Wednesday 25 December 2019

what are some cute hair styles? ?

answers1: Kinky Twist <br>
Micros <br>
Mohawk <br>
Bob <br>
Short Hair Styles <br>

answers2: heres a good website <br>

Monday 23 December 2019

Most popular style of northern kung fu?

answers1: that's a hard question to answer as some would say tai chi
is northern but i'm not so sure about that so i'm gonna say bagua
answers2: Eagle Claw <br>
Northern Praying Mantis <br>
I don't know if Wing Chun is actually the most popular southern
style... Choy Le Fut, Bak Mei, Hung Gar... all very popular southern
answers3: I would say it is Northern Praying Mantis.

Sunday 22 December 2019

boxing style?

answers1: Mostly it depends on what type your opponent is, once you
see what type he uses then determine what type you wish to use..
answers2: Ditto what Bill said...keep the horse in front of the cart.
Then determine your best style.
answers3: ya you should learn what you need to know and always keep
your hands up and when you get good enough you can choose your own
style.and remember that styles are like snow flakes,you will never
find the same one twice.
answers4: Learn the basics first.Hands held high in the right
position. Learn the correct way to jab, straight right (from the
shoulder) and followed by a tight left hook, both to the body and
head. Short choppy steps on the balls of your feet, forward back, side
to side. Be yourself, nevermind what others could do, but what bests
works for your natural style and ability.Start at the bottom and work
up. Good luck.
answers5: i'm extra of an interior fighter and physique puncher
equivalent to Joe Frazier minus the large left hook. I could desire to
combat on the interior because of the fact i'm particularly short for
my weight one hundred sixty five pounds 5ft 7 so a spectacular style
of the adult males I face throughout opposition and sparring are many
times taller than i'm. I wish i ought to combat extra like Chad Dawson
or Bernard Hopkins very technical working in the back of the Jab and
fending off punishment, besides the undeniable fact that my top and
length won't enable me too. I even have contemplated shifting right
down to 156 the place the combatants are my top the only difficulty
with it fairly is I haven't any concept a thank you to cut back
weight. I even have been examining some articles and observing DVD's
on a thank you to cut back weight top yet I even have desperate to no
longer do it until eventually i be responsive to precisely what i'm
doing because of the fact its a risky ingredient to toy with.
answers6: if you are only 135-140 lbs. stay away from the hits if you
can't take them. i'm guessing you're pretty lanky. <br>
use you own style

Saturday 21 December 2019

what are the different styles of cowboy hats?

answers1: As far as I can tell, there is only one style and that is
the "cowboy hat". It can be made in different materials (i.e. felt
and straw) and colors. Another name for this type of hat is the
Stetson hat, named after John B. Stetson, the first to make this kind
of hat.

Friday 20 December 2019

Does anyone know any good beauty websites?

answers1: <a href="http://www.hairfinder.com"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.hairfinder.com</a> <br>
<a href="http://www.greatestlook.com"
answers2: <a href="http://www.ehow.com/"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.ehow.com/</a> <br>
<a href="http://seventeen.com/"
answers3: Allure.com
answers4: what i usually do is just put beauty into google and it
brings loads up that way
answers5: www.playboy.com
answers6: www.sephora.com

Thursday 19 December 2019

Beauty pageant interview questions?

answers1: do you think affirmative action is still needed? <br>
why should we pick you? <br>
what would you say/teach to young girls?
answers2: About Family,Hobbies,What there intentions are in the
working field,Where the grew up,Brothers,Sisters,How and what can they
offer to there community,Favorite movie,colour,Are they prepared to do
voluntrey work,and what would they choose.Ihope i helped it gives an
insite to there heart because that is where beauty begins.Good Luck.

