generations? <br>
And I did not even have to go to an apologetics website to come up
with that answer.
answers7: Hilarious.

Thursday 19 September 2019

How do I find marriage records from the 1800's for genealogy purposes?

answers1: If you're the same one who asked about death records from
Virginia, "from the 1800's for genealogy purposes", almost all of my
links would work; familysearch, US Gen Web, Library of Virginia.
Find-a-Grave is the exception; less than 5% of the find-a-grave
entries mention a marriage date and place. <br>
There isn't a comprehensive site. <br>
One tip, if you're new - if the woman married after age 30, look for a
first marriage. That is, Mary Smith, age 30, marries Ralph McCorkle in
1890. Look for a lady named Mary marrying someone named Smith in 1874
- 1880 in the same area.
answers2: Try Familysearch.org
answers3: The Morons don't bother so much with marriage records.
answers4: No way are all records online. You should write the county
clerks of the various counties in which they lived. Also check with
the churches to which they belong.
answers5: Not all records are available online. Look in town archives,
newspapers, church records. You could look in the family Bible. It's
also possible that it may have been a common law marriage, where a
couple lives together and presents themselves as a married couple but
never actually go through with a formal ceremony. If that is the case,
there wouldn't be a marriage record such a marriage certificate,
except for journal entries.
answers6: You need to work out which country, where in that country
and look at parish records MOST records are not online......... so
records office, National archives or the church itself

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Can you help me find my Native American genealogy?

answers1: Before you launch into websites and get fed up because you
can't find anything, do your groundwork first....... <br>
Have a look on this site, which will help you make a start in
understanding the principles of researching your family history <a
then down load some family history sheets <a
and starting with yourself fill one in, you will find the sheets act
as a check list and you may also find that you don't have all your own
information and have to go searching in your home and asking your
parents/other relations about it. <br>
Look at your own birth certificate, it gives you lots of information
and don't forget to write the registration number down on your form,
as this tells you that it is primary document information, which is
what you need for every piece of information you collect, once you
start researching you will notice many people don't have primary
information numbers on their research...which shows you it is hearsay,
copied from others and guesswork and there is no place in research for
guesswork. One wrong name in your tree and it means you are not
researching YOUR family. <br>
Fill a sheet in for your parents and any living relations you have, go
and talk to them, ask to see any certificates they have and write all
the information down they give you.....ask if they have any old
photographs as this gets people talking and remembering other people
in the family they had 'forgotten' about...write down any 'family
stories' you are told....some may be correct, however many are not and
you find once you start researching you can sometimes use these
stories in your research for clues about where to look at
records...........before you go near a website, this information give
you a 'feel' for who your family is and makes it s much easier to find
ancestors once you do start looking at websites ( they are not the
place to 'start' your research). <br>
By using the family sheets it makes it very easy for other relations
to see what you are doing and to understand the information you are
collecting and they are more likely to help and give you more
information....as most at first will say, "I don't know or I haven't
got any idea about our ancestors". It is also nice to be able to give
you relations a copy, as by doing this they will look at the
information, talk about it and may remember more information for you
or even find some paperwork that has been long forgotten. <br>
The very best sources of information is in your home and in the homes
of your living relations with any documents, certificates and
newspaper clippings that many people keep....you will get lots of
information, start lots of interest in what you are doing and will get
your family involved in helping you get started and are more likely
to have correct information <br>
If you want to then input this information onto a computer database a
free one is Brothers Keeper <a
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.bkwin.net/version6.htm</a> and
you can even add photographs, print out family trees, lists or add
notes/stories etc <br>
Good luck in your research <br>
This also may help once you have done your foundation research
answers2: The previous person gave you a good answer on researching
your genealogy. I am going to let you know that even once you have
done your genealogical work, it is likely that you will not qualify
for tribal enrollment (a card). You'd have to meet the tribe's
(BlackfEEt Tribe of Montana, I presume) enrollment requirements which
are 1/4 or more blood degree and lineal descent from a person listed
on the tribe's base roll. You'd have to contact the tribal enrollment
office yourself though to get the tribe's full enrollment requirements
and to find out if you are eligible.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Seniors: Who in your family has researched your genealogy?

