Wednesday 27 March 2019


Ducharse con una solución de 1-3 cucharadas (44.4 ml) de vinagre en un cuarto de galón de agua. Repita una vez al día mientras tenga síntomas, pero no más de una semana.

Coma yogur. Contiene bacterias útiles (cultivos vivos, incluyendo acidophilus y bifidus) que destruyen la levadura. También funciona cuando se aplica tópicamente. Inserte un poco en la vagina usando un dedo o un aplicador de tampón de plástico. Use sólo yogur natural con cultivos activos.

Use un diente de ajo como supositorio. El ajo contiene un agente antifúngico natural. Pele un clavo fresco, envuélvalo en una gasa e introdúzcalo en la vagina.

Utilice un remedio de venta libre para la infección por hongos levaduriformes. Aplique según las instrucciones.

Prueba con violeta de genciana. Es un remedio tradicional para la levadura y otras infecciones, y se puede encontrar en las farmacias. Limpie el área con un hisopo una o dos veces al día. Asegúrese de usar una almohadilla gruesa, ya que mancha todo.

Disminuya o elimine el azúcar y los alimentos azucarados. El azúcar promueve el crecimiento de la levadura.

Usa una ducha vaginal a base de hierbas. Combine cantidades iguales de salvia, frambuesa y consuelda con 1/4 parte de sello de oro. Se puede combinar con vinagre de sidra.

Tome suplementos de lactobacilos/acidófilos. Use de acuerdo a las instrucciones en la botella.

Monday 25 March 2019


Litecoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant, near-zero cost payments to anyone in the world. Litecoin is an open source, global payment network that is fully decentralized without any central authorities. Mathematics secures the network and empowers individuals to control their own finances. Litecoin features faster transaction confirmation times and improved storage efficiency than the leading math-based currency. With substantial industry support, trade volume and liquidity, Litecoin is a proven medium of commerce complementary to Bitcoin.  

Litecoin is an open source software project released under the MIT/X11 license which gives you the power to run, modify, and copy the software and to distribute, at your option, modified copies of the software. The software is released in a transparent process that allows for independent verification of binaries and their corresponding source code. 

The Litecoin blockchain is capable of handling higher transaction volume than its counterpart - Bitcoin. Due to more frequent block generation, the network supports more transactions without a need to modify the software in the future. 
As a result, merchants get faster confirmation times, while still having ability to wait for more confirmations when selling bigger ticket items.

Miners are currently awarded with 25 new litecoins per block, an amount which gets halved roughly every 4 years (every 840,000 blocks). 
The Litecoin network is therefore scheduled to produce 84 million litecoins, which is 4 times as many currency units as Bitcoin.

Sunday 24 March 2019

3 Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges In The World To Buy Any Altcoins

Slowly and steadily, Bitcoin and altcoins are getting attention from more investors all around the world.

And why not? These cryptocurrencies are time and again proving themselves to be a safe haven against government's inflationary policies.

That's why some people are even securing cryptocurrencies as their retirement funds, while some are doing pure speculation with short-term trading (i.e. buy low, sell high).

And let's not forget about those who are just starting off by looking around to find the answer to questions like:

But before we talk about the best exchanges out there, I need to tell you that it's not too late to get invested in cryptocurrencies. At the time of this writing, the Bitcoin and altcoin market is at an all-time high, with a market cap of $166 billion. I believe we will cross the $250 billion mark later this year.

So now that you know you should invest, here's where you need to go to do that.

Here is a consolidated list of best cryptocurrency exchanges with my comments:

Binance:Offers mobile app and probably the fastest growing exchange. If you need to pick only one, this is the best and #1 in 2019.
Bittrex: Another high-quality exchange with a lot of coins
KuCoin: One of the strongest exchange that also offers a mobile app (Android and iOS). They have been constantly updating their mobile app to make it one of the best in the industry.

How to Help Someone with Anger Issues

Anger is a common emotion and can easily spiral into rage, so there's
a chance you will someday encounter a friend, family member, or
partner who has trouble controlling their anger. You can help them,
first and foremost, by reeling in your own emotions, as becoming upset
yourself will likely worsen the problem. After responding
appropriately and de-escalating their anger, try motivating them to
get help for their anger. Having a loved one with a fiery temper can
be stressful, so be sure to look after yourself too.

Defusing Tension in the Moment

Stay calm during tense situations. If your loved one gets angry, the
only way you can effectively defuse the situation is by getting a hold
of your own anger. Losing your own temper will only make matters
worse. Breathe in and out deeply. Count silently to 100 or go splash
water on your face to clear your head.[1]

Speak in an even, moderate tone of voice. Lower your voice, so that
it's just above a whisper. Doing this helps you maintain calm without
shouting, but it also reinforces appropriate communication. Your loved
one will likely follow suit and lower their voice, too.[2]

Give your full attention when listening. Many angry people get that
way because they feel no one is listening to them. Turn off your loved
one's angry switch by giving them 100% of your attention. Turn to face
them and hear them out without interrupting.[3]
Being a good listener could help defuse the situation completely. Be
sure to pay attention to the underlying issue.