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Can you define what beauty is?

answers1: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Smile and you will be
beautiful <br>
But read what Voltaire wrote on beauty <br>
Ask a toad what beauty is, the to kalon? He will answer you that it is
his toad wife with two great round eyes issuing from her little head,
a wide, flat mouth, a yellow belly, a brown back. Interrogate a Guinea
African, for him beauty is a black oily skin, deep-set eyes, a flat
nose. Interrogate the devil; he will tell you that beauty is a pair of
horns, four claws and a tail. Consult, lastly, the philosophers, they
will answer you with gibberish: they have to have something conforming
to the arch-type of beauty in essence, to the to kalon.
answers2: Something that attracts or is good in comparison with others. <br>
It may be a person(male or female of whatever age), a stallion,a
building like the Taj Mahal,a painting or poem, sunrises and sunsets,
a colourful constellation of stars, a dance, a well-performed
butterfly swim,a sports car,a dress,a piece of Egyptian jewelry, a
song or musical piece, a plan,great virtues and moral values, etc.
It can actually be applied to anything in life, whatever it is that
strikes your mind, heart or spirit. We should not confine 'beauty'
only to an adult female with curves, big assets or classical features,
Cleopatra or a modern day Miss Universe, for that would be too shallow
a concept in a world and Universe of countless forms of beauty.
answers3: Generally admirable objects are considered as beautiful.
Beauty is also considered as a symbol of completeness.
answers4: to see with eyes <br>
that see past the surface <br>
to see what good is harbored there <br>
or too to discern <br>
what evil might be harbored <br>
that one can see how the outer can hide <br>
or reveal what is inside... <br>
and thus being able to overlook faults <br>
to see the true potential <br>
but overlooking does not mean one does not see wickedness for what it is <br>
and how if one does not warn one of their wickedness <br>
if so called to do by god <br>
that the wicked persons sins <br>
can then stain ones own very soul <br>
this would be i think <br>
according to the second kind of sin that jesus speaks of in luke 12 <br>
which has to do with knowing a good one is responsible for but not
doing such <br>
that can be evil for ones soul <br>
but not as evil as knowing evil and doing evil..that is wickedness <br>
that can bring damnation <br>
tho where most christians thing hell is eternal suffering <br>
i do not think that is what the greek of the new testament actually says...
answers5: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot <br>
be seen or touched, but are felt in the heart. - Helen Keller ♥
answers6: The following are some quotes that come close to explaining
what beauty really is. <br>
`The average girl would rather have beauty than brains because she
knows the average man can see better than he can think.`` Anonymous
``Beautiful hands are they that do deeds thar are noble, good, and
true: beautiful feet are they that go swiftly to lighten another`s
woe.`` Anonymous
answers7: Beauty is convention.
answers8: Well, I've always seen beauty as the combination of all
attractive traits of a human being, be they physical or metaphysical.
That's about as simple as I can make it.
answers9: Beauty is an appreciation that has seen by others.
answers10: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Tuesday 17 December 2019

what does mean the beauty for you ?

answers1: yes
answers2: Sorry i didnt really understand that... <br>
1. beauty <br>
Beauty is a thing seldom seen. It is held by all within the soul it
lies, waiting to come out to the surface, but it can only be found if
someone is sharing your soul with you. Beauty is suppressed by the
evils of the world. Only love can bring beauty out. Once seen, beauty
never hides again. Not even hatred can deny beauty of it's true
design. Beauty, although possessed by all by few and fewer yet will
ever see one of the most beautiful sights - the beauty held by you.
answers3: beauty means to me being different and unique and being how
you wanna be not how others make you
answers4: idk i dont think it exists <br>
<a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?link=ask_add&qid=20080103015001AAKG64P"class=Clr-b>http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?link=...</a>
<a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Anv.fIyrAlq5jsnTcLAPLQbsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080103011233AA2PrSP"class=Clr-b>http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...</a>

Monday 16 December 2019

Beauty tips/secrets?