answers1: I did some genealogy on the Barlow and Clayton side of my
family history. <br>
No skeletons of note. They were all quite poor mill workers and weavers <br>
in 1870's, Yorkshire. I seem to descend from good old fashioned peasant <br>
stock on my Mother's side. Some emigrated to Utah after the LDS missions <br>
became established in England. <br>
Still have a lot to do on my Dad's side of the family who were all from <br>
answers2: I have an uncle from my mother's side who has completed
researching our genealogy and has actually published a family history.
On my father's side I have tried to do some research but have not been
successful simply because the root is Asian. Genealogy on Asian
impossible simply because births, marriage, and deaths are not as used
like the Europeans.
answers3: All our skeletons were let out of their closets years ago,
no big things, no mass murderers or big criminals. <br>
I have visited the small village in SE Poland where my father was
born, met relations there, had a huge family reunion there 2 years
ago. <br>
All very interesting, smart people on that side, many doctors and
teachers as well as small business owners. Not what I expected at all,
I thought people from a small town would be allot more simple, they
did allot with their lives. <br>
Wish I could find out more on my mother's side, Mohawks and Germans.
answers4: My grandmother which my aunt continued. Her daughter works
on it now. My brother has worked on our father's side. I have copies
of everything people have documented so far. I love getting it out ad
reading it from time to time. <br>
I ended up with a "household diary" from a long ago relative with
posts from the 1860's. It's a bit hard to read but great fun to look
answers5: My brother-in-law has been into genealogy for 40+ years.n
He traced my family's tree since people in the family kept records.
Nothing tremendously interesting and nothing new. And he's still
tracing his own but has gotten stumped by the woman who came over to
the US, she married several times so figuring out who she was and
where she went has gotten him bogged down, and I think he said he
suspects that some of those "marriages" were not legit so there are no
records for some of them.
answers6: I haven't done much digging but I'm highly fascinated by it.
It turned out to be a lot more time consuming than I thought it would
be. Later on, I'd like to do more. <br>
Tell us more about the skeleton! :)
answers7: I've spent the past 15 years with my nose to the grindstone
doing genealogy for my family, all 4 sides. No family tree would ever
be finished or completed but I did what I could and ended up with 13
trees plus the main one (that had all 4 sides). The program changed
on Ancestry.com and got too frustrating for me to compete with that so
my research has ended. I didn't find any skeletons, nothing really
surprising except maybe how many children died in their early years.
answers8: I have for about 40 years and have documented back to the
1600's in Salem, Mass and the 1400's in Great Britain. Of course I
found interesting facts about people. Some about the families they
married into, some of the things I found interesting were how closely
connected different branches were the further back I went.
answers9: I'm my family's genealogist and so far haven't found any
"skeletons" in any closets. Spend hours on ancestry.com. Before I
became a member of ancestry I had written away (which cost me a small
fortune btw) for birth, marriage and death records from all over the
eastern and midwestern states. <br>
I did find out that George H. W. Bush is my 10th cousin (George Bush
is my 10th cousin, once removed) which is a hoot since I'm a
dyed-in-the-wool Democrat. Our common ancestor is my 9th
great-grandmother. I like how ancestry.com tells you your
relationship to others in the family tree. <br>
I've also spent a fortune on having copies made of the many photos
I've collected from all of my relatives as well as distant relatives
I've met through ancestry. I'm putting everything together in five
different scrapbooks/albums for my sisters to pass on down to their
children. Altogether that's twenty-five albums/scrapbooks (five
albums per sister covering different branches of the family). <br>
I'm following through on the four branches but one branch has so much
material that I need to do two albums for it. That one branch is what
got me started on genealogy - when my grandmother showed me what was
called a "birthday" book which was begun in the early 1860s in which
an ancestor included marriage and death records and obituary's and
listed the names and ages of relatives - along with a few photos and
pages taken out of a family bible and glued into the book. It also
included the Dayton OH newspaper account of President Lincoln's
assassination. Wish I owned the book but it was given to my
grandmother's only daughter. My grandmother was quite the pack rat;
she left me letters from the early to mid 1860s and all the documents
she had in her possession; including a seven year apprenticeship
agreement from the 1800s between an employer and a great-great
answers10: My cousin and i have been researching our family for a few
years,we found that our great great grandmother stood trial for murder
in the 1840's, her 4th husband died,and poison was discovered in his
stomach, arsenic, but she got off,she married again,and after 2 years
he was dead as well! i think we have a serial killer in the family,i
have a very old photo of her,she looked lovely,she lived to be 96 and
would never talk about her trial or her other husbands.