Show compassion towards the other person. Your loved one may act angry
because they don't believe they are being heard or understood. Be sure
to validate their experience and let them know that you are taking
them seriously and respect their opinions.[4]
Demonstrate your understanding by using reflection techniques. This
might sound like, "I can see why you feel angry about the teller being
rude to you," or "I think I understand the problem. You feel

Assert your boundaries. Insist that your angry loved one treat you
with respect. In a calm and cool manner, say something like, "I will
leave if you don't stop shouting," or "I won't continue this
conversation if you engage in name-calling."[5]
Once a boundary has been communicated, be firm and follow through if
the person crosses the line.

Use "I" statements to discuss the problem. You want to steer clear of
criticism or blame, so interact using "I" statements that convey your
needs without placing blame. These statements don't attack the other
person, but they do let you communicate how you feel about the
For example, instead of saying "You are always shouting at me!" say "I
feel anxious when you shout. Can we try to use indoor voices?"

Resist the urge to give advice. Angry people often view advice as
criticism, so avoid trying to fix their problem. Just actively listen.
If you want to try to work out whether your loved one merely wants to
vent or needs a solution, ask them— after they've finished talking.[7]
You might ask, "Do you want help with the problem or did you just want
to get everything off your chest?" before you try to offer advice. Or,
you could say, "I understand your anger. How can I help?"
If your loved one tends to view you as critical, save your solutions
for another time when they've cooled off.

Take a break if you need one. If you feel under attack or overwhelmed
during communication with an angry person, ask for a timeout. You
might say, "I don't think we're going to reach an agreement if we're
shouting at each other. Let's take 10, okay?" Go someplace where you
feel safe and get your own emotions under control.[8]
Listen to soft music, watch a silly YouTube video, or call someone who
tends to calm you down.

more : https://www.wikihow.com/Help-Someone-with-Anger-Issues

Tuesday 19 March 2019

How to Make a Hat for a Dog

Dog hats make a cute accessory for a holiday gathering or a
photoshoot. While you can always buy a hat, making your own is much
more convenient. It's not too difficult, and you get to custom-size
the hat to fit your dog's head. Best of all, you get to choose the
colors and patterns for the hat! Just remember: never leave the hat on
your dog unattended!

Cut a cardstock circle that's twice the height you want the hat to be.
Decide how tall you want your dog's hat to be, then double it. Find a
plate or bowl roughly that size, then set it face-down on sheet of
cardstock. Trace around the cardstock with a pen, then cut the circle
out with scissors.[1]
For example, if you want an 4 in (10 cm) tall hat, you need to make an
8 in (20 cm) wide circle.
You can also use poster paper and thin cardboard. The color doesn't
matter since you'll be covering it.

Cut a wedge from the circle that's a little bit more than a quarter of
its size. Use a pen and ruler to trace 2 lines from the outside edge
of the circle to the middle. If this were a clock, you'd be drawing
the lines from 12 o'clock and 4 o'clock to the center. Cut the wedge
out when you're done.[2]
Find the middle of the circle by measuring it, or by folding it in
half lengthwise and widthwise. If you fold the circle, be sure to
unfold it.

Discard the edge and curve the cut-out circle into a cone. Don't
staple or glue the cone shut just yet. You just need it to have a
slight curve before you add the fabric. If you don't have this curve,
the fabric won't stretch properly around it when you do curve it.[3]

Coat the back of the cone and your fabric with spray adhesive. Each
brand of spray adhesive will be a little different, so be sure to read
the instructions on the back of the can. In most cases, you need to
shake the can, then spray the adhesive using a sweeping motion in a
well-ventilated area.[4]
Cotton fabric works the best here, but felt will also work. You can
use a solid color or a pattern.
Match the fabric to the occasion. For example, if this is a birthday,
try a bright, happy color, such as yellow, with a colorful confetti
Alternatively, choose a dog-themed pattern. For example, you could
pick black paw prints on a blue background, or white doggy bones on a
red background.
Press the cardstock against the fabric, then trim the excess fabric
away. Set the fabric face-down on a flat surface so that the sticky
side is facing up. Next, set the cardstock sticky-side-down on top of
the fabric. Smooth the fabric over the cardstock, then cut the rest
When you're done, you should end up with a cut-out circle that's
fabric in one side and paper on the other.
For a nicer finish, leave a 1⁄2 in (1.3 cm) seam allowance around the
curved part of the circle, then fold the excess fabric onto the back
of the cardstock.