answers1: I trim my nosehairs at least once a month.
answers2: drink 8 glasses of water a day for a clearer complexion do a
facial massage every night to stimulate circulation and firm skin only
shampoo your hair when it looks greasy take fish oil tablets or pre
natal pills for healthier skin hair and nails a spoonful of olive oil
on an empty stomach a few times a week improves hair skin and nails
use anti aging products even if you have young skin. this will prevnt
alot of aging in the long run sleep on your back. this will
significantly prevent wrinkles on your face exfoliate a few times a
week brushing your hair alot stimulates hair growth dont use ponytail
holders with metal peices always pat concealer or eye creams on, never
rub vasaline is a great, cheap, non irritating make up remover
sprinkling baby powder on greasy roots absorbs some of the oil if you
have dry skin, dont just moisturize. scrub away the dead cells first
workout. it not only improves your body but releases hormones that
make you feel good and improves your overall confidence confidence is
the best beaty secret
answers3: - Drink lots of water. It's been said SO many times, I know,
but it really does help. <br>
- Lip-balm (or even Vaseline when I'm broke!) is my number one beauty
product. Seriously. <br>
- Try and buy good quality make-up and hair-care products. <br>
- On hair-care - don't straighten, curl with heated curlers, or
blow-dry on a high setting, at least not unless it's a special
occasion! <br>
- For smooth lips - smother them in olive oil, then take a really soft
toothbrush (like one used for babies to keep their gums healthy,
before they start popping out teeth), smother /that/ in olive oil, and
very gently rub your lips with them. Then put on lots of lip-balm. It
gets rid of those little skin flakes, and it makes them redder and a
little fuller. <br>
- Use a really good hair-brush, or a wide-toothed comb. <br>
- If you have hair longer than shoulder-length, or even chin-length if
it tangles easily, it's easiest to brush from the bottom up. What you
do: <br>
*take the last few inches of hair and comb them through <br>
*then go up a few inches and comb from there down <br>
*then go up another few inches and comb from /there/ down <br>
*keep going until your hair's all brushed. <br>
It takes a little longer, but if you have a knot at the bottom and a
knot at the top, and you keep brushing downwards, what happens? A
really huge, nasty tangle that takes even longer to brush out! <br>
- To look a million dollars, all you need is: <br>
*a little concealer if you have pimples or dark shadows <br>
*a small amount of foundation if your skin is less-than-perfect <br>
*a bit of blush, the natural colour of your skin when you've just done
a little exercise (the idea here is to look prettily flushed, not
just-sprinted-for-5-kilometres beetroot) <br>
*a bit of lip-gloss, lip-balm or - if you want to draw attention to
your lips - lip-stick (but make sure it's a similar colour to your
lips!) <br>
*a dusting of eye-shadow that draws attention to your eyes, if you
want them drawn attention to (handy hints: gold or peach shades bring
out blue eyes; purple or pink for green eyes; purples and greens for
brown eyes) but if you don't want them too obvious, a "nude" shimmer
with a dusting of brown by the eyeline looks good on everyone <br>
*a bit of mascara - brown for day/brown-black for night if you have
blonde or red hair, brown-black for day/black for night if you have
brown hair, black for day/blue-black for night if you have black hair
- Remember, the idea of make-up is to flatter your good points and
downplay your bad, it isn't to make you look like a whole new person!
- Love your body, even if it isn't perfect.
answers4: Sleep a lot

Sunday 15 December 2019

Have you ever wished you could tell your body "stop" whenever it does something wrong?

answers1: It's not your body, it's your brain.
answers2: yeah..my acne
answers3: Aye ........ many times specially ??
answers4: Trying to tell you no, but my body keeps on telling you yes <br>
Trying to tell you stop, but your lipstick got me so out of breath <br>
I'd be waking up, in the morning probably hating myself <br>
And i'd be waking up, feeling satisfied but guilty as hell
answers5: Oh... yeah. She was saying, "No, no, no." But, hey, what's
done is done.
answers6: Yes! And I do when I have my wits about me, and it generally obeys.
answers7: Yessss
answers8: yes yes yes yes yessssssssss