Monday 16 September 2019

Genealogy Research Needed?

answers1: I can't them anywhere. Where did you find them? Who are
the kids? <br>
Any other clues?
answers2: <a href="http://www.rootsweb.com"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.rootsweb.com</a> <br>
James Madison CASEY <br>
Birth: ABT 25 SEP 1775 in Maryland-Virginia <br>
Death: 25 AUG 1855 <br>
Burial: Breakiron Family Cemetery, Morgantown, WV <br>
Married: 12 SEP 1804 to: <br>
Rebecca LAVENDER <br>
Birth: 12 MAR 1787 <br>
Death: 25 JAN 1886 <br>
Burial: Breakiron Family Cemetery, Morgantown, WV <br>
1. Mildred "Milly" CASEY b: 5 JUN 1805 <br>
2. Nancy CASEY b: 20 DEC 1806 <br>
3. Daniel CASEY b: 1-8-1808/1805 <br>
4. George Washington CASEY b: 27 SEP 1809 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania <br>
5. Mary CASEY b: 8 JAN 1811 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania <br>
6. Lydia CASEY b: 25 APR 1814 <br>
7. John CASEY b: 11 APR 1816 in Pennsylvania <br>
8. James CASEY b: 1817 in Pennsylvania <br>
9. Susan CASEY b: 3 DEC 1817 <br>
10. Dorcas CASEY b: 7 AUG 1819 <br>
11. Hannah CASEY b: 13 DEC 1821 <br>
12. Jonas CASEY b: 29 APR 1823 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania <br>
13. William CASEY b: 24 FEB 1827 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania <br>
14. James H. CASEY b: 24 FEB 1829 <br>
15. Rebecca CASEY b: 18 APR 1833 <br>
<a href="http://www.ancestry.com"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.ancestry.com</a> --American
Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) <br>
Name: Daniel Casey <br>
Birth Date: about 1750 <br>
Birthplace: Maryland <br>
Volume: 26 <br>
Page Number: 107 <br>
Reference: Heads of fams. At the first U.S. census. Md. By U.S. Bureau
of the Census. Washington, 1907. (189p.): 87 <br>
James' PARENTS: <br>
Daniel Casey (LIEUTENANT) <br>
B: 19 Apr 1752, Simsbury,Hartford,CT <br>
D: 27 Feb 1799, Canton,Hartford Co.,CT <br>
Baptism: 19 AUG 1752 Wintonbury,CT <br>
Burial: Dyer Cemetery,Canton,CT <br>
(Note: Daniel served in Captain Humphrey's Company in the
Revolutionary War. ) <br>
Married : 1771 to: <br>
Elizabeth Humphrey (Parents: Ezekiel HUMPHREY &Elizabeth PETTIBONE) <br>
Born: 1750 in Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, USA <br>
Died: 28 May 1808 in Canton, Hartford, Connecticut, USA <br>
Burial: Dyer Cemetery,Canton,CT <br>
(Note: Marriage 1 Elisha CASE b: ABT. 1747 in Simsbury,Hartford,CT,
Daniel's cousin, perhaps? The last name changed from CASE to CASEY.)
# of CHILDREN: 9 <br>
James' paternal GRANDPARENTS: <br>
Daniel CASE II <br>
Birth: 21 JAN 1719/20 in Simsbury,Hartford,Conn. 5 <br>
Death: 24 MAY 1801 in Canton Center,Hartford Co.,Ct. <br>
Burial: Hopemeadow Cemetery,Simsbury,Hartford Co.,CT <br>
Married: 22 FEB 1749/50 in Simsbury,Hartford,Conn to <br>
Mary WATSON <br>
Birth: 1724 in New Hartford,Ct. <br>
Death: 25 MAY 1807 in New Hartford,Ct. <br>
Burial: Hopemeadow Cemetery,Simsbury,Hartford Co.,CT <br>
# of Children: 9 <br>
His GREAT-GRANDPARENTS: Married: 7 MAY 1719 in Simsbury,Hartford,Conn <br>
.Sergeant Daniel CASE was born 7 MAR 1694/95 in
Simsbury,Hartford,Conn., and died 28 MAY 1733 in
Simsbury,Hartford,Conn.. He was buried in Memorial Gateway,Simsbury
Cemetary Lot B-32,Simsbury,Conn. AND <br>
Penelope BUTTOLPH was born 1 OCT 1699 in Simsbury,Hartford,Conn.,
and died 29 JUN 1746. She was buried in Memorial Gateway,Simsbury
Cemetary. (They had 6 children) <br>
His paternal 2nd GG-GRANDPARENTS: <br>
John Case JR. was born 5 NOV 1662 in Windsor,Hartford Co.,Conn., and
died 22 MAY 1733 in Simsbury,Hartford,Conn.. He was buried in Memorial
Gateway,Simsbury Cemetary Lot B-32,Simsbury,Conn. <br>
Married 2nd: 12 MAR 1691/92 in Simsbury,Hartford,Conn. to <br>
Sarah HOLCOMBE was born 1 FEB 1672/73 in Windsor,Hartford Co.,Conn.,
and died 22 JAN 1763 in Windsor,Hartford Co.,Conn.. <br>
(They had 6 children) <br>
His paternal 3rd GG-GRANDPARENTS: <br>
John Trustin CASE was born 26 JUL 1616 in Aylesham,England, and died
21 FEB 1703/04 in Windsor,Hartford Co.,Conn.. <br>
Married 1st: 17 AUG 1657 in Simsbury,Hartford,Conn <br>