Roll the cardstock into a cone that fits your dog's head. Use a
bulldog clip to secure the bottom of the cone as you try it on your
dog's head. Ideally, it should sit right between your dog's ears, with
a little bit of extra space to the left and right.[6]
This extra space will give your dog's ears more freedom to move around.
If you can't find a bulldog clip, try an alligator clip, bobby pin, or

Hot glue the cone together. Use a pen to mark the inside of the cone
where the overlap is. Remove the bulldog clip, then roll the cone back
into shape, using the mark as a guide. Apply hot glue to the 2 layers
of cardstock to hold the cone together.[7]
Hot glue sets up fast, so work quickly! You may have to hold the cone
together for a few minutes while the glue dries.
If you don't have hot glue, try tacky glue or fabric glue instead. Use
a bulldog clip to hold the cone together until the glue dries, about
15 to 20 minutes.

Add ribbon or elastic to the bottom of the hat. Which you choose
depends on which you think your dog will react the best to. Some dogs
are fidgety, so an elastic might be best. Calmer dogs might handle a
ribbon being tied under their chin. Something that is around 1⁄8 to
1⁄4 inch (0.32 to 0.64 cm) thick would be ideal.
Ribbon: cut 2 strips of 13 1⁄2 in (34 cm) long ribbon, then hot glue
each strand to the inside of the hat.[8]
Elastic: cut a strand of elastic long enough to wrap under your dog's
chin. Tie a knot in each end, then staple the knots to the inside of
the hat.

Decorate the hat with pompoms, trim, and other items. Hot glue a large
pompom in a contrasting color to the top of the hat. Decorate the
bottom edge with a trim or a row of mini pompoms. Add other
decorations to the hat, such as glitter or sequins, if desired.[9]
Don't use any decorations you think your dog might mess with. For
example, most dogs won't appreciate tassels dangling in front of their

Monday 11 March 2019


Maintenant que les bouteilles sont prêtes, commencez à couper !

Commencez par rassembler vos bouteilles. Vous voudriez vous assurer que vous avez juste assez pour accommoder le nombre d'ampoules de fées que vous allez décorer avec des fleurs. Assurez-vous que toutes les bouteilles ont leur bouchon, car elles jouent un rôle important dans cette fabrication. L'utilisation de bouteilles d'eau transparentes produirait un résultat encore meilleur après l'ajout des couleurs, cependant, des bouteilles d'autres couleurs peuvent être utilisées.

Enfin, attachez vos fleurs aux ampoules des fées et allumez l'interrupteur ! Les couleurs des lumières contre les couleurs des pétales ne vous feraient pas regretter une minute passée à faire ces fleurs.

Percez un trou dans les bouchons des « fleurs », juste un peu plus gros que le diamètre des bulbes de fées pour qu'ils s'insèrent parfaitement dans les bouchons sans glisser dehors.

Pliez chaque pièce fendue vers l'arrière pour qu'elle prenne la forme d'un pétale. Veillez à ce qu'ils restent pliés vers l'arrière. A ce stade, vos pétales nouvellement formés ont des bords aiguisés et carrés. Très proprement, couper les bords arrondis pour créer une véritable forme de pétale et éliminer les arêtes vives.

À l'aide d'une trousse de peinture ou d'un substitut de couleur (le vernis à ongles fait aussi bien l'affaire), peignez chaque pétale à votre goût, en haut et en bas. Vos fleurs peuvent avoir chacune une couleur différente ou chaque pétale peut avoir une couleur différente. Laisser sécher après la peinture.

Friday 1 March 2019


La poda de un cerezo es necesaria para crear las condiciones adecuadas para que el árbol produzca hermosos frutos año tras año. Los cerezos jóvenes deben ser podados en forma de jarrón para permitir que la luz y el aire circulen alrededor de las ramas del árbol. A medida que el árbol madura, también se deben podar las ramas viejas y las hojas muertas. Al dirigir su árbol joven, crear un verticilo de andamio y continuar podando su árbol a medida que madura, usted puede promover el crecimiento y la salud general de los árboles.

Cree un segundo verticilo de andamio el invierno siguiente. Después de otra temporada de crecimiento, el árbol será más alto con más ramas. Evalúe el árbol y determine qué ramas desea conservar para crear un segundo verticilo de andamio unos dos pies más alto que el primero.

Pode el exceso de ramas. Cada temporada, dé un paso atrás y vea cómo crece su cerezo. Pode las ramas nuevas que no formen parte de los verticilos del andamio, así como las ramas que se cruzan entre sí. Recuerde que el objetivo es crear una forma abierta para que la luz del sol y el aire puedan llegar a la mitad del árbol para ayudarlo a dar fruto.