Saturday 14 December 2019

vs secret garden perfume or body mist ?

answers1: Body Mist. I have it, and it last a long time and the scent
stays on for a while.
answers2: The body mist smells like a 12 year old hooker.
answers3: Body mist fersure!!!
answers4: if your going for the lasting factor i would say perfume.
Most mist is diluted with water so it doesn't last that long. But it
also depends on where you put it and if its on clean skin or lotion
answers5: body mist
answers6: body mist! (:

Friday 13 December 2019

im look for a supra. wide body or normal body?

answers1: wide body is the one that makes the car look wider. hence
the name. you may have never seen one, so im not poking fun. but no
they dont give any more engine space. it is just a panel design. if
you dont know what panels are, they are the sheet metal parts that get
painted and put on the outside. they go over the frame so you could
make your supra twice as wide as stock and the only thing youd get is
space inbetween the frame and panels. and a weird looking toyo. hope
this helps
answers2: Normal body would be stock - ie as designed and put together
by Toyota. <br>
Wide body means that the guards (front and/or rear) guards have been
replaced with fibreglass. Generally guards will flare out to make the
car look more aggressive - depending on the styling. Also means that
you can put bigger and/or wider rims on as well.
answers3: All Supras are the same size body Mate. <br>
The wide body is just body kit attached to the outside of the original
shell. <br>
As for engine room the massive 3.0ltr 2JZ engine is quite happy where
it is with out more room lol
answers4: lol

Thursday 12 December 2019

what body feature would you rather have?

answers1: hairy body cause you could at least hide it by waxing or
shaving or laser hair removal, if you have acne you can't get rid of
it as easy
answers2: id rather be hairy.....some chicks dig it.......no chicks
dig acne unless your diddy and get proactiv
answers3: Detroit clean and Robin dirty, LOL <br>
Who's your tiger-mines Miller! He rocks :-) <br>
no help at all right!
answers4: Yikes... <br>
If i had no other choices, i guess hairy. I can always
shave/wax/otherwise remove it. Acne is just nasty to me, especially
all over the body.
answers5: Well that is easy for me to answer I'm a female so acne it
can be treated and go away hair will always come back, and that ain't
cool with me at all.
answers6: Hair Body, I would just get it waxed off. Acne is hard to get rid of
answers7: the hairy body bc you can get it waxed and get it done fast. <br>
zits you cant do anything about and its seriously disgusting. <br>
at least hair can be clean.
answers8: How bored are you? Y the hell would u ask that? Reading that
was like 2 seconds of my life i can never get back.
answers9: quite a choice that...i'll choose hairy acne on robin williams.
answers10: i would rather have a hairy body because you can get ride
it by shaving it off even though it may come back it wont be like it
first was of. but acne is one of those things that doens't seem like
it will ever go away

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Body temperature?

answers1: the normal range for normal body temperature is 36.0 - 37.5
degrees celsius. also 96.8 - 99.5 degrees farenheit.
answers2: about 36.9 degree Celsius
answers3: 98.6 Degrees Fahrenheit
answers4: The body temp. is 98.6 degrees farenhite. come even i knew
that question and im only 10!

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Can Africans have pale or light skin?

answers1: No
answers2: Troll. And a pretend African.
answers3: No. Even octoroon blacks tend to have black skin.
answers4: No
answers5: Only people from Northern Africa: Berbers.

Monday 9 December 2019

What is good exfoliator for skin?

answers1: I love Aveeno Daily Brightening Scrub! It has microbeads so
it is great for sensitive skin and my skin feels smoother and looks
great now! It really prevents acne!
answers2: use Jason Vitamin C face scrub great for even skin tone.
answers3: sugar/salt. Also if your put sugar on a lemon it is good for
exfoliation acne and getting rid of freckles (from like tanning and
answers4: Sugar.
answers5: Queen Helene Mint Julep Natural Face Scrub <br>
For pores you might want to try the face mask.