Sarah SPENCER was born 7 MAR 1635/36 in Cambridge,England, and died 3
NOV 1691 in Simsbury,Hartford,Conn.. She was buried in Memorial
Gateway,Simsbury Cemetary LotB-35. (They had 10 children. John T.
married 2nd Elizabeth MOORE on 3 NOV 1691) <br>
From there back, it goes to Thomas CHASE, b. 1371 in Chesham,
Buckinghamshire, , England. His marriage to Elizabeth Bishop
occurred in 1395, even though their son--also named Thomas--was born
in 1391. <br>
The Family name comes from Normandy, France. "Le Chacur" appears in
Old English records and was taken to mean "Chaser" meaning "hunter".
The name was brought to England during time of William the Conqueror
in 1066.
answers3: JAMES M. CASEY <br>
Male <br>
--------------------------------------... <br>
Event(s): <br>
Birth: 24 FEB 1829 , , Virginia <br>
Christening: <br>
Death: 01 MAR 1906 <br>
Burial: <br>
--------------------------------------... <br>
Parents: <br>
Father: JAMES M. CASEY Family <br>
<a href="http://www.familysearch.org/eng/Search/frameset_search.asp"
********** <br>
Rebecca Lavender <br>
Sex: F <br>
--------------------------------------... <br>
Event(s) <br>
Birth: 12 Mar 1787 <br>
Death: 25 Jan 1886 <br>
West Virginia <br>
--------------------------------------... <br>
Marriage(s) <br>
Spouse: James Madison Casey <br>
Marriage: 12 Sep 1804 <br>
Father: Daniel Casey <br>
Event(s) <br>
Birth: 1752 <br>
North Carolina <br>
--------------------------------------... <br>
Grandfather: Daniel Casey <br>
Familysearch.org <br>
**************************************... <br>
**************************************... <br>
There's a web page with lots about James Madison Casey, Sr., his wife
Rebecca Lavender and their children, including Mary Casey who married
George Breakiron. Although its focus is the Breakiron family, you may
find it interesting in case you haven't visited there: <br>
<a href="http://www.public.usit.net/davegoff/d342.htm"
I believe it's Mary Casey's brother, George Washington Casey's son,
Daniel b. 1845, who is the cousin mentioned as being in confederate
prison camp in Georgia with Daniel W. Breakiron. I have a little more
on this Daniel Casey's service. <br>
George W. Casey, his wife Catharine, and nine children appear in the
1860 Nicholson Township, Fayette Co. PA census. <br>
Mary Casey's sister Permelia "Milly" b. 1805 was living with Mary and
her husband George Breakiron in the 1850 census in Nicholson Township,
Fayette Co., PA. <br>
Since James Madison Casey named his first son Daniel, I'm guessing he
had an older Daniel closely associated (father? brother?) I'd like to
correspond with anyone also interested in the possibilities of this
older Daniel. <br>
<a href="http://genforum.genealogy.com/casey/messages/1490.html"
**************************************... <br>
James Madison Casey, Sr. <br>
Phyllis Brown (View posts) Posted: 4 Mar 2000 5:43PM GMT <br>
Classification: <br>
Surnames: <br>
Recently found records of James Madison Casey, Sr., born September 25,
1775 in Loudon County, VA. He was a blacksmith. Married to Rebecca
Lavender on September 12, 1804 and lived in Harper's Ferry, (W) VA,
then moved to Fayette County, PA where they had 14 children--one,
Jonas Casey, was my great grandfather. Looking for the father of James
Madison Casey, SR. <br>
http://boards.ancestry.com/surnames.casey/209.237/mb.ashx <br>
**************************************... <br>
James M. Casey b. Sept.1778 Virginia, d. Aug. 25, 1853 Morgantown,
County of Monongalia, Virginia. Married Sept. 12, 1804 to Rebecca
Lavender b. Mar. 12, 1778 Maryland, d. Jan. 25, 1866. <br>
Children, <br>
Mildred (Milly) b. June 5, 1805, <br>
Nancy b. Dec. 20, 1806, <br>
Daniel b. Jan. 8,1808, <br>
George Wesley b. Sept. 27, 1809, <br>
Mary b. Jan. 8, 1812, <br>
Lydia b. April 25, 1814, <br>
John b. April 11, 1816, <br>
Susan b. Dec. 13, 1817, <br>
Docas (I have also seen Dorcas so I don't know which is correct) b.
Aug. 7, 1819, Hannah, b. Dec. 13, 1821, <br>
Jonas b. April 29, 1823, <br>
William b. Feb. 24, 1827, <br>
James H. b. Feb. 24, 1829, <br>
Rebecca b. April 18, 1833. <br>