Espere un año antes de podar un andamio. Un verticilo de andamio es un conjunto de 4 ramas laterales que se extienden desde el árbol. Esta forma de ramas proporciona estructura y mantiene equilibrada la forma del árbol. Para promover un crecimiento saludable en su árbol, usted debe promover su crecimiento de esta manera. Sin embargo, no lo intente demasiado pronto o puede dañar su cerezo joven. Después de que haya pasado un año, puede tomar los pasos para crear un verticilo de andamio.

Mide tu cerezo. Antes de podar el árbol, mídalo con cinta métrica o con una vara de medir para ver si es lo suficientemente alto. Si el árbol es corto, espere hasta que esté bien por encima de las 30 pulgadas (76,2 cm) antes de dirigirse hacia él. Esperar hasta que el árbol esté más establecido antes de cortar la copa asegurará que el corte no debilite al árbol.

Haga una poda de emergencia si es necesario. Usted podría encontrarse con una rama enferma o moribunda durante la primavera o el verano, el momento menos ideal para podar un cerezo. Si esto sucede, pode la rama, aunque el árbol no esté dormido. La enfermedad puede propagarse a otras partes del árbol si usted no la retira inmediatamente.

Limpie todas las ramas y recortes cortados. Los cerezos son muy propensos a las enfermedades, por lo que es mejor quitar todos los recortes después de terminar de podar, especialmente si podó ramas muertas. Recoja la materia muerta del suelo y asegúrese de deshacerse de ella lejos del árbol para evitar enfermedades.

Corte la parte superior del tronco central en otoño o invierno. Cortar la copa del árbol se llama encabezado. Use sus tijeras afiladas para cortar el árbol con su a 24 a 36 pulgadas (61,0 a 91,4 cm) de altura, en un ángulo de 45 grados. Encabezar el árbol reducirá el potencial de enfermedades y podredumbre. Haga esto dentro del primer o segundo año de plantar el árbol para que pueda controlar la forma que toma el árbol a medida que crece.

Esterilizar y afilar las tijeras de podar. Usar tijeras de podar sucias y opacas para hacer cortes en las hojas de un árbol que es propenso a las enfermedades. Haga una solución de 1 parte de cloro por 9 partes de agua. Sumerja las tijeras en la solución y enjuáguelas con agua caliente. Una vez que sus tijeras estén esterilizadas, séquelas con una toalla limpia.

Mantenga dos ramas secundarias en cada rama de su andamio. Busque dos ramas secundarias fuertes y bien espaciadas para mantenerlas en cada una de las 4-5 ramas que acaba de cortar. Corte las ramas restantes a ras con la base de la rama, dejando las dos ramas más fuertes que quedan en cada pedazo de su andamio. Esto ayudará al árbol a concentrar su energía en las ramas que quedan y producir una mayor concentración de frutos.

Recorte las nuevas ramas verticales. Después del tercer año, ya no es necesario crear nuevos verticilos de andamio. Las ramas que crecen hacia afuera dan más fruto que las ramas rectas. Para obtener la máxima cantidad de fruta de su árbol, puede considerar atar una cuerda a las ramas en el andamio y clavarlas en el suelo durante la temporada de crecimiento. Hacer esto forzará a las ramas en el verticilo a crecer hacia afuera en vez de verticalmente.

Podar las ramas restantes. Haga cortes limpios a ras del árbol principal, de modo que sólo queden las ramas que forman parte del andamio. Cualquier rama sobrante, excepto las ramas principales, debe ser cortada.

Corte cada una de las cuatro o cinco ramas a 24 pulgadas (61.0 cm). Haga cortes en ángulo ⁄4 pulgadas (0,6 cm) por encima de las yemas de las cuatro ramas que eligió anteriormente. Surgirá un nuevo crecimiento donde usted haga los recortes. Deseche las ramas cortadas en la papelera.

Recorte los nuevos brotes y plántulas. Si ve brotes creciendo en la base del cerezo, córtelos. Saque también las plántulas, para que las raíces del cerezo no tengan que competir con un árbol nuevo.

Recorte la materia muerta mientras el árbol está inactivo. No importa qué tan viejo sea el árbol, siempre trate de podarlo durante el invierno, mientras aún esté dormido. Recorte las ramas muertas o secas, las hojas muertas y los frutos muertos. Tírelos al montón de abono o a la basura.

Elija 4-5 ramas espaciadas a una distancia de 8 pulgadas (20.32 cm) entre sí. Encuentra cuatro o cinco ramas que formarán tu verticilo de andamio. Las ramas que crecen a un ángulo de 45 a 60 grados con respecto al cerezo son las mejores ramas. Encuentra las ramas más sanas que crecen del árbol principal y úsalas para crear tu verticilo de andamio. La rama más baja debe estar a unas 18 pulgadas (45,7 cm) del suelo.