Sunday 15 September 2019

What they call the style of Justin Dances ?

answers1: we are a big net shopping company ,We mainly sell
electronics products! <br>
For example Notebooks,Digital cameras,Digital video,LCD TV,Mp4
,Mobile,etc. <br>
this is our web, http://www.nokiadell.com <br>
We have a lot of new products, and all of prices is very cheap,
very happy you become our customer, <br>
we will give you is the best, latest , cheapest product, and second
to none service! <br>
If you need our product, please contact me.Very happy serve for you! <br>
Please add me to you good friend's list and keep our website frist! <br>
Web: http://www.nokiadell.com <br>
MSN: nokiadell@hotmail.com <br>
E-mail: nokiadell@nokiadell.com <br>
Thank you!
answers2: pop
answers3: he hip hop dances..pop n locks...

Should I do cheer or dance? HELP!!!!?

answers1: Cheer ! It Sounds Like You Like It
answers2: Dance is way better!!! Do dance

Saturday 14 September 2019

what are some good dance movies?

answers1: Step Up 1.2 <br>
West Side Story <br>
Center Stage <br>
Flash Dance <br>
Saturday Night Fever <br>
Bring It On 1,2 ,3 <br>
Save The Last Dance <br>
make it happen
answers2: Center Stage
answers3: step up <br>
step up 2 <br>
you got served <br>
save the last dance
answers4: El Cantante <br>
This is the life story of Hector Lavoe, who started the Salsa movement
in 1975 and brought it to the USA <br>
very nice movie with Jennifer Lopez & Mark Anthony
answers5: footloose <br>
save the last dance <br>
strictly ballroom <br>
grease <br>
saterday night fever <br>
flash dance <br>
billy eliot <br>
mad hot ballroom

Friday 13 September 2019

I cant seem to find bollywood dancing classes close to tarneit?

answers1: Bollywood Dance SchoolBollywood Dance School <br>
28 Newham Grove <br>
Malvern East VIC 3145, Australia <br>
(03) 9578 2147
answers2: Bollywood Dance classes is Tarneit - <br>

Thursday 12 September 2019

Do you like dancing?

answers1: yes i love dance! <br>
i like dancing to slow soft music cause i love doing lyrical =)
answers2: i love to dance! I dance to like just any popular songs at
home and at dance class i dance to irish music cuz i take irish dance
and at modern class we dance to weird music sometimes techno but our
song for the recital is october rain by guns and roses which is 9:03
minites long! In dance team we dance to like jazzy/latin/pop music.
Our competiton song is Sway and another song we dance to is I get
around by the beach boys.
answers3: Yes I love dancing: Disco dancing, Free Style, Salsa, but my
favorites are Belly dancing, SAMBA from BRAZILIAN CARNIVAL with
Batucada drums. <br>
Ms. Miche
answers4: Yes I do. To allsorts of music really. Dance music, pop,
R&B, mambo, salsa, tango etc. Whatever takes my fancy. You can dance
to almost anything. I prefer uptempo stuff though.
answers5: Yes I love to dance. To all kinds of music. What about you?
answers6: I love to dance! Really to any music, from hip-hop to pop to
classical. My favourite music to dance to, especially at parties, are
songs like Whine Up, Sexyback, and I Got It From My Mama. The one type
of music I do NOT like to dance to is rap.
answers7: I've been dancing for almost 10 years now and I am in love
with it! I do Clogging.. (sort of like tap)... When I was younger I
did jazz and ballet...
answers8: I love dancing on R&B music,I think it's very sexy and it's
a very good way to express my sexuality in dancing.
answers9: yes i adore u dancing <br>
i dance on every kind of music, mostly hip hop. dance is an expression
in happiness, sadness, joy and envy! it is a short-cut to happiness! i
dont care where i dance, you can find me anywhere even on the streets,
i just start feeling the beat in my head and start moving!
answers10: I love dancing!!!!!!!!It's my life and i like dancing all
type of music...sorry for my bad english, but i'm italian!!!!

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Im doing an author study and i CANT find one website that helps!!?

answers1: The best thing you can do at this point is write her
publisher and ask for a publicity packet on her. Pax-C
answers2: There actually might be a reason to that. <br>
Emma Harrison is a pen name. She writes under both Harrison and Scott. <br>
<a href="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=54325380"
<a href="http://www.teenreads.com/authors/au-scott-kieran.asp"

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Authors like Jaclyn Moriarty?

answers1: Have you also read "Betrayal of Bindi Mckenzie" and "Feeling
Sorry for Celia" by her? I love that author. If I think of any
authors, I'll edit my answer. <br>
The other two books I can think of is "Girl Next Dorr" and "Losing It"
but I can't remember the authors.
answers2: I LOVE Lili Wilkinson :) If your into the Jaclyn type books
try Pink. <br>
Um... <br>
Jacqueline Wilson, Jodi Picoult (Not exactly the same, but her books
are amazing, try The Pact), Lauren Myracle's books in the TTYL series,
Fiona Dunbar... <br>
I can't think of anymore at the moment, but I love so many authors!
answers3: I haven't read this particular author, but Dracula is a good
book as is Alice in Wonderland. <br>
Teen love books, the feel good kind, is not Twilight. Feel free to
read it, but it is atrocious. I like Sucks to Be Me by someone I can't
answers4: First off if you have not read the Tilight saga.. YOU NEED
TO!! That is the most captivating series i've ever come across. Also
if you have not read Twilight yet I'm sure it is for personal reasons,
so, another series that I can suggest is The Landry Series by VC
Andrews. It's about a girl who grew up in the bayous in Louisiana and
her life and love story has a lot of twists and turns. It also has a
lot of irony. It really is a great series. The first book is Ruby.
Check it out and i hope that helps!

Monday 9 September 2019

Can I be a neonatologist and an author?

answers1: You may find yourself authoring papers on trends,
developments and use of new equipment, medicines as a neonatologist.
One author who uses his field of endeavour to author novels is
Jonathan Kellerman.
answers2: You can be _anything_ and an author. Most authors have a day
job too, at least while they are starting out.

Sunday 8 September 2019

What colleges can you become an author at?

answers1: There is no sure fire way to become an author but going to a
research university like Johns Hopkins is a bad idea. <br>
Big universities are great for graduate school but colleges give
individual attention and future authors need attention.  From Reed
College to Rollins College to Birmingham Southern College the small
schools are kicking a--! <br>
Every once in a blue moon the big schools turn out a good product but
its far and in between. Even by the standards of big schools you
would be crazy to pick University of Pittsburgh when several state
schools are just as good and less expensive. The University of Iowa
and The University of Missouri are known for producing writers.
answers2: To be an author, a college degree isn't as important as your
writing ability. I'm pretty sure 95% of major universities offer a
degree in English. A degree in Creative Writing wouldn't be such a bad
idea either. Johns Hopkins University is the best school for Creative

Saturday 7 September 2019

Author Rankings, Fanfiction.net?

answers1: Author rankings? Never heard of them. You're going to have
to elaborate on that if you want any more help. <br>
The only things I can think of that you might mean are: <br>
Ratings - found under "Publish" >>> "Guidelines" but a copy is also
available here: <a href="http://www.fictionratings.com/guide.php"
Traffic - any of "Traffic" sections depending on what it is you want
the information for (User, story, forum, etc)

Friday 6 September 2019

what is the best book you ever read?

answers1: . <br>
"The Blue Castle." <br>
Written in the 1920 or 30's. By Lucy Maude Montgomery. <br>
I found it at the library, and read it in about 1952. I always wanted
a copy of my own, and found it on amazon.com. <br>
If you go to amazon.com and read the reviews on "The Blue Castle", you
will see where several people tell of the book changing their life.
It changed mine. -- It gives courage and hope. <br>
It's "old fashioned" but the inspiration is still there!!! <br>
answers2: 1984 by George Orwell------best book ever!
answers3: jodi picoult is great.-The Pact <br>
ive also read every nicholas sparks book andd i loved Three Weeks With
My Brother
answers4: Fantasy: <br>
Holder of Lightning, by S.L. Farrell. Not the best, but it's pretty
good. Its sequel, Mage of Clouds, is good as well. (Yeah, the titles
stuck, but the books are still good.) <br>
Mystery: <br>
Fear Nothing by Dean Koontz. It is the BEST mystery book I have read.
The sequel, Seize the Night, is awesome as well. <br>
Sci-Fi: <br>
Recursion, by Tony Ballantyne. First in a trilogy, but I don't
recommend the other books. They're worse than the first one, and
answers5: The Lion, The Witch, And the Wardrobe.<3
answers6: 'The Secret History' by Donna Tartt <br>
'The End Of The Affair' by Graham Greene <br>
'Lolita' by Vladimir Nabokov
answers7: The Perks of Being A Wallflower (as several people have
already mentioned) never ceases to be amazing.
answers8: I don't have a favorite book, but the books I did enjoy
readin was thirteen reasons why, and perk of being a wallflower, and
lovely bones. I enjoyed reading them
answers9: The Notebook, The Last Song, and Dear John, All by Nicholas
Sparks. AMAZING books
answers10: Uglies <br>
North Of Beautiful <br>
Undone <br>
Girl <br>
Smack <br>
Pretty Things <br>
Lets Get Lost <br>
Confessions of Georgia Nicholson <br>
<3 I love reading.
answers11: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows.. <br>
amazing plot <br>
lots of action <br>
a bit romance

Wednesday 4 September 2019


Pinterest, Inc. [NYSE: PINS] shares fell -1.18% or -0.41 points from their previous closing price of $34.42. The stock reached $34.01 during the last trading session. Over the last 5 trading days of the week, the PINS share price rose for 2 out of 5 days, increasing by +0.59% over the last 7 days.

PINS had two major price moves with the last trading session as the price rose to a high of $34.67 and reached $33.72 at one point. The most recent high is set lower than the 52-week high of $34.67. The most recent high is the $34.67 high. The 52-week high is currently at $36.83 from the current stock price, marking a rally from the recent low of $23.05. The 52-week high is now at $36.83 from the current stock price.

Pinterest, Inc. (NYSE:PINS): Analyst Valuation and Results of Operations
Stock traders often keep abreast of what leading stock market analysts are saying about a possible stock purchase. When it comes to Pinterest, Inc. PINS], the most recent average analyst rating available, comes from the quarter ending in December. On average, stock market experts give PINS a hold rating. The share price ranged from 23.05 to 36.83. This is compared to the last closing price of $34.42.

Wall Street analysts give their ratings on a scale of 1 to 5 and the current average for Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] sits at 2:58 a.m.. This is compared to 1 month earlier when the average rating was 2.58.

For the quarter ending March 19, Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] generated revenues of $0.2 billion. That's 0.65% more than the average estimate of $0.2 billion presented by Wall Street analysts. The three above indicators suggest that the stock as a whole has a mixed mix of positive appeal and some drawbacks, making it a somewhat risky investment that also has the potential to generate a high ROI over the long term.

Keep an eye out for the next planned quarterly results that this company is expected to publish on Do 7 November (65 days).

Fundamental analysis from Pinterest, Inc. (PINS)
Let us now turn to profitability: with a current operating margin for Pinterest, Inc. PINS] was -9.88 and its gross margin was +68.04.

The return on total capital of this company is -7.70, the return on invested capital 12.60%. The return on equity is -7.04 and the return on assets is -5.23. These figures indicate that Pinterest, Inc. is poorly managing its assets and is unlikely to be able to deliver successful short-term results to its investors.

In order to investigate the capital structure of this company, Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] has generated a total debt to total equity ratio of 17.39. Similarly, the total debt to total assets ratio is 12.69.

What about the valuation? The enterprise value to EBITDA of this company is -337.97. The enterprise value to sales for this company is now 24 August.

Shifting the focus to employee efficiency, Pinterest, Inc. PINS] earns $420,663 for each employee as part of their payroll. Also of interest are the liquidity data of this listed organization: its quick ratio is 8.20 and its current ratio is 8.20. Taking these ratios into account, this company has a healthy ratio between its short-term cash and cash equivalents and its short-term liabilities, making it a less risky investment.

Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] has 548.07 million shares outstanding, representing a total market capitalization of $18.86 billion. The share price ranged from 23.05 to 36.83. At its current price, it has fallen -7.65% from its 52-week high and 47.57% from its 52-week low.

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) of this stock is 55.87. This RSI value is good, indicating that this stock is neither overbought nor oversold.

Conclusion: Is Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] is a reliable buy?
Shares of Pinterest, Inc. PINS] provide investors with both positive and negative signals. Wall Street analysts have mixed valuations when it comes to the 12-month price outlook, and this company's financial figures show a combination of strengths and weaknesses. Based on the price performance, this investment is somewhat risky and at the same time has a reasonable potential for ROI.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

Which books for AIEEE and IIT?

answers1: NCERT books are not sufficient for IIT. You have practice
from other books also. I do prefer the Pradip's Books.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Are there any other books like the book Coraline by Neil Gainman?

answers1: I don't know the book, so I can't recommend books like it. BUT... <br>
If you go to Amazon and search on Coraline ( <a
), and then scroll down, you'll find books people buy after reading
this one. In this case, they all seem to be by Neil Gaiman - oh, well!
I guess Stardust is another one by him that people like along with
Coraline. <br>
There's also this website, where you put in a book and it recommends
what to read next. <a
Have you read Edward Eager's books, like Half Magic? They're old, but
you can still get them at the library and in stores. They may be too
young for you, I don't know, but they're good fantasies and they're
not scary.
answers2: Well i read the book and the books: <br>
Neverwhere: A Novel <br>
The sandman: The Doll's House <br>
The Sandman <br>
Sandman: Book of Dreams <br>
Strange Attraction <br>
Hellraiser: Collected Best <br>
Spawn <br>
These are books that might fit into the type of book your looking for <br>

Monday 2 September 2019

What are kitchen table books?

answers1: Kitchen Table Books are a series of books written by Rachel
Naomi Remen,M.D. <br>
They are books about wisdom passed along while sitting at the Kitchen Table.
answers2: What approximately twilight? seeing that new moon was once
the least terrible I could use that one and burn the others. rather of
burning them might be recycle? All that paper gosh decide upon a
smaller font! Why could you desire to even see the ones books
underneath you espresso desk. It could destroy my day everyday. Maybe
purchase a brand new espresso desk and recycle the entire